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  1. B


    i love it! so...who's your fav muppet? mine is Beaker. he cracks me up.
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    Word Association

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    Abc Tv

    Have to agree with surfsupdon about W&G. Used to love that show but I feel like it's run its course unfortunately. Thought Lost was fantastic though. ABC really has so much going for it this season. If those ratings are any indicator, Lost is going to be around for a long time. :sohappy...
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    This movie looks fantastic! I'll be seeing it Friday, no matter what. i"ve been waiting for so long. Can't wait to see Viggo!
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    Planning a trip to DL

    sounds like a great trip-and love your avatar:) RIP:(
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    Disney's Eisner Fighting for His Job

    i think that they should definitely take their time in making that decision-since this is something that could harm their future, etc
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    Accident at WDW kills CM

    how sad my thoughts and prayers are with his family-such a shame
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    Are there any Snow White updates?

    yup, and I found this delightful link this morning-for those who haven't caught it yet-has some great pics from the showany updates for us on those who've seen the show?
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    Planning a trip to DL

    yeah I would definitely check out the snow white show-have been hearing great reviews. Trying to think of what else may be many people are you going with?
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    COMCAST Proposes to buy TWDC

    yeah not sure what to think of this either....
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    Are there any Snow White updates?

    very fun-can you tell us more about it?? I want the scoop on the show:) Also-I've already got the Snow White screensaver on my computer-you all have to check this cool site out that Disney has:
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    Are there any Snow White updates?

    I do believe the special viewings start today. Now can anyone go to that or is it just the employees? I'm looking forward to show too-and found these cool pics up on the disneyland site today...
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    New Lindsay Lohan movie

    Thanks for sending that along! Looks like a great movie-and it should be fun to get all my girls toegther for this and then a spa/pampering night! When does it come out again?
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    New ABC Shows

    It's All Relative I thought the first episode of It's All Relative was really funny, so I watched it again last night. Pretty funny how Liz made her finance apologize to all of his ex-girlfriends -- can't say I'd ever make my BF do that! I really like them as a couple.
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    Primetime Preview Weekend Announced!

    Disney Animators on site! I just heard from a pal that Disney Animators are going to be on site over the ABC PT Preview wkd. Sounds like they are going to do animation demos for the kids. How fun -- I'm trying to talk my husband into making the drive to CA in Sept.
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    I went last year I had a blast last year at the ABC Primetime gig. I even got Drew Carey's autograph! It's great because California Adventure is a pretty fun park on it's own, but getting to mingle with the stars makes it that much better. I highly recommend you go if you can.
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