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  • Hey girl! I am doing great, and I hope that you are as well. I love that new picture of Maggie Grace. She is a doll!:)

    Have a great week!!:wave:
    Soooooo excited for Loser!!!!!!!

    And OMG! I didn't know that about Jason! Yay! Good for him....he's such a nice guy!

    Thanks for keeping me up to date, love!!!! :kiss:
    We just got lots of rain & wind.
    Nothing like Katrina though.
    I am hoping that Ike stays away too.
    I believe it is predicted to hit TX.
    Glad you're OK!
    Hey. I see you're back home. I hope Gustav didn't cause too much trouble while you were away.
    Dana, sounds like things went OK, Hope all goes well. Now hurry home and *PAD*
    Are you going to be ok? I just heard today that the hurricane is coming your way and now I am worried sick. :(
    I'll be looking forward to that!

    Oh and OMG not another hurricane!? I remember I was absolutely devastated when you posted about your parents losing everything. So horrible and heartbreaking. You should come move up north w/ me.
    Um hell no because I have way too many clothes, but you can sit on my lap on the plane ride! haha Oh and what is this about needing to be evac'ed? I'm scared! :(
    Seriously, we have PLENTY of room - so much that you would only share a kitchen! Please keep me informed, even if only by cell. I want to make sure the 3 of you are safe and well taken care of.
    Honestly, I mean this sincerely and wholeheartedly...

    If you need to evac and want to go on a mini-esque vacation you are MORE than welcome at my home. We're an hour from Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge and 2 hours from ATL. I've already gotten the OK if you need to come. I want to make sure you feel safe and will do anything I can to help.

    I love you!
    Oh! Well, then HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet girl! :kiss:

    (Thanks for being such an awesome friend to me, Dana. You mean a lot to me... :) )
    Happy belated birthday to sweet Maggie. What a beautiful miracle she is!

    Sorry my message in her thread was late. :(

    Love you both! :kiss:
    Thanks for thinking of me Dana. I've been swamped with... well... life. :lol:

    It means a lot to know I've been missed! :kiss::kiss:
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