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  1. D

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Not so sure about that... (right mouse click - View Page Info / View Page Source) I'm not an html expert or anything, but it looks to me like it was recently posted. The date in the html head data is 2015-6-11. I would think that means it was posted on June 11. Edit: added quote / deleted...
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    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Shame on me! Should have looked first (sorry).
  3. D

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Hello. Long time lurker - don't post much at all... Came across this story on Magic Bands this morning via Twitter. Thought you all might find it interesting, very pro Magic Band - some of the comments are interesting though.
  4. D

    Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

    Long time lurker. Trying to keep up with the main theme of this thread. Thought this might be of interest. From msnbc: "Facebook is considering incorporating most of its 1 billion-plus members' profile photos into its growing facial recognition database, expanding the scope of the social...
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    Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!

    Didn't see this mentioned, but the same lame response was posted on the Disney Blog - under the first entry by Gary. How pathetic..... "Thomas Smith on November 11th, 2009 at 5:49 pm Yes…the Lights of Winter canopy has been enjoyed for years. But the technology to operate the lights is...
  6. D

    New Dumbo just the beginning of Circusland?

    Already have the Circus-themed DVC Booth.... Do you think this was themed with a future purpose in mind? (photo from MiceChat link)
  7. D

    From the Press Event - New celebration to be called "What Will You Celebrate?"

    argggh! won't work. found the link on the Dis rumors board.
  8. D

    From the Press Event - New celebration to be called "What Will You Celebrate?"

    Hello after twitter dot com, type in /______________ :)
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