Lasseter Taking Leave of Absence


Well-Known Member
If this kind of crap did not exist everywhere and was common we would not already have entire hours(in some cases work shifts) devoted to Harassment in the workplace. The bad part is the lack of follow through on all levels. If you are a victim and reading this, I am sure it is hard, but please express and tell someone, speak up, as it can save more. Don't let it continue if you can find a way to let someone know as soon as possible as it can help get rid of dirt before it becomes a mound.


Well-Known Member
This is pretty eye-opening. It goes to show that sick individuals are everywhere and even the biggest children's film making company isn't immune. I suppose it was naïve of myself, but I was hoping no allegations would hit Disney. Sad day.


Well-Known Member
Why couldn't this