Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

Hey Everyone,I wanted to start this out with a pic of my trip journal(like in the last TR)but,I figured since there's plenty of room left in that same book for more Tr i'd make a title page instead.I found this perfectly appropriate quote from Alice In Wonderland.


My girls had mentioned that they wanted solo bday trips with mommy and originally I was supposed to be taking my oldest DD as a late bday in January,but she lost that due to behaviour issues,yep I know I'm mean ohwell!!!She now gets a chance to earn it back ,in the meantime I'm taking the youngest DD for her bday and mine during time that fits right in between the 2.she is now 7 but will be 8 at the time :( I knew I wanted to plan it ,but didn't know when and to be honest I didn't really take it seriously .....that is until about 210 days out when I went shopping over the border and found star wars material (this past trip[ we did star tours for the first time-a few times and she fell in love with it)

All that being said at 205 days out we booked our flights at an amazing rate(the cheapest i've ever found) and because I had flight credits to use ,they became so cheap that its as though 1 of us flies for free.203 days out I booked the trip portion.It's a short trip while the oldest DD will be home with daddy and I'm afraid to leave too long(thinking about how she'll be dressed for school frightens me to no end)So just me n Hailey aka "H" or whatever else i feel like calling her at the time and Me Carrie :D

Here's a pic from our last trip while riding expedition everest


This is going to be my cheapest trip ever and thats without any discounts yet,we're staying at AOA in an ariel room for 3 nights.


with no set plan for dining yet.We have until November 20th to decide that.I'm also very happy to say that I will again be seeing some of my fave magic ladies.If anyone has any non buffet dining suggestions please don't hesitate to share those with me.At this time I'm not doing the DDP because out of pocket when I can share meals with H is cheaper and just better for us(we eat smaller meals more often throughout the day,we're snackers really)


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November 20th i can book dining so wish me luck with that because as of this moment the only thing I know for sure is that I want to book chef Mickey's for dinner on the 27th


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OKay so it's official I'm a disney ditz LOL I called yesterday to maker reservations ,because the last rep i spoke to said to call on the 20th well it turns out she miscalculated and I never bothered to second guess her so I couldn't make adrs because it's not time yet.7 days to go yet so please if you have suggestions let mne know .


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Okay so it's been a bit but I've been Christmas Shopping Teehee and Finally figured out the line up for May 27th-30th,but first everyone cross ur fingers!!!!! i spoke with my Florida fam and they might be joining me for some of the trip,so that would be an added bonus and i'm really hoping it can happen.

OKay so I made my adr's (on the actual day that i was supposed to this time lol) and they are as follows.....

May 27th- Chef Mickey's with @Fashionista007 and her hubby YAY for finally meeting :D
May 28th-Be Our Guest(I've been avoiding pics on purpose so it's a total surprise when I walk through the door,and being that it's one of my fave Disney movies,i'm bound to fall in love)
May 29th-O'hana breakfast and .....drum roll please........tepan edo for dinner upon the request of some of my fave Disney Ladies so thanks for that.

I will be leaving on the 30th to come back home :( It's just a short birthday trip though and I know i'll go again sometime.i'm actually getting a park hopper this time so that should be an interesting experience for us,and i just might be crazy enough to attempt all 4 parks in one day.I'll be updating here n there with more detailed plans.See ya real soon!!!


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OKay so alot of time has passed and I started thinking more and more about the trip and I decided that rather than book too many table service meals I'd rather spend the $ on something that my youngest DD hasn't done yet so I kept my ressies for Chef Mickey's(yay shelley ) and O'hana but cancelled the others,I realise Be Our Guest may not be the same done as a counter service but I'm gonna try it out.I love the idea of tepan edo and although I was really getting excited for that I opted of it too.
So if you're wondering why the sudden changes well,..........my oldest did THe BBB full package when she was 3,and my youngest never has so I decided since this is a special trip b day trip[ that I'd rather do that for her than a few table srevice meals.I realise its not the same cost wise but i had to cut somewhere and since the only instruction I got from her was "for my birfday i wanna see pluto" I wasn't willing to cut out O'hana or Chef Mickeys.
Something else I should add is that we might be staying in Buffalo once again the night before,because DD 10 has informed me that while she loves me very much shes not willing to wake up early with Daddy to drive us to the airport,so she can manage missing me for 1 more night :( they're not supposed to say these these things to mommy WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok ok I get it she's growing up ,but no one said I have to like it right?
146 Days to go!!!!!


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Okay so I had to make the update quick yesterday but now I have more time to fill you all in on whats been going on or what will be anyways.........Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and so i've been busy helping Santa and plus we finally got snow HOORAY!!!!!!!!!


and as part of the girls christmas gift,we bought the girls tickets to Phineas and ferb live,my pics aren't great because i forgot my cam n just had my crummy phone so ure just gonna have to deal kay :D


ugh!!! and someone cut their own bangs again lucky for me 145 days is more than enpough time for them to grow in for Disney pics :D ( cross ur fingers that this doesn't happen again)


and.....this might not be the best pic but it kinda gets the atmosphere so i kept it


the show was just okay nothing great,I know its meant for the kids but I was pretty disappointed,I know Disney can do better,besides alot of the stuff aimed at kids is still amusing for big kids but this just wasn't for me.The good part is that we also went to my fave mall that day(it has a Disney store,my town doesn't) we had lunch went to the Disney store and went to Claires.

My purchases for the day.......Pirate earrings and rock n rollercoaster earrings


oh and I got 2 new shirts at the Disney store

Peter Pan


and Bambi


okay so thats whats been goin on and as for the trip...I mentioned I changed my dining and added BBB for the princess H well so heres the plan....

May 27th-ARRIVE ALIVE!!!! ( tell me you've seen those commercials?) go check-in and then head to AK until lunch,hop over to MGM(yeah uh huh I said it) and hang there until its time for our ADR at Chef Mickey's.Then it's resort n swim time.(glow cubes are a kids or parents bestfriend)

May28th-DTD BBB then Epcot,lunch @ beaches n Cream.epcot again until whenever n then hop over to MK.

May29th-Breakfast aka "Birfday Bash"@O'hana n the morning in MK then switch to Epcot later on.

May 30th-I imagine DME will be picking us up at around 10 am so we'll most likely get up have breakfast n hit the road :(


Now the xmas excitement has paled, I was wondering what would keep me occupied for the coming winter months, n Hey Presto! ur PTR has surfaced once again. So, you had snow, went to a show, bought earrings to go, n getting cubes that glow. Well, I think I'm up to speed. :D


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Now the xmas excitement has paled, I was wondering what would keep me occupied for the coming winter months, n Hey Presto! ur PTR has surfaced once again. So, you had snow, went to a show, bought earrings to go, n getting cubes that glow. Well, I think I'm up to speed. :D
LOL ure a nutter!


Well-Known Member
Soounds wonderful!! Im a HUGE Pluto lover like your DD and say the same thing to my DH.. MUST.... SEE.... PLUTO, so Chef Mickeys and Ohana breakfast is always on our ADR list LOL


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Soounds wonderful!! Im a HUGE Pluto lover like your DD and say the same thing to my DH.. MUST.... SEE.... PLUTO, so Chef Mickeys and Ohana breakfast is always on our ADR list LOL
Awe yeah my mom got her an ornament made from the photopass site for xmas,and it was of her wearing a PLuto outfit that my mom made and she went nuts over it.she calls him "My Pluto"

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