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  • Okay, dork. :p

    I know, I'm sorry. :( Do you have anything coming up that you can look forward to? That sometimes helps.
    That can't possibly be my stocking! Santa must be on something, cause I'm an angel. :D

    Some mint cookies for you:

    and some for Peko:
    I heard! That's really scary. Especially since I just took off from there the day before. But thankfully it was the plane and not the airport.
    I'll make a decision as soon as I visit either campus. :lol:

    But they did send me a letter saying I was at the top of the entering class as an FIT scholar, so the tide is pushing towards your hometown!

    P.S. I'll be touring FIT the day after my birthday (tour = 13, B-day = 12) in February.
    Actually, that explains a lot. If you're going to live in my head, you'll need to pay rent.

    Dancing is fun.
    Get out of my head. Well, Charlie needs to get out of my head.

    That's my favorite song too. I wish we danced like that at dances.
    Thanks. I love the songs. And the movie.

    ...We aren't pathetic at all. :lol: Whatever. It was good.
    Delicious...ooooh yes. :lol:

    I know. I looked it up. I love reading about Holocaust stories. Corrie ten Boom's story sparked my interest in them.
    I had to see it with my Cali friends...it's only fair. But two times is definitely enough.

    The Zookeeper's Wife sounds really interesting. It sounds like something I would like, and not because there's a zoo involved. Let me know if it's good. I need something new to read...I'm getting tired of Kaitlyn's romance novels.
    I don't even remember how Twilight ended. But I remember New Moon's ending. That was a good one. Intense, but not really. Oh wait...I just remembered Twilight's ending. I still agree.

    You're halfway there! Yay you! Only two more to endure, and you got through the worst one. :D
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