Poly vs. Grand Floridian....And the winner is...


Well-Known Member
Just got back from 16 nights at WDW. We spent 8 nights at the Poly and 8 nights at the GF. Here's how I'd break it down:

-Convenience/transportation: The Poly is within easy walking distance of the TTC, so access to Epcot is a breeze. GF isn't bad, but you have to take the monorail to the TTC. By the time the monorail gets to the GF, it's already stopped at the Contemporary, TTC and Polynesian, and is usually packed. No question here, winner is Polynesian.

-Food: This is a tough one. Kona Cafe is great for breakfast, and Ohana is great for dinner. However, Kona stinks for dinner and Ohana stinks for breakfast. The Grand Floridian Cafe is fantastic for all 3 meals. We didn't eat at Citrico's or Narcoosee's. We ate at V&A's which was great. The food court at the GF edges Captain Cooks. Winner on this one is Grand Floridian.

-Rooms: The GF's rooms are very beautiful, and smell great. The ceiling fans are right in the middle as they should be. In our room at the Poly, the ceiling fan was over the right side of the room.:confused: Rooms are nicer, and seem cleaner at GF, but the rooms at Poly are much more interesting theme wise and larger. Winner here, Polynesian.

-Front Desk: This one shocked me, as there have been a lot of bad reviews in the past about the Poly's front desk. However, on this trip they were fast, friendly and efficient. GF's front desk was slow and rude. No contest here, winner is Polynesian.

-Outer Buildings: Poly's longhouses in the hallway smell like urine. Always have. Cobwebs all over the place on the outside of the longhouses. GF's lodge buildings were crystal clean and smelled beautiful. No contest, winner is Grand Floridian.

-Housekeeping: Neither was great or poor. Just average. Key here is GF has turn down service. Plus, GF housekeepers were VERY polite. Poly's not so much. So, winner is Grand Floridian.

-Service: Our safe wasn't working at the Poly. Took them about 45 minutes to get someone there to fix it. Fridge was busted at GF. A manager was at our door within 5 minutes, apologized and had us a new fridge and candy for the kids within 10 minutes. Winner is Grand Floridian.

-Castmembers: We had a couple of great CM's at GF. One manager at the front desk was fabulous, all the housekeepers were nice, and the wait staff at the restaurants were all fabulous. However, the front desk at the GF was snotty and rude. When I walked up to the front desk with a large box and asked where to go to ship it home, the woman simply pointed in the direction of the Convention Center and said "Go over there." Not "Can we assist you with that?" For $545 per night, this is unacceptable. Everyone at the Poly was nice. Every one. Winner here, Polynesian.

-Lobby: Poly's is beautiful and smells wonderful, and has a great atmosphere with the waterfall. However, the GF's is beautiful, relaxing, has great music, smells wonderful. Winner here is Grand Floridian.

So, it's a tight contest between these two, but overall, it was unanimous, the Polynesian was the better resort. Better views. Better CM's. Nicer landscaping. Better theming. More enjoyable time over all.


Active Member
Great review, it stinks that they took so long just to fix a safe at the Poly though. My fiance' wants to stay here badly, but its a bit pricey for us right now. I think the GF is just more for people that like that, REALLY NICE HOTEL feel. The Poly has that special theming that makes it a Disney Resort.
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Well-Known Member
It all depends on the guest experience at the time. We stayed at GF a few years back and it was amazing - not one complaint from the service to the cleanliness to the food. We stayed at Poly last year during the crazy December cold snap and our first night the heat was broken and it was blowing cold air. We waited HOURS for maintenance to come and the room was 60 degrees. There were no other specific compalints, but the resort just had a much warmer feel (no pun intended) at GF the prior year.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great review, it stinks that they took so long just to fix a safe at the Poly though. My fiance' wants to stay here badly, but its a bit pricey for us right now. I think the GF is just more for people that like that, REALLY NICE HOTEL feel. The Poly has that special theming that makes it a Disney Resort.

Eh, that didn't bother me much. We weren't in any rush. I was just amazed how fast the manager at the GF came to our room. That was EXCELLENT service.

