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  1. J

    Suggestions on a room request at the GF!

    Hello all! I am going to Disney in 2 weeks and staying at the GF. There will be 5 of us staying in a room (including my kiddos.) I am just wondering what room is large enough to request to accommodate us and have a decent view a well. I have a 2 year old as well so I am just curious what all of...
  2. J

    Recommendations for room at the Grand Floridian?

    Hi everyone! I'm staying at the GF at the end of June and I was just wondering what are your suggestions for best location on where to request a room? Thank you so much in advance!!! Maryann
  3. J

    Any suggestions?

    Maybe I will make a lunch reservation @ the Plaza!
  4. J

    Any suggestions?

    What a great idea!! We are actually staying at the GF! I have never eaten at 1900 Park Fare for dinner, but I think that is exactly what we will do! Thanks!
  5. J

    Any suggestions?

    Well it will be our first day there so I would def say a late lunch/early dinner. My son loves breakfast too haha!
  6. J

    Any suggestions?

    Hi all...any suggestions for TS in the Magic Kingdom? Thank you in advance! :)
  7. J

    50's Prime Time or The Brown Derby

    Well we were going for lunch and will probably be eating at Downtown Disney that night which we have not decided on so far...The following evening my bf and I are having the sweetheart dinner at the California Grill sooooo we shall see...He may kill me before this trip is over hahaha!:ROFLOL:
  8. J


    Kona Kona Cafe to go all the way!! Best coffee! I am going to have to try Morocco this time around however!
  9. J

    Best time for Cali Grill Reservations/Fireworks

    So excited for CF! I was just making dinner reservations for CF for their sweetheart dinner! I was able to get a 7:45 reservation which I am excited about. I have never been and am looking forward to it!
  10. J

    50's Prime Time or The Brown Derby

    Thank You! Thank you so much for all of your replies! I never book a restaurant at HS and usually get stuck with CS and ice cream bars so this time i am going prepared haha!!
  11. J

    50's Prime Time or The Brown Derby

    Hi! I will be in Disney late September and would like some advice on where to eat @ Hollywood Studios? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)
  12. J

    Garden View Lounge Tea

    Excited! Oh thank you! I am so excited and looking forward to something different!!
  13. J

    Garden View Lounge Tea

    Hi all, this is my first time posting so forgive me if this question has been addressed!! I would like to know if anyone has gone for tea and what their opinions and recommendations are? Thanks in advance! Maryann:)
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