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  1. Slighty

    What rides are better at night?

    Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, and Jungle Cruise by far are the best rides to ride at night time. ^_^
  2. Slighty

    I have had guests who think I am a cast member :)

    Haha thats funny ( @ original post ) I've been mistakened for one a few times at FOLK cause i'm there all the time- this one CM even thought i was, he was like "I see you here all the time, do you work here??" I was like noo i'm just here alot ^_^ It's pretty funny.
  3. Slighty

    how is caribbean beach?

    Yeah, 80's isn't the best to stay in. Well i deffinatley know you can hear them- if i remember correctly, you can see them over the treetops if your on a high enough floor :)
  4. Slighty

    how is caribbean beach?

    Yeah, the 60's are deffinatley preffered above all, if anything else i would say probably the 50's or 70's. You can request a certain place if you want to, i'm not sure thats where they'll put you, but you can request it. Just try not to go for the 90's or 80's as they are far away, and it's a...
  5. Slighty

    How things change..What do you miss?

    That's deffinatley one thing i don't miss. McDonalds :hurl:
  6. Slighty

    How things change..What do you miss?

    Yeah, thats what i meant; the signs are there, but the qoutes aren't the same.
  7. Slighty

    How things change..What do you miss?

    Oh, i was just there in the begining of February, and at the end of our trip, they had been changed! All right, i got it now.. Yeah, thats what she must have been doing. Haha, if anything they'd get angrier upon hearing the bang! ^_^
  8. Slighty

    how is caribbean beach?

    Their fairly bigger then the pop rooms, and if your going to be needing a crib, then a bigger room is a deffinate must. Have you ever been to Wilderness Lodge? The rooms at CB are about that size, or a little smaller. I've never been to the All Star resorts, but i think they must be around the...
  9. Slighty

    How things change..What do you miss?

    I miss the Tollhouse cookie Sandwich too!! DUDE that thing was my favorite to get at any ice cream stand.. I miss the way Spaceship Earth used to be- it's all good and nice now, but i loved it back then, it was so much more cool! I also miss 'MGM Studios'- i hate when the employees greet you...
  10. Slighty

    how is caribbean beach?

    I've been to both Carribean and Pop, and i think even if you do have the 'Pirates room' in Carribean beach, it's not really worth it if you half to walk miles to get to the drink despencers. ( It's really dumb the way they have it set up in there, because the drink despencers are in a...
  11. Slighty

    What puts you in a 'Disney' mood?

    The commercials always get me in the mood for Disney, i love the 'Get in free on your birthday' commercials, those are awesome. :sohappy: bwahahaha it's too true. "Look at that, i'm breathing- i did that when i was in the Magic Kingdom!" :ROFLOL: {Looking at pictures from past Disney...
  12. Slighty

    You know you or your family are Disney freaks when....

    TOO TRUE!! We are always doing that, people give us the weirdest looks!!! :D
  13. Slighty

    Funny Disney World Motivational Posters: Create Your Own!

    I couldn't agree more with the stitch thing- i never went on something so silly :P And sheesh, i never even went on the Alien ride and i'm positive it was better then this dumb ride!! Hahaha oh my gosh, the first time my parents brought me to Disney, the castle was a cake, and i was like "Wait...
  14. Slighty

    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    One thing that reall grosses me out and bothers me at Disney is when people wear clothing ( or rather DON'T wear clothing :P) that doesn't completley cover everything up- i see this ALL the time down there, and it really bothers me because you know, it's supposed to be a kid-friendly place and...
  15. Slighty

    New Disney Dollars

    These new Disney Dollars are cute! Their very colorful and look more kid oreiented then the ones i got when i was little. My parents used to get at least one DD every time we would go so that we would have a keepsake from that year- we haven't done it for a little while, maybe we should get some...
  16. Slighty

    Nestor @ Festival Of the Lion King/Camp Minnie Mickey

    Okay so going there alot will get you recognized- but this guy was awesome from the start! When i was at AK for a day ( watching the show ) this castmember named Nestor noticed that i kept coming back, so he asked my name and where i was from, and after i told him, he said he would get me front...
  17. Slighty

    any of you disney lovers have this problem?

    ^^Agreed, Disney is amazing, and very OCD-worthy!! ;) And you can't go to WDW and not instantly fall in love with everything there!!
  18. Slighty

    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    Dude, i always had problems with the slides at water parks ( and water parks anyway- yeah, lets all get in the same pool no matter what might be wrong with us!! YUCK. ) but i think this probably just seals it up for me. I mean siriously, does it not occer to anybody how many people use those...
  19. Slighty

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 4)

    These are really good pictures you guys have here..! :sohappy: I'll post one of mine-it's not the best of quality, and it's sized down a bit, but here it is;
  20. Slighty

    Best Breakfast in the World

    I would deffinatley half to say Whispering Canyon at Wilderness Lodge.. I was just there and had breakfast and it's just the same as it was 8 years ago!! But remember to order the Skillet!!! ^_^
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