We just got lots of rain & wind.
Nothing like Katrina though.
I am hoping that Ike stays away too.
I believe it is predicted to hit TX.
Glad you're OK!
Oh and OMG not another hurricane!? I remember I was absolutely devastated when you posted about your parents losing everything. So horrible and heartbreaking. You should come move up north w/ me.
Um hell no because I have way too many clothes, but you can sit on my lap on the plane ride! haha Oh and what is this about needing to be evac'ed? I'm scared!
Seriously, we have PLENTY of room - so much that you would only share a kitchen! Please keep me informed, even if only by cell. I want to make sure the 3 of you are safe and well taken care of.
Honestly, I mean this sincerely and wholeheartedly...
If you need to evac and want to go on a mini-esque vacation you are MORE than welcome at my home. We're an hour from Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge and 2 hours from ATL. I've already gotten the OK if you need to come. I want to make sure you feel safe and will do anything I can to help.