Master Yoda
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  • Glad you had the holiday off. I stuffed my self to an unholy extent on Sunday at our family BBQ. :lol: Have a great week.
    Happy holiday weekend! :wave:

    Is your office making you do that obnoxious vacation day thing again for Independence Day?
    Good one. :) I was trying to figure some way to work it in. Help me remember... aren't there two brothers at house of wong? If so, I've got a killer idea. :D
    It should be up fairly early this evening.

    I'm resisting the temptation to upload my generic "THAW WALT" shirt. :lol: It'd be like those big block-letter shirts that George Michaels used to wear :lookaroun
    Haha. Thank you kindly. I've got one more design I came up with... "At Ease, Colonel" ... that I have to upload. Got anything special you want?
    Happy Monday. In case you missed it in PML, the wedding I went to was redonk! Eleven bridesmaids, eleven groomsmen, live trumpters fanfaring the bride, operatic tenors singing Ave Maria and Lord's Prayer, reception at the country club, live band, two white limos and a vintage convertible to leave the reception in... then in amidst all the hoity-toityness... the wedding party favors were neon green beer coozies.
    Many times the first clue will be when it comes time discuss the ring. If they want something the size of your!
    Good morning.

    Believe me, my spidey senses will start tingling lonngggg before a wedding should I wind up with a bridezilla type. :lol:

    Hope your Wednesday is magical thus far. :rolleyes:
    I'm hoping whenever a wedding rolls around for me, it's a very low-key affair. Of course I'll do whatever she wants... but I'd be just fine with a quiet event with firends and family, rather than one of those bridezilla hootenannies. Have a great Tuesday.
    I've always said that there are only two people who care about a wedding... the bride and her mother. The groom is just waiting for the honeymoon, and nobody else wants to be at the wedding.
    Road trips only in the loosest sense of the word.... regional corporate office (an hour-plus away) on Tuesday; remote broadcast (30 mins away) Thursday, then a coworker's wedding on Saturday in the same city as the corporate office.

    Nothing cool like expense accounts and swanky hotels.
    This week appears calmer than last, for now. But I do have to make three road trips this week, so it'll get hectic quick.
    Hi Richard - I hope you had a great time at SWW last Friday.

    I started a new social group called, Disney Confessions - Share your inner-most Disney-related secrets about what you have, or have not experienced. Check it out and post something interesting. Thanks!
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