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  1. t_catt11

    Best Time To Visit In December?

    You'll notice a serious uptick in the crowds once school lets out. The week of Christmas turns everything insane. The earlier you can get there in December, the better.
  2. t_catt11

    Where to head to first in each park

    Above info is dead on - though I might suggest Star Tours as #2 in DHS, these days. If you are in the parks before they officially open, you can only go "so far" - the paths are blocked by ropes that drop when the park opens (which is where the term "rope drop" comes from).
  3. t_catt11

    Lost Child Tip / Preventitive

    Taking over/under on the number of indignant responses to this...
  4. t_catt11

    Lost Child Tip / Preventitive

    It's pretty interesting, really, to see the difference in the attitudes of the parents and cast memebrs in the situation (and I do understand that interesting is in the eye of the beholder). Parents panic, CMs are quite used to dealing with the situation.
  5. t_catt11

    Poly vs. Grand Floridian....And the winner is...

    Thanks for the reviews, OP! While I would love to stay at the Poly some day (made difficult by my large family and the need for two rooms), the GF has never really tempted me. Even though we love 1900 Park Faire, the resort itself always seems to be... pretentious? Showy? Of course...
  6. t_catt11

    Lost Child Tip / Preventitive

    I actually did a pretty in depth article about this very subject recently. You might find the following link to be useful: Lost Children at Disney World.
  7. t_catt11

    Hello! I am new to this forum.

    We've always done the dining plan. Once upon a time, it was a tremendous value... the appetizers and desserts went a LONG way. Now? I think that it's more of a convenience. The standard dining plan is probably worth it if you plan to do a "nice" meal - aka table service every day, or if...
  8. t_catt11

    Is Festival of the Lion King good?

    IMO, Festival of the Lion King is the best show at WDW.
  9. t_catt11

    September 2011 Roll Call......

    Since we just adjusted our dates, we now fall into the September group. Dates: September 29th - October 10th, staying at Coronado Springs. We're a big group - Myself (35), DW 32, DD 15, DS13, DS4, DS2 (celebrating his 2nd birthday during the trip), and DS 4 months (all ages as of travel...
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