Lasseter Taking Leave of Absence


Well-Known Member
I’m in agreement with you, so far the only allegations have been unsolicited hugs and the kiss on the cheek. Doesn’t seem like that should be put in the same context as grabbing and expos Big yourself as others have been proven to do.
Seems like as a society especially here in the states we have become extremely sensitive to showing any kind of affection. A handshake that may to too long, a hug from a person or a simple kiss of affection which is and was a common practice all over the world for years have all of a sudden become evil.

I’m not defending anyone that does I’ll will against a person especially if they crossed the line innapropriately but it amazes me how fast people are ready to judge before knowing any facts especially in a case like this when so far the women quoted talks about long hugs and the occasional kiss
"According to the T.H.R. report, women at Pixar were forced to turn their heads at just the right moment if they wanted to avoid unwanted kisses from the Pixar chief; they reportedly also created a move called “the Lasseter” in order to keep him from putting his hand on their legs" - quote from a Vanity Fair article. This seems like more than an innocent kiss on the cheek and "unsolicited hugs." The evidence is there. I mean, c'mon, read the dang articles. I'm not sure why anyone in their right mind would defend this man. You say that we don't know the facts, but we know women at Pixar developed a move to evade him putting his hand on their legs. That is not appropriate workplace behavior by any means. There is no context or story you can concoct in your head to make these actions okay. Stop excusing this behavior. One source even said that a women stated she shouldn't have worn a skirt one day to work, and that Lasseter had his hand on her thigh. She had to block his hand, otherwise it would've traveled. This happened more than 15 years ago! What more evidence do you want?


Well-Known Member
I’m in agreement with you, so far the only allegations have been unsolicited hugs and the kiss on the cheek. Doesn’t seem like that should be put in the same context as grabbing and expos Big yourself as others have been proven to do.
Seems like as a society especially here in the states we have become extremely sensitive to showing any kind of affection. A handshake that may to too long, a hug from a person or a simple kiss of affection which is and was a common practice all over the world for years have all of a sudden become evil.

I’m not defending anyone that does I’ll will against a person especially if they crossed the line innapropriately but it amazes me how fast people are ready to judge before knowing any facts especially in a case like this when so far the women quoted talks about long hugs and the occasional kiss
Also, to use the fact that a "hug from a person or a simple kiss of affection" was commonly used for many years is just plain wrong. Times change, and with that cultural norms change. For hundreds of years it was okay to treat people of different color poorly, now it's not. So, if John Lassester was a racist, by your argument that's okay because it was done in the past.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
One of the fallacies that allows these scumbags to thrive for long periods of time in powerful positions is that they are indispensable. I don't know anything about Pixar's creative process, but I refuse to believe that one guy is irreplaceable to the studio. Pixar has to have an army of talented individuals to consistently churn out their quality of films. Eliminating Lasseter from the workplace could even improve the work environment and lead to a better product.
Well said. Pixar as a creative company CAN and SHOULD thrive without the oversight of JL. As if he is the singular reason they have been so successful.

JL has always struck me as the ultimate man child. His whole demeanor is one of a boy playing in the sandbox. He probably sees little Sally Sue skipping along and thinks, "he he he, what if I kissed her!" Wake up, John! I truly hope that these 6 months are good for you and that you get help, period.


Well-Known Member
Well said. Pixar as a creative company CAN and SHOULD thrive without the oversight of JL. As if he is the singular reason they have been so successful.

Exactly. Any creative company has a pool of creative people to draw from. It's someone else's turn now. Having worked in various creative positions myself, it may be difficult to replace someone in a leadership or guiding role, but it's not impossible and sometimes it's for the best and has surprising results that are for everyone's benefit.

JL has always struck me as the ultimate man child. His whole demeanor is one of a boy playing in the sandbox. He probably sees little Sally Sue skipping along and thinks, "he he he, what if I kissed her!" Wake up, John! I truly hope that these 6 months are good for you and that you get help, period.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you do - and if I were creative head of an animation company, I would probably feel that way too.

