Up unto last year, for WDW my edits were made up of what I`d shot in 2001 and 1990, plus a lot of footage that I`ve had `donated` from various people. Luckily my own footage was quite comprehensive - even in `90 I envisaged one day being able to make use of it in an edit (at the time I was a CG artist working with SVHS, Lo and Hi Band video and Beta SP so I knew how to shoot to edit) - I must add the other footage I`ve been able to use has been invaluable too.
Last October (again for WDW) was the first time I`ve had the luxury of being able to plan what I need before hand then go and get it. Yes, that does mean riding the same attraction several times to cover different angles and details, plus riding to capture audio multiple times - for example I had to ride Imagination 3 times purely for audio (the front car leaves the scenes before the overhead music has finished, the rear car misses the start of each scenes overhead audio, and there are trackside mounted speakers to aim for too)
I also rode Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land three times, Seas with Nemo two or three times, ToT 6 times (in a row - thanks ml13!) and Test Track 7 times for all the angles I wanted. I also shot Wishes 4 times and Spectro multiple times - there are still a few more Spectro details I`m after next month before I`ll be happy to edit it; see - the luxury of planning beforehand!
I think the first shot plan I did was for DLPs Fantillusion in 2005. I researched each showstop position before we travelled so I knew where to sit on each night for what angle to make a complete video.