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  • :rolleyes:

    Nothing can top your dream. I was thinking about it in history today, and I had the hardest time trying not to laugh. Everyone must've thought I was mental. I blame you. :)
    You were in my dream a few nights ago. It was a crazy dream. Like, all our family members were there. We were there for you, but I don't know what you were doing. And I came in my pjs because no one told me I neeeded to get dressed. But when I got there, someone gave me the cutest pink dress to put on, so it was all good. And then I woke up.
    Really now, Luke?

    I'm terrified of going on that plane tomorrow because of what happened.

    Thanks. :rolleyes:

    Aw, can't I be there in spirit? I'm not looking forward to the cold. My arms and legs just saw sun for the first time yesterday!

    But I'll be joining you soon enough. We should've gone to school in Hawaii.

    I know. :( Will you be around tonight?
    The baby shower for Steph. I want to meet Dot.

    Do you know you live 8 hours away from Dot's house? :lookaroun
    Weeellll...I could give you the money I'm saving up to fly to the east coast in spring. Yes?
    I knew it.

    Pfft. Just skip your classes. It wouldn't be the first time. :p

    I don't have the money to pay for both. I'm sorry. :(
    You know me so well. I'm assuming the same thing happened to you on NYE?

    Do I have to pay for the plan ticket and park ticket? Or just the plane ticket?
    Well, I mean, I'm still blacked out from NYE :lookaroun

    Nope! Blacked out no more. Got any requests while I'm there?
    If it makes you feel any better, we've had the crappiest weather. High 40s to low 50s the entire time. I'd take the week in sunny Florida.
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