But holy hell, what is it with people and lacking social skills, shame, empathy, and respect for others?!? This whole thing and the behaviors/psyche behind it needs to be studied and we need to figure out a way to fix this.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
Exactly. Any creative company has a pool of creative people to draw from. It's someone else's turn now. Having worked in various creative positions myself, it may be difficult to replace someone in a leadership or guiding role, but it's not impossible and sometimes it's for the best and has surprising results that are for everyone's benefit.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you do - and if I were creative head of an animation company, I would probably feel that way too.

But holy hell, what is it with people and lacking social skills, shame, empathy, and respect for others?!? This whole thing and the behaviors/psyche behind it needs to be studied and we need to figure out a way to fix this.
The problem as I see it, is that far too often, people rely so heavily on one person that they don't form a line of succession. If something happens to that head person, then the whole system goes into panic mode. I think we saw that at Disney when Frank Wells tragically died. No line of succession was really in place, and that left Eisner to go forward assuming both roles and we have seen how well that panned out.

I'm not critiquing John's childlikeness, as I think you almost need that in an animation industry, but more just the "I get what I want when I want, and if I don't I'm gonna throw a fit" mentality.

If you ask me...and this is probably a controversial opinion...but I think the bigger "problem" with society at large is that we are WAY over-sexualized. Everything from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue to commercials for microwave dinners to pop music promote free and easy sex and encourage consumers to go out and "get some". Sadly, when people in power feel it they somehow think they're "above" reproach and with power comes a feeling of entitlement.
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Well-Known Member
The problem as I see it, is that far too often, people rely so heavily on one person that they don't form a line of succession. If something happens to that head person, then the whole system goes into panic mode. I think we saw that at Disney when Frank Wells tragically died. No line of succession was really in place, and as such Eisner went forward assuming both roles and we have seen how that paid out.

I've witnessed that kind of disaster first-hand. While can be difficult to create the right mix of people in order to achieve both harmony and top-notch product without having jealousy and competition ending up a problem, it CAN be done. A large part of that is having the right people in leadership roles and fostering collaboration and team efforts, while at the same time acknowledging and rewarding both team and individual accomplishments. Unfortunately, it seems that more often than not egos get in the way. (I've worked in creative positions my entire life, and I've been involved in a wide range of hierarchies and team make-ups.)

I'm not critiquing John's childlikeness, as I think you almost need that in an animation industry, but more just the "I get what I want when I want, and if I don't I'm gonna throw a fit" mentality.

This seems to be pervasive among those in power roles as of late. Celebrities, musicians, athletes, name the industry, and there are people at and near the top who have this attitude. This kind of behavior needs to stop being rewarded and start getting the negative reinforcement that it desperately needs. Hell, our policy with our kids has always been that tantrums get zero attention, and it works.

If you ask me...and this is probably a controversial opinion...but I think the bigger "problem" with society at large is that we are WAY over-sexualized. Everything from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue to commercials for microwave dinners to pop music promote free and easy sex and encourage consumers to go out and "get some". Sadly, when people in power feel it they somehow think they're "above" reproach and with power comes a feeling of entitlement.

I cannot agree with this more. The media and advertisers need to just stop already. They also should be held accountable for the horrible attitudes and behaviors that they contribute to, IMHO.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
I've witnessed that kind of disaster first-hand. While can be difficult to create the right mix of people in order to achieve both harmony and top-notch product without having jealousy and competition ending up a problem, it CAN be done. A large part of that is having the right people in leadership roles and fostering collaboration and team efforts, while at the same time acknowledging and rewarding both team and individual accomplishments. Unfortunately, it seems that more often than not egos get in the way. (I've worked in creative positions my entire life, and I've been involved in a wide range of hierarchies and team make-ups.)

This seems to be pervasive among those in power roles as of late. Celebrities, musicians, athletes, name the industry, and there are people at and near the top who have this attitude. This kind of behavior needs to stop being rewarded and start getting the negative reinforcement that it desperately needs. Hell, our policy with our kids has always been that tantrums get zero attention, and it works.

