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  1. Goofy Ninja

    Re-Do a Retheme!

    Yep, Disney could use their space much better with a massive Tomorrowland demo. Even in back of main street could be used in the future. Since it looks like my theater isn't going to be done. Oh gawrsh!
  2. Goofy Ninja

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    Toad Hall sounds like my cup tea, just based on the setting. I’m not really a fish guy, but I would still go to it. Whenever my partner has it I can’t kiss them until they brush their teeth and mouthwash.
  3. Goofy Ninja

    Mirror Walt Disney World 3.0 – The Definitive Version

    Great job, I always like seeing your stuff. I don't mind how long it is between posts. Because I know you'll bring the quality we love. P.S. Get well soon
  4. Goofy Ninja

    EPCOT Forever to return?

    I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to "Epcot Forever" being back. That just shows you how bad "Erroneous" is.
  5. Goofy Ninja

    Mirror Walt Disney World 3.0 – The Definitive Version

    Just complete it whenever. You don't have to release dates for your projects.
  6. Goofy Ninja

    Creating New Viewing Stands for MK's Fireworks

    I'd love to have some seating. It gets a little too crazy wazy near the castle. I've seen people verbally and physically going at it.
  7. Goofy Ninja

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    It would be great to separate the Paris and New York areas with an Arc de Triomphe/The Washington Square Arch Since both have a version of the famous arch in their cities. One side could say the French name and other the American name.
  8. Goofy Ninja

    Disneyland Munich

    Whoopsie daisy, I didn't see that.
  9. Goofy Ninja

    Disney Preparing Live-Action Peter Pan with Pete’s Dragon Director

    I wish they would do more original content... that is actually good. There's so many sequels and bad remakes, it's become very stale. I'd rather see new black and spanish characters. That are their own characters and not just hand-me-downs.
  10. Goofy Ninja

    Re-Do a Retheme!

    I'm surprised whenever Disney replaces a great attraction. You expect it in Disneyland because of the lack of space, but Disney World is a different story, they should just add it somewhere else.
  11. Goofy Ninja

    Disneyland Munich

    Would Millennium Falcon be like Smugglers Run, but with original trilogy characters?
  12. Goofy Ninja

    MK4Ever's Movie idea thread

    Those sound pretty good, Back to the Future could even be a TV series.
  13. Goofy Ninja

    Mirror Walt Disney World 3.0 – The Definitive Version

    Ooooo lala I can't wait. Thanks for the update buddy.
  14. Goofy Ninja

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    I’d like love to go to this party! The atmosphere really sells the idea of not only the restaurant, but the land too. As a whole, the restaurants have actually been my favorite parts of the Enchanted Kingdom thus far.
  15. Goofy Ninja

    News New Play Pavilion to replace Epcot's Wonders of Life

    I'm hoping they cancel this one. I'd much rather see something else like a Baymax or Wall-E attraction.
  16. Goofy Ninja

    News Announced: Mary Poppins Attraction in UK Pavilion

    Oh my God! I'm really hoping they do a Mary attraction. If not her then at least something to get me excited.
  17. Goofy Ninja

    Mirror Walt Disney World 3.0 – The Definitive Version

    Where did you go fella? I'm eager to see the conclusion of this thread. It's one of my favs.
  18. Goofy Ninja

    The Alternate History Timeline: What if Epcot was still Great

    Love the concept art friend! You may want to make the words smaller though. My eyes can't take it all in. lol
  19. Goofy Ninja

    Disney's Lonestar Resort

    Disney has been so cheap with their lands lately that 2 attractions would actually make up a land. Look at what they did with Galaxy’s Edge and Toy Story Land. The latter one would have only gotten 2 if they didn’t already have one.
  20. Goofy Ninja

    Pavilion Merchandise or...Lack of..

    Yeah, I wish they would only sell area specific merch in the stores. For example if you're in Animal Kingdom, you shouldn't see Star Wars stuff.
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