Unfortunately, not all the CM's at the GF are that friendly and helpful.

BTW - Edited original post to say "Polynesian was better resort" as opposed to "is". Don't want to offend any GF fans, and as poster above said, it all depends on when you go. We had 1 not so great stay at the Poly, so it's not immune to problems. What I saw this trip though, was somewhat of an effort to fix those problems.

If you've got your heart set on staying at the GF, by all means, do so!!!! It's a fantastic, beautiful resort.

Another point about the rooms - The rooms in the 3 newer longhouses at the Poly are 476 sq ft. The rooms at the GF I've read are 400 or 440sq ft. I would say it's definitely 400. You could tell the Poly room was MUCH bigger.
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Well-Known Member
"Poly's longhouses in the hallway smell like urine. Always have. Cobwebs all over the place."

That's pretty disgusting. :hurl: ...not to mention completely unacceptable in any Disney resort, let alone a so-called Deluxe costing 400+ a night.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
"Poly's longhouses in the hallway smell like urine. Always have. Cobwebs all over the place."

That's pretty disgusting. :hurl: ...not to mention completely unacceptable in any Disney resort, let alone a so-called Deluxe costing 400+ a night.

To be clear, it's not actually urine (I hope). I've been told it's the cleaning agent they use.:shrug:

As for the cobwebs, they are actually outside the longhouse, not in the inside. Not much better, but understandable. From what I was told about that, they vacuum the outsides every night, but the webs are always back in the morning. I don't buy it, but that's what I was told.
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Well-Known Member
That's over $8000 just for the rooms. I need to win the lottery to do that :)

Glad you had a blast. Poly has another thing working against it compared to the GF. It is 30+ years older. You can only renovate so much. I do not like the GF. It is too "stuffy" for me and some people walk around the place with entitlement in their eyes.

If I had the funds, I would stay at the Poly hands down.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Poly has another thing working against it compared to the GF. It is 30+ years older. You can only renovate so much. I do not like the GF. It is too "stuffy" for me and some people walk around the place with entitlement in their eyes.

The Poly is actually only 17 years older than the GF.

I didn't find it too stuffy at all, at least not from the guests staying there. What I did find stuffy was the front desk. They almost seemed to look down on us.
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Well-Known Member
Great review! I have stayed at both the Poly and GF, I have to agree with most of what you said, however, Poly is hands down, our fav. My one and only experience with GF was 4 years ago and we didn't care for it at all. We tried to go to the Poly, while at GF, to no avail. We found the GF staff extremely rude and stuffy. I agree with the cob webs in certain areas, but never experienced a urine smell. :hurl: When I went to the front desk at GF, to ask if a mistake was made on our reservation (we booked a lagoon view and our room clearly wasn't a lagoon view), the CM, rolled her eyes, and said "well the room won't be ready for about an hour), which was fine, I agreed to wait, she then said to her co worker ... "look, she's from New Jersey, figures". I was horrified and asked her WTH that was suppose to mean. She said and I quote... "I wasn't talking to you". Nice eh?? when I asked to speak to a manager, she said "he's not available", took me 2 days to finally talk to someone. So, having said this LOL, I will never, ever stay at the GF again!!!
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New Member
Thanks for the reviews, OP! While I would love to stay at the Poly some day (made difficult by my large family and the need for two rooms), the GF has never really tempted me. Even though we love 1900 Park Faire, the resort itself always seems to be... pretentious? Showy?

Of course, that's certainly our own preconceptions coloring things, I'm sure.

Thanks for the line by line comparison.
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Well-Known Member
Wow - awesome review of both resorts. Thanks!

But...I'll have to test your theories by staying at both of them! :lol: Ok twist my arm...
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Well-Known Member
Great reviews! As for the rooms themselves, mousekeeping, and themeing, they are tied. Food has to goto GF, just because they have three signature restaurants that are awesome, not to say Poly has bad food, because they dont, its just on a different ballfield. As for the service, cm's, it's Poly hands down. And I love kona and the sushi bar. 51 more days!!!
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