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  1. hoppesj2

    Park Hopping vs One Park a day

    Next week's trip for us will be the first that we will not park hop. Given the fastpass plus reservations keep you in one park, for now, we are going to try one park per day and AK is open til 8pm the day we are going there. Hoping that I will not be kicking myself but I set aside 2 days for...
  2. hoppesj2

    Is a January 20, 2014 opening date for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train possible???

    Last time I was there I missed the New Fantasyland opening by a week....I guess I will be early to the party again :grumpy:
  3. hoppesj2

    Is a January 20, 2014 opening date for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train possible???

    What event....what is happening Feb 7th?
  4. hoppesj2

    Is a January 20, 2014 opening date for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train possible???

    Jan 20th was an unconfirmed rumor I heard. I was fishing for info from some of you seasoned veterans. I never thought that I would see so much back and forth from so many people who are more knowledgeable than me. This suggests that they aren't near complete on the interior or it is in fact...
  5. hoppesj2

    dining plan question

    A reservations cast member told me as long as I am upgrading I can do it up to three days out with no fees or charges...I asked specifically about upgrading our dining package and/or adding the park hopper
  6. hoppesj2

    Is a January 20, 2014 opening date for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train possible???

    That's what I thought, but cast members in reservations have always been tight lipped unless they are specifically given information...Our next trip is February 6th so I guess its wishful thinking :confused:
  7. hoppesj2

    Is a January 20, 2014 opening date for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train possible???

    Has anyone else heard this date as the projected opening for the SDMT???? This was given by a cast member on the reservations line. I, myself, have tried trick them into giving secret info but someone who recently booked claims that they confirmed the date. I haven't seen this anywhere else...
  8. hoppesj2

    Disney in February

    I agree with all of you above...Hard to predict weather wise but generally comfy during the day in jeans and tees and a jacket or hoodie at night. There are some common refurbs scheduled this time of year such as splash mtn but one of my favorite times to go. If you go before valentines day...
  9. hoppesj2

    SpectroMagic being prepped for return..

    Unfortunately you are correct most of it has been scrapped, I have been told that from many sources. A new night time parade that has some new effects but gives a nod to each of the past shows would be nice. Maybe we will see something like that in 2099 after Avatar opens....well maybe
  10. hoppesj2

    SpectroMagic being prepped for return..

    I prefer spectro, but why can't they alternate parades and show both of them
  11. hoppesj2

    MSEP or Spectro?

    I feel Spectro is so much better...definitely less dated than MSEP...I like the Spectro music better as well
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