I cannot agree with this more. The media and advertisers need to just stop already. They also should be held accountable for the horrible attitudes and behaviors that they contribute to, IMHO.
One of the most simple yet profound quotes I've ever heard is that, "the only reason sex sells, is because people keep buying it". It's a messy subject to get into given the way people feel about censoring vs freedom, and I think to an extent it does boil down the personal responsibility (another messy subject), but yeah. I hope this serves as a wake-up call to people. I mean, its eye-opening when you just sit down and watch television for an hour and count how many times you're exposed to either jokes about sex, innuendo, double entendre, or just flat out the act itself. I am NOT a prude, but the amount of it that has become "normalized" is startling.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
This kind of behavior needs to stop being rewarded and start getting the negative reinforcement that it desperately needs. Hell, our policy with our kids has always been that tantrums get zero attention, and it works.
I applaud the way you handle your kids in that respect. I used to work retail and I can't tell you the countless times kids would whine and whine for their parents attention over wanting something. Parents would say no, then the child would persist and 9 out of 10 times, the parent would give in to the kids demands just to shut them up.


Well-Known Member
One of the most simple yet profound quotes I've ever heard is that, "the only reason sex sells, is because people keep buying it". It's a messy subject to get into given the way people feel about censoring vs freedom, and I think to an extent it does boil down the personal responsibility (another messy subject), but yeah. I hope this serves as a wake-up call to people. I mean, its eye-opening when you just sit down and watch television for an hour and count how many times you're exposed to either jokes about sex, innuendo, double entendre, or just flat out the act itself. I am NOT a prude, but the amount of it that has become "normalized" is startling.
Agreed on all points, and I have a sense of humor and aren't a prude either, but there's a limit and unfortunately not everyone seems to understand that.


Well-Known Member
The normalization of sex outside of marriage has devalued the act. While I don't want to claim this wasn't an issue before the 1960's (we can go back to the days of the silent era and find cases just like the ones being exposed now in Hollywood), I do wonder if there's a direct correlation between the sexual revolution and cases of sexual harassment. It's a pretty well accepted belief that taking in ography can lead to far worse actions such as adultery, assault, and other crimes due to its false version of sex and dominance being mistaken for reality. I think I might look into this a bit more, if anyone is interested.


Well-Known Member
I applaud the way you handle your kids in that respect. I used to work retail and I can't tell you the countless times kids would whine and whine for their parents attention over wanting something. Parents would say no, then the child would persist and 9 out of 10 times, the parent would give in to the kids demands just to shut them up.
I can take them just about anywhere - even Disney gift shops - and they don't get the "I wants". They'll ask for something, but if we say no, they're generally very accepting of that. Literally the only time they give me a hassle is when we're done food shopping and they want a Hershey bar and M&Ms. They both have autism and I sort of set myself up for that when they were little by using those as a reward for being patient while we were at the store and they were bored/distracted/fidgety/not liking the noise/wanting to go home/etc.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
I can take them just about anywhere - even Disney gift shops - and they don't get the "I wants". They'll ask for something, but if we say no, they're generally very accepting of that. Literally the only time they give me a hassle is when we're done food shopping and they want a Hershey bar and M&Ms. They both have autism and I sort of set myself up for that when they were little by using those as a reward for being patient while we were at the store and they were bored/distracted/fidgety/not liking the noise/wanting to go home/etc.
My mom was the same way with me at the store. Particularly Target. If I was patient I got an Icee. Of course too, upon entry to the store I would ask to be let loose to explore the toy aisles and she could come find me after. That worked well for both of us.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
The normalization of sex outside of marriage has devalued the act. While I don't want to claim this wasn't an issue before the 1960's (we can go back to the days of the silent era and find cases just like the ones being exposed now in Hollywood), I do wonder if there's a direct correlation between the sexual revolution and cases of sexual harassment. It's a pretty well accepted belief that taking in ****ography can lead to far worse actions such as adultery, assault, and other crimes due to its false version of sex and dominance being mistaken for reality. I think I might look into this a bit more, if anyone is interested.
I would honestly be surprised if there wasn't some direct evidence of things getting worse post-sexual revolution. The idea of "free love" has ironically cost us way more than anyone could have ever predicted.
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