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    dandaman Reloaded: 8/22-9/2

    Well,thanks I have a fan.....Yeppers its James your amazing skipper..Thanks alot,I really appreciate what you typed. Catch you in the Jungle, James
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    First Day- Insanity? or ..uhhh..Insanity?

    Awesome..sounds good... I was under the impression that you were just rushed the entire first day and,or week...
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    First Day- Insanity? or ..uhhh..Insanity?

    Hey guys, just inquiring as tohow the first day is? Like, what do you usually do? is your introduction meeting (I forget what its called) the same day? How long until you usually get to work?... I knwo this kinda branches off my original question,but any help would be appreciated... Thanks guys...
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    Fall Career Starter's...Yes,All Of You...

    You have to send in your lifeguard certification form
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    If you both arrive on the same date, you have better chances of being put into the same complex...
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    Coolest Job Thread

    Stupid customers...God, I love them... I work at a movie theater where the stupid questions never stop... For example: Stupid Customer:" Excuse me sir?" Me:" yes,mam?" S.C-" I see you have "CARS" playing at 1:10...." Me:" Yes,mam" S.C-" So is that 1:10 in the morning or night?" I...
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    Coolest Job Thread

    No..I belive they meant that you could be cross-trained for other attrctions in your area... like you could operate pirates and sometimes be a skipper on the jungle cruise..
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    Coolest Job Thread

    OHHHHH... Again, sorry for my ignorance...
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    Coolest Job Thread

    yea Ive read about all the fun skippers have, I think id enjoy that. You get to ad lib on Pirates?
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    Congrats bud. :)
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    Fall Career Starter's...Yes,All Of You...

    Hey guys... I noticed that we have alot of threads based on arrival dates. i would really like to just get a comprehensive thread, were everyone thats coming posts about who they are.,where their from..etc... No matter arrival date, were all going to be...
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    CP Courses: how many?

    Ohh, thank you. Thats pretty cool, extending it for a year. Alright guys, sory for the intrusion of ignorance. Proceed.
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    CP Courses: how many?

    Guys,forgive me for my ignorance..but your all on the internships,right? i was under the impression that you could only do the program once...So whats the deal? if you attend college here you can stay on career start for awhile , for multiple semesters?
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    Coolest Job Thread

    Im trying to not get my hopes up about anything.. Im sure that whatever I do, i will enjoy it. I t'll be worth it... I really wish I could be a pirate in some way...Or just a guy working in the Haunted Mansion/Tower of Terror
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    Coolest Job Thread

    Yes..exactly..I know what you mean... I was trying to think of more high spiel jobs... I dont know of many. Maybe Im thinking to narrow here? I get what you mean, how they both would get boring. So does everything if you do it to much. I mean, I think just thew general atmosphere of the...
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    Coolest Job Thread

    Yea...I was so adament about getting an operations job...He just asked me, very nonchalantly...Talked about the Skipper for Jungle Cruise, or the Great Movie Ride... Im trying not to get my hopes up, but if its either of those... :)
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    Coolest Job Thread

    I know, its crazy when you don't know exactly what your doing. I went to a presentation, and had my interview with the recruiter there. When asked I opted for a "High Spiel" Operations job. (High Spiel meaning lots of talking). Yea...I got an operations job, but its killing me not knowing...
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    Coolest Job Thread

    Alright, this is a question posed to all veteran CS's . Which of you have been given really cool jobs? Or just ones that you you had alot of fun doing? I've been slected for operations...I havent been told exactly what Im doing yet, and I just wanna see what you guys have gotten...
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    Parking and Such......

    Alright..I put my faith in you oh typhoon man...Thanks alot :)
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    Parking and Such......

    Thanks... So I can just show up the first day with my car without any forewarning, and everything will be a.s.a.o.k?
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