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  • Hello, I would really like to speak with you regarding the Boston 2 story original location of Disney Store. Dean in Los Angeles 818-471-3508
    Its been a bit quite in the transformers 3 thread. Did you see it yet? If so what did you think?
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the new job! I must tell you that I have been a stay at home mom now for 18 years:lookaroun and I love every minute I have with my three children.:wave:
    Congratulations again! But I will tease you that you will no longer be in the car thread and you will need to start a princess and tea party thread!

    I'm very upset with our friendship as of late. How DARE you let a little thing like your newlywed wife carrying your spawn get in the way of us discussing the merits of how Marvin and Chuck Berry are actually 2nd cousins, and how Oscar is an appropriate name for a baby. There have been many startling revelations in our individual lives which deserve proper addressing. Please schedule some time for this discussion to take place at your earliest convenience.

    Jennifer Yourlonglostfriendoflikesevenyears McSparkyson

    p.s. Check this out... http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=413130 I'm sad you've not chimed in yet!

    p.p.s Happy 7k, when you finally reach it. :D :kiss:
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