The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Thnx. DH working nights one son homeschooled 3rd year and my other one is also home for the foreseeable future, my choice as he's autistic and would have problems with regulations
Will your oldest wear a facemask? A will if he has to, but he hates it. I've sent one with him every day to school, but he has yet to wear it because it's not mandated at his school. There will be a mandate in all public buildings starting on December first, but his school hasn't said whether or not that will apply to the school...I'm not sure since technically it's not a public school that anyone can go to. You HAVE to have a diagnosis AND prove to a committee that your child can't reasonably attend a regular school. But it IS a school subsidized by the government that we don't have to pay tuition I'm not sure how they will consider it. But I imagine a lot of the kids who go there have sensory issues that make mask wearing uncomfortable, and I can imagine it will be hard for them to focus on learning if they have to wear a mask.

E's school only mandates them in the halls and at breaks right now...I wonder if they'll have to wear them in classrooms starting Dec. 1st.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
What time do you generally go to bed? I usually end up taking a nap in the morning after I get the kids off to school because I work until at least 11:00 pm, sometimes later, and then have a half hour drive home. But then I have to get up in the morning to make lunches, and such....I know you get up earlier than I do, but no way would I be able to get up so early and stay awake so late if I didn't have a nap.
I think figgy lives by this mantra
images (1).jpeg


Well-Known Member
Our news mentioned the shortages in the US this morning. Why are people stockpiling again? Cases have been high throughout, so I don't see why suddenly people are panicking when they weren't a month ago. The news said the death toll in the US reached 250, sad! And then there was some woman saying something about people not wearing face masks and that the numbers would climb as long as people were negligent about it. I didn't recognize her, but she looked so....almost lifeless. I'm thinking she's either really really tired, or maybe just camera shy? In any case, it didn't paint a great picture for the situation in the US, but I didn't think cases were spiking suddenly that it would create the stockpiling. I hope that doesn't last long!!
Don't try and figure it out. Logic in 2020 is extinct. I understand people being cautious but, when it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy then it just becomes sad. Of course we have been at advanced sad for a few years now so what can we expect. The only reason why we are running out is because people are hoarding again, I blame it on new math where nothing adds up at all. My best guess is that we all go into the bathroom more during a pandemic. If women could just be more like men and "drip dry" There would be plenty of TP. And paper towels, my yes, could there be anymore substitutes for paper towels? The only ones I can think of, off hand, are sponges, cloth towels and pants legs but OMG whatever will we do without paper towels.


Premium Member
The Ranger is likely to lose out however as its only a 4 cylinder

My car has a 4 cylinder (old Chevy Aveo), but at least it gets me from point A to B. :)

They literally have no idea what is coming at them. Also @figmentfan423, knowing what you know of me, would you want to be the salesperson arguing with me? ;)

Basically I'm going to tell them "yes you need to make money, I get that. You aren't making MSRP off of me."

I'm also going to tell them: "Your choice is between making X amount off this sale or zero. The choice is yours"

To the two above, I pity the poor salesman, trying his best to inflate the prices. ;)

From what I've read in your posts in the other thread, you don't take prisoners! :hilarious:

(P.S.: Good luck with your upcoming purchase, and I hope you get the exact car you are looking for.)
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Premium Member
View attachment 514078

Target paper aisle. Again. 😬😬

I just ordered a case of tp and paper towels. Runs and hides under boulder

I'm baffled by this. Didn't people learn anything about shortages this year? When items like TP and paper towels finally came back and there were plenty of the shelves, I'd just buy a package each week for a few weeks. So I have a reasonable amount in reserve, but I never went nutty buying a ton of this stuff all at once. When people hoard stuff all at once, that's what creates shortages. 🤦‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Our news mentioned the shortages in the US this morning. Why are people stockpiling again? Cases have been high throughout, so I don't see why suddenly people are panicking when they weren't a month ago. The news said the death toll in the US reached 250, sad! And then there was some woman saying something about people not wearing face masks and that the numbers would climb as long as people were negligent about it. I didn't recognize her, but she looked so....almost lifeless. I'm thinking she's either really really tired, or maybe just camera shy? In any case, it didn't paint a great picture for the situation in the US, but I didn't think cases were spiking suddenly that it would create the stockpiling. I hope that doesn't last long!!

Well, there are certain things I think that send people into a panic. More than anything else, I think the thought of other people stockpiling makes people stockpile. Because if my neighbor buys all the toilet paper, but then I need some, I won't be able to buy any. And sadly most Americans these days won't just ask their neighbor.

Our hospitals are filling up as well and that can be scary. Our rural hospitals are transferring their overflow to the city, but now all the major hospitals are at capacity. They've started sending (non-covid) adults to the children's hospital. Refrigeration trucks are being shown on the news for the overflow of dead bodies. It feels like the news and our Governor are both trying to incite feelings of fear to make it more likely people will not gather for the holidays.i don't know if it will work, but it's certainly adding to the panic buying.

But honestly, no offense, your impression of our spikes feels incorrect. Aside from New York and a couple other cities, wave one's spike was mild compared to this one. In Ohio we had about 1,600 new cases a day last spike, and that was terrifying. During wave two, we're over 7k a day now and climbing. There's no community untouched anymore. It's everywhere. And it's rising pretty quickly, especially compared to what we experienced in April.


Well-Known Member
Don't try and figure it out. Logic in 2020 is extinct. I understand people being cautious but, when it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy then it just becomes sad. Of course we have been at advanced sad for a few years now so what can we expect. The only reason why we are running out is because people are hoarding again, I blame it on new math where nothing adds up at all. My best guess is that we all go into the bathroom more during a pandemic. If women could just be more like men and "drip dry" There would be plenty of TP. And paper towels, my yes, could there be anymore substitutes for paper towels? The only ones I can think of, off hand, are sponges, cloth towels and pants legs but OMG whatever will we do without paper towels.

😂😂😂 Ewwww.

Also, I've washed enough yellow male underpants to know y'all don't "drip dry"..... 😂😂


Well-Known Member
I'm baffled by this. Didn't people learn anything about shortages this year? When items like TP and paper towels finally came back and there were plenty of the shelves, I'd just buy a package each week for a few weeks. So I have a reasonable amount in reserve, but I never went nutty buying a ton of this stuff all at once. When people hoard stuff all at once, that's what creates shortages. 🤦‍♀️

I just honestly don't understand how people have already gone through the stuff they panic bought in April 😂😂 like, you bought four twenty four packs of toilet paper..... Where did that three year supply magical run off to in the past eight months?! 😂😂


Well-Known Member
Well, there are certain things I think that send people into a panic. More than anything else, I think the thought of other people stockpiling makes people stockpile. Because if my neighbor buys all the toilet paper, but then I need some, I won't be able to buy any. And sadly most Americans these days won't just ask their neighbor.

Our hospitals are filling up as well and that can be scary. Our rural hospitals are transferring their overflow to the city, but now all the major hospitals are at capacity. They've started sending (non-covid) adults to the children's hospital. Refrigeration trucks are being shown on the news for the overflow of dead bodies. It feels like the news and our Governor are both trying to incite feelings of fear to make it more likely people will not gather for the holidays.i don't know if it will work, but it's certainly adding to the panic buying.

But honestly, no offense, your impression of our spikes feels incorrect. Aside from New York and a couple other cities, wave one's spike was mild compared to this one. In Ohio we had about 1,600 new cases a day last spike, and that was terrifying. During wave two, we're over 7k a day now and climbing. There's no community untouched anymore. It's everywhere. And it's rising pretty quickly, especially compared to what we experienced in April.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of neighbors, if you asked, might say no way. What I'm seeing from certain friends and family members, they wouldn't lift a finger to help someone else because they are afraid that it will come back to bite them. Like...they stockpile, but are still worried they'll run out....they aren't going to risk giving anything to someone else that they might need themselves later. They can't predict how long the shortage will last, so they don't want to go through their supply by giving it to someone who they feel didn't think ahead. My dad was always worried we were going to have another Great Depression and WWIII and that money would be worthless. So he stockpiled guns, ammo, and had a bag of old coins from back when quarters and dimes were made of real silver. He said at some point, things would be scarce and people would come looking for supplies and he needed the guns to protect his property and he needed the coins and such to barter. He was worried people would show up on his ranch wanting to kill his cattle for meat. He was a very generous person in good times, but I'm not sure that would have carried over in a time like this. I don't think EVERYONE is like that, but I think there are a large number of people who are...not necessarily selfish, but scared. They don't want to be left without. They think they are just being prepared, thinking ahead. They think "It's either me, or it's them...I'd better make sure I'M the one who comes out on top." I'd like to think I'm wrong, though.

When you say my impression of the spike feels you mean you think it's spiking more than I realize? Or less? I know it's spiking a lot, and more than in the first wave, but it's been a pretty steady rise for months, hasn't it? And when did your 2nd wave start? Over here, in our first wave, back in April I think? the peak was about 1400 cases per day in the Netherlands. Then by July we were down to like....60 per day. Then the second wave started in September or maybe a bit before, and it rose steadily until we were at 10,000 cases per we're down to around half that again. But it wasn't like a sudden just started climbing and climbing. We didn't have a sudden jump from say 1000 cases to 5000. So even though we had FAR more cases in the second wave, we never saw a shortage of things because it didn't feel like a sudden burst of cases. So I'm wondering what the 2nd wave has felt like there? Obviously a huge increase overall, but was that across time or all at once?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I think a lot of neighbors, if you asked, might say no way. What I'm seeing from certain friends and family members, they wouldn't lift a finger to help someone else because they are afraid that it will come back to bite them. Like...they stockpile, but are still worried they'll run out....they aren't going to risk giving anything to someone else that they might need themselves later. They can't predict how long the shortage will last, so they don't want to go through their supply by giving it to someone who they feel didn't think ahead. My dad was always worried we were going to have another Great Depression and WWIII and that money would be worthless. So he stockpiled guns, ammo, and had a bag of old coins from back when quarters and dimes were made of real silver. He said at some point, things would be scarce and people would come looking for supplies and he needed the guns to protect his property and he needed the coins and such to barter. He was worried people would show up on his ranch wanting to kill his cattle for meat. He was a very generous person in good times, but I'm not sure that would have carried over in a time like this. I don't think EVERYONE is like that, but I think there are a large number of people who are...not necessarily selfish, but scared. They don't want to be left without. They think they are just being prepared, thinking ahead. They think "It's either me, or it's them...I'd better make sure I'M the one who comes out on top." I'd like to think I'm wrong, though.

When you say my impression of the spike feels you mean you think it's spiking more than I realize? Or less? I know it's spiking a lot, and more than in the first wave, but it's been a pretty steady rise for months, hasn't it? And when did your 2nd wave start? Over here, in our first wave, back in April I think? the peak was about 1400 cases per day in the Netherlands. Then by July we were down to like....60 per day. Then the second wave started in September or maybe a bit before, and it rose steadily until we were at 10,000 cases per we're down to around half that again. But it wasn't like a sudden just started climbing and climbing. We didn't have a sudden jump from say 1000 cases to 5000. So even though we had FAR more cases in the second wave, we never saw a shortage of things because it didn't feel like a sudden burst of cases. So I'm wondering what the 2nd wave has felt like there? Obviously a huge increase overall, but was that across time or all at once?

My neighbor intentionally bright up that they have no toilet paper, like to make sure I understand I can't ask them for any. When I offered to bring down a six pack they said no they'll get by. My guess is they have a LOT of toilet paper 😂😂

We haven't been steadily rising. I mean we never went back down to zero but we were low for a while there. Now we're climbing quickly over the past month or so.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I think a lot of neighbors, if you asked, might say no way. What I'm seeing from certain friends and family members, they wouldn't lift a finger to help someone else because they are afraid that it will come back to bite them. Like...they stockpile, but are still worried they'll run out....they aren't going to risk giving anything to someone else that they might need themselves later. They can't predict how long the shortage will last, so they don't want to go through their supply by giving it to someone who they feel didn't think ahead. My dad was always worried we were going to have another Great Depression and WWIII and that money would be worthless. So he stockpiled guns, ammo, and had a bag of old coins from back when quarters and dimes were made of real silver. He said at some point, things would be scarce and people would come looking for supplies and he needed the guns to protect his property and he needed the coins and such to barter. He was worried people would show up on his ranch wanting to kill his cattle for meat. He was a very generous person in good times, but I'm not sure that would have carried over in a time like this. I don't think EVERYONE is like that, but I think there are a large number of people who are...not necessarily selfish, but scared. They don't want to be left without. They think they are just being prepared, thinking ahead. They think "It's either me, or it's them...I'd better make sure I'M the one who comes out on top." I'd like to think I'm wrong, though.

When you say my impression of the spike feels you mean you think it's spiking more than I realize? Or less? I know it's spiking a lot, and more than in the first wave, but it's been a pretty steady rise for months, hasn't it? And when did your 2nd wave start? Over here, in our first wave, back in April I think? the peak was about 1400 cases per day in the Netherlands. Then by July we were down to like....60 per day. Then the second wave started in September or maybe a bit before, and it rose steadily until we were at 10,000 cases per we're down to around half that again. But it wasn't like a sudden just started climbing and climbing. We didn't have a sudden jump from say 1000 cases to 5000. So even though we had FAR more cases in the second wave, we never saw a shortage of things because it didn't feel like a sudden burst of cases. So I'm wondering what the 2nd wave has felt like there? Obviously a huge increase overall, but was that across time or all at once?

In either location, we've always known a wave two was coming. People should have been expecting this and resupplying slowly. But here we are.


Well-Known Member
What time do you generally go to bed? I usually end up taking a nap in the morning after I get the kids off to school because I work until at least 11:00 pm, sometimes later, and then have a half hour drive home. But then I have to get up in the morning to make lunches, and such....I know you get up earlier than I do, but no way would I be able to get up so early and stay awake so late if I didn't have a nap.
My dh had a change in hours for this week and has to go in later than usual. Next week it's back to the new normal


Well-Known Member
Will your oldest wear a facemask? A will if he has to, but he hates it. I've sent one with him every day to school, but he has yet to wear it because it's not mandated at his school. There will be a mandate in all public buildings starting on December first, but his school hasn't said whether or not that will apply to the school...I'm not sure since technically it's not a public school that anyone can go to. You HAVE to have a diagnosis AND prove to a committee that your child can't reasonably attend a regular school. But it IS a school subsidized by the government that we don't have to pay tuition I'm not sure how they will consider it. But I imagine a lot of the kids who go there have sensory issues that make mask wearing uncomfortable, and I can imagine it will be hard for them to focus on learning if they have to wear a mask.

E's school only mandates them in the halls and at breaks right now...I wonder if they'll have to wear them in classrooms starting Dec. 1st.
He will but he has problems keeping his hands off his face more so when he's nervous. That also means he'll have problems not moving it around and not touching his eyes. We've been practicing in case he has to go anywhere, I also have goggles for him to wear if he does. Those he likes:rolleyes: He won't wear sunglasses but he'll keep the goggles on for a while


Well-Known Member
Don't try and figure it out. Logic in 2020 is extinct. I understand people being cautious but, when it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy then it just becomes sad. Of course we have been at advanced sad for a few years now so what can we expect. The only reason why we are running out is because people are hoarding again, I blame it on new math where nothing adds up at all. My best guess is that we all go into the bathroom more during a pandemic. If women could just be more like men and "drip dry" There would be plenty of TP. And paper towels, my yes, could there be anymore substitutes for paper towels? The only ones I can think of, off hand, are sponges, cloth towels and pants legs but OMG whatever will we do without paper towels.
I keep paper towels in the house but mostly use cleaning towels. Paper towels cost more than just washing:D

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