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  1. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    So it is okay for the congressman to tell a company how to run itself instead of I dont know doing what they were elected to do and RUN THE COUNTRY.
  2. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Actually the shareholers will love him for it. Because the vast majority of people agree with what was said and done. But dont let reality get in the way.
  3. L

    MagicBands....Will you wear one?

    If you are concerned about a suntan because of a wristband that is sad. Just saying that there are more important things to worry about and if you are really worried about it you may have some issues.
  4. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Maybe they hate you because instead of acting like everyone does when someone disagrees with you, you guys decide to stomp your feet and refuse to back up what you say
  5. L

    Congress Questions Next Gen

    Didnt Disney just release an anouncement like 4 days ago that said they could though? Mixed messages is never good
  6. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Never said they did. But please tell me more about how a congressman should be concerned about an RFID braclet.
  7. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Well it would be a safe bet that if asked the 8 million+ out of work would be mad this man is dealing with this instead of the unemployment problem. If asked I bet the majority of the country would rather have this man dealing with gun violence, debt, immigration, debt ceiling, etc. instead of a...
  8. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    And if the attachment proves that Iger was right would you admit you are wrong? No you wont.
  9. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    It shows that the majority do not trust this congress.
  10. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    I feel like some people, not naming names, feel like Iger actually called him names and were disrespectful. He was assertive and showed force and conviction. He did was a strong CEO would do. One person here would of liked him to just bend over for the worm of congressman.
  11. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    What was the last percentage of approval? 36%, that is a pretty small minority. His law has to do with WEBSITES going after CHILDREN. Not a company with persmision from the Parents calling a child by their first name.
  12. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Obviously a person who calls an adult a "whinely " does not know what respectful means. Sorry but saying that Disney is putting children in danger when it is obvious they are not that is pretty damn disrespectful anyway you cut it. He did give him the details, it was in the attachment...
  13. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    First, thank you. Second, I have read the numerous threads. Some raise valid points. Some are just people ranting with no evidence. I have also read articles from multiple outside sources and all of them are pretty explanatory that even if the congressman had one intern read them then he would...
  14. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    The Congressman failed to even try to research MM+ before he decided to go off the deep end like a mental patient or like your favorite term, a punk 5 year old. So if you create a product and I do research on it and then ask why you are trying to endanger children with your product that means...
  15. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    He called out that hack of a congressman
  16. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    Respectful? That letter was not respectful, it was a slap in the face and showed a lack of research. If I were you I would look in the mirror before I call anyone a punk 5 year old spoiled brat, or a whiney ? I mean seriously do you work for the congressman?
  17. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    True, the message board is split. But when you have 36% approval rating I think it is safe to say that the "majority" of americans hate the current congress
  18. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    He acted the way he should of. He called the congressman out, told him how all his questions were answered if you read the website and then proceeded to be do what everyone should do to politicians, put them in their place until they do what they were elected to do.
  19. L

    Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...

    So Iger is a "whiney "? What is the congressman? A manipulative worm who did no research but instead wanted to try to gain popularity to try for John Kerry's Senate seat.
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