Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

Hey Everyone,I wanted to start this out with a pic of my trip journal(like in the last TR)but,I figured since there's plenty of room left in that same book for more Tr i'd make a title page instead.I found this perfectly appropriate quote from Alice In Wonderland.


My girls had mentioned that they wanted solo bday trips with mommy and originally I was supposed to be taking my oldest DD as a late bday in January,but she lost that due to behaviour issues,yep I know I'm mean ohwell!!!She now gets a chance to earn it back ,in the meantime I'm taking the youngest DD for her bday and mine during time that fits right in between the 2.she is now 7 but will be 8 at the time :( I knew I wanted to plan it ,but didn't know when and to be honest I didn't really take it seriously .....that is until about 210 days out when I went shopping over the border and found star wars material (this past trip[ we did star tours for the first time-a few times and she fell in love with it)

All that being said at 205 days out we booked our flights at an amazing rate(the cheapest i've ever found) and because I had flight credits to use ,they became so cheap that its as though 1 of us flies for free.203 days out I booked the trip portion.It's a short trip while the oldest DD will be home with daddy and I'm afraid to leave too long(thinking about how she'll be dressed for school frightens me to no end)So just me n Hailey aka "H" or whatever else i feel like calling her at the time and Me Carrie :D

Here's a pic from our last trip while riding expedition everest


This is going to be my cheapest trip ever and thats without any discounts yet,we're staying at AOA in an ariel room for 3 nights.


with no set plan for dining yet.We have until November 20th to decide that.I'm also very happy to say that I will again be seeing some of my fave magic ladies.If anyone has any non buffet dining suggestions please don't hesitate to share those with me.At this time I'm not doing the DDP because out of pocket when I can share meals with H is cheaper and just better for us(we eat smaller meals more often throughout the day,we're snackers really)


Well-Known Member
Heck ya for the double digit dance!!!!! I didn't realize you did so many updates since i last read! So sorry I didn't reply sooner!!!!!!!! Um so I LOVE that Ariel Birthday stuff where did you get it from????

And that table with those Mickey pancakes so cute!!!!

You and your snow.....take it all from me!! lol


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Heck ya for the double digit dance!!!!! I didn't realize you did so many updates since i last read! So sorry I didn't reply sooner!!!!!!!! Um so I LOVE that Ariel Birthday stuff where did you get it from????

And that table with those Mickey pancakes so cute!!!!

You and your snow.....take it all from me!! lol

Haha I ordered the decorations off ebay,and Hailey bought herself an Ariel bathing suit with matching flipflops for the trip too With a gift card she got from my mom.Oh and I'll gladly take your snow anytime!!!I'm convinced that if I collect everyone elses snow I'll have enough to last the year :D


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OKay so I haven't done in update in a while because I've had ALOT going on.DR's appointments pretty much at least 1 a week still for myself or H.I had to go and have 2 types of ultrasounds,bloodwork n some other tests done and I'll go get those results this coming week.H had a physical at the dr's and an assessment with someone from the school board.......the physical showed some things I wasn't aware of (so again no answers just more questions)and she's now being sent out of town to a pediatrician at a well known university hospital for further testing because she has characteristics of some different syndromes.Then I had a meeting at the school to let me know how her assessment there went,and they found some things we wouldn't have known otherwise also,so even though it seems we are still very far away from diagnosis for her she will be getting one on one help at school once a week for 30 minutes(that may change later to more time)Wish us luck.


wow, so many things going on, it's a wonder you have time to breathe, let alone contribute to this report! at least things are moving regarding H's condition. hope you get results, best of luck :)

Cassie S.

Active Member
God bless you and your family as you go to all the doctor's appointments... I have really enjoyed reading this PTR. We will be going to Disney the week before you guys.:)


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Called today to book my resorts for October,I will be doing a split stay for my first time.3 Nights at Pop 3 Nights at POFQ with a 4 day Park hopper because we will be hanging out with friends who live in florida some of the time.


Well-Known Member
OOoooo I didn't know you will be doing a split stay in October!!!! POFQ is one of my favorites! So beautiful there! And Pop is my favorite value..well we all know that will change when we stay in AoA LM rooms haha :)


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Okay so much news so little time,still lots of appointments for H and I and so I've kinda been slummin and avoiding the forums for fear of passing on my misery.Hailey had a physical a little while ago n the dr said that she had some signs of some different syndromes so she'll be seeing a specialist at a sick kids hospital in another city,but not sure of that date yet.It's sooo frustrating because I need to be ok for her n I'm having a hard time with that some days.she's been assessed by someone from the school board ,and her resource teacher and a place here that deals with the mentally challenged and while everyone can agree that are a few different things going on no one seems to know exactly what.I hate to "label" her but I feel like at almost 8 yrs old a diagnosis needs to come soon so we can get her any help she needs.I need my vacation so much!!
Anyways I knew there was hope that some good would come to us soon ,when H pointed out that after my dishes were done a few days ago we saw a hidden mickey in the suds( she pretty much demanded that i mention n it n get a pic for this)Hailey for the most part lets me do my thing but there are some moments when she wants very much to be involved in the making of our pretr or tr.So upon her request here is a pic of our HM in the sink


so I needed a baby fix because what better thing to cheer you up than holding an itty bitty baby,so H n I had a date night while Ry n Daddy had a date night.H n I went to my friends house to see her baby and I got a sweet yet fuzzy pic of her holding "my little coconut"


In other news....... My sister wanted to take my nephew to Disney for his bday too but wasn't sure if she could do it financially so i offered them the extra bed in our room for May and they're coming.The good thing about this is that I had to look at flights and noticed there were more options now that southwest bought air tran.So we were able to keep our flight credit and switch to a much later flight so that we actually have time to go to a park on the last day.So let's see I have 4 friends from disney forums that will be in the parks at that time,A family from back home going at the same time,a florida family going,and now my sister n nephew so I guess that means there will be lots of fun things to do or at least I hope so.


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Okay so a few weeks ago I approached hubby with the idea of going to Disney on Ice during March Break with the girls n he said no,nomatter how much i pleaded I didnt push the issue because we had just put 930$ into our van anyways it turns out he just wanted to surpise us,the seats i was gonna buy woulda cost around 100 sumthin for the 4 of us .Well one day he came home from work n handed me tickets to disney on ice FLORR SECTION SECOND ROW OMG AHJFGHKFKFKFKFKUFKUFKUFYLU!!!! thats how excited I got so Today was the day of the show and here are a bunch of pics for you all to see......



me and my babies....


the incredibles


goofy gawrsh!!!






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