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  1. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    wow, what a view at the Dis on Ice show. you couldnt ask for better seats. looks like a great show, may even go next time it hits our shores. Had to laugh out loud for real at the clothes swapping incident!
  2. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    wow, so many things going on, it's a wonder you have time to breathe, let alone contribute to this report! at least things are moving regarding H's condition. hope you get results, best of luck :)
  3. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    I love this table! I wish someone did this for me as a kid. you are so creative mamamousy!
  4. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    aww, how cute is that little person, eh?
  5. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    its gonna look awesome. would love to see her face when she sees those
  6. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    glasses? what glasses? honestly they look fine :cool: love that H has the important items packed! and Duffy looks like he's strapped down ready to be tortured LOL. good to see these mini reports within the main one.
  7. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    Now the xmas excitement has paled, I was wondering what would keep me occupied for the coming winter months, n Hey Presto! ur PTR has surfaced once again. So, you had snow, went to a show, bought earrings to go, n getting cubes that glow. Well, I think I'm up to speed. :D
  8. Mr.Fixit

    Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

    Hmmm, wonder if this is available on Kindle
  9. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    Fantastic underwater pics of your 2 mermaids, Jacques Cousteau would be proud!
  10. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    that sounds awesome! i wish my trip advisor had told me about that, i would have done it. (I need to school her)
  11. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    oh jeez, what a let down of a day. n the fact the CM's didnt know what planet they were on is dispicable. even if they couldnt tell you the answer, they should go out of their way to find out, or at least point you to someone who does know. And ,for those of us who dont know bout the bawoom at...
  12. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    ok, yeah i'll go with that too!
  13. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    n i really wanna comment on this but ........
  14. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    great pics of the marine life, i couldnt get any decent ones, coz everytime one came into shot and i clicked, it swam away, so all i got was about 20 shots of fish backsides, lol. AND, I missed Club Cool:mad: How could i forget that? but thanks for reminding me for next time....
  15. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    obviously it's the head and 2 front paws of a leaping puppy, sheesh!
  16. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    Lol, Bob Jackson is a legend! So glad to find out about him, he's gotta be a sure booking next time i go. looks like u had a lot of fun that night:p As for ur Dad, there's gonna be little triggers as u go through life and ur entitled to a bit of private "me time" to remember him by. looking...
  17. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    this made me laugh to myself as i pictured H hitting on a goofball :D
  18. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    great pics, n the girls are so cute in their dresses :)
  19. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    .....or charge them yourself n fire the hubby! ;)
  20. Mr.Fixit

    Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

    Shes a rebel without a cause! :P
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