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  1. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Although I disagree with the assumption that's the basis here, I'm intrigued to see what happens. I'm not a DVC member so it's simply sport to talk about.
  2. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Was thinking the same thing. And nothing to with Disney needing it, but us tourist APs spend a lot more than locals too. Only upside I see to locals over non-locals is as Guinea Pigs.
  3. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Your brief and cryptic replies intrigue me.
  4. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Well the Dr's I heard used the words "very promising" and "expect", but let's shelf that since we're pretty close. What about the plasma? Lol. And not to mention the drug(s) that have been shown to get people off the vent? Seems like the outlook we collectively have is not consistent with these...
  5. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Sh@t, where have I been looking? And why isn't it on sides of buildings and projected on clouds overhead. Lol. Between the vaccine and the plasma covid-19 will be a non-issue in a few months. (For more than just us healthy ones...wink).
  6. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    FYI, I only mention this as it relates to the topic of this thread, but just heard on a conference call with heads of a hospital from extremely deliberate and conservative Dr's that they are pretty confident in a vaccine for covid-19 by end of October. Said they've mulled the data and other...
  7. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Soooo, how does everyone feel about these masks?
  8. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Just saw a story on CNBC that said Disney has reached a deal with unions regarding safeguards to return to Disney.
  9. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Coincidentally Fauci delivered my groceries today. Wierd right?
  10. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Yeah OMG these people can't wait to say that you're saying something just so they can say something. Ugh, it's exhausting.
  11. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Nah man, it very well could be June. There is an overwhelming amount of news today saying so many things are opening.
  12. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Yeah me too. The whole world is going that way at light speed it seems.
  13. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Funny you mentioned the kids. I looked at the CDC website today and saw that out of the entire US there of been 12 Covid 19 deaths for kids 14 or under. 12 seems low based on what I'm hearing, but I checked and even got a screen shot. And they don't mention any underlying issues, but smart money...
  14. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I'm June 6 too and I got the email. It's still on the app though so I can modify the date, etc. And for I reference we aren't DVC, but we are AP
  15. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Just read that Disney owned shops and eateries in Disney Springs will be open on Memorial Day Weekend.
  16. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    So I'll be wearing a mask and a diaper when the parks open. I got this.
  17. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Did the governor of FL just say they're open to any sports teams that want to come there? Or was it a bs fake news story?
  18. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    We were set to get there on June 6th, just changed out plans. The good news for us personally is that the ap extension will cover our October trip so we save another year of AP.
  19. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I'm not a fan of this as I am an out of state AP, but as they did in China, the one day tix are the best way to manage capacity and they aren't worried about locals, they want our of state money to come to Orlando and stay.
  20. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Sounds like what we were thinking though. Good share even if it's just a rumor.
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