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  1. yekcoh_99

    1st trip with twins!

    I agree with KDAC from my personal expierience. My kids are 2 1/2 & 4 now and they have been twice. Both times have been the greatest. Our first trip my daughter turned 2 & we returned 6 months later for my son's 4th birthday. We dined at CP & CM, I'd recommend lunchtime meals, it gave the...
  2. yekcoh_99

    Fantasyland Progress

    Ok heres the deal we are going May 2011 and will be taking our at the time 4yo niece along with our 5yo son & 3 yo daughter who've already been twice. So my question is what can we expect FL to be like May 2011. I don't want to tell her something is going to be there and it not be up and...
  3. yekcoh_99

    Railroad closing?

    I can't quite remember where I read it but I do remember reading it would shut down for a bit. I believe because the only way in to the new FL is across the tracks. Sorry I don't have better details.
  4. yekcoh_99

    Parking secret

    hey is he gone????? :)
  5. yekcoh_99

    2011 Military Tickets

    Thanks Mr. Tickle... Wow that's creepy
  6. yekcoh_99

    2011 Military Tickets

    Has anyone heard of any ticket deals for the military? Or when they usually annouce them?
  7. yekcoh_99

    New DVC at Grand Floridian...

    Believe you me I'm quite happy with my "timeshare" & not concered one bit of what you "may or may not" think of me. And a 5th Park would be so cool as long as it was for the cool DVC people ONLY They were limitations I found acceptable to take more affordable trips at better (by Disney...
  8. yekcoh_99

    New DVC at Grand Floridian...

    Please explain this? I mean with DVC, I understand being locked in through other timeshares but DVC it's my choice of where and when I want to go.
  9. yekcoh_99

    New DVC at Grand Floridian...

    Well as I always say just like DVC vs Value Resorts... you get what you pay for. By the way how are those Florida schools systems these days?
  10. yekcoh_99

    New DVC at Grand Floridian...

  11. yekcoh_99

    New DVC at Grand Floridian...

    Agreed!!!!! :sohappy:
  12. yekcoh_99

    New DVC at Grand Floridian...

    Exactly I stayed at AKV Savannah View in March Dream season and spent about $446 on a studio for 5 nights. Now explain how thats overpriced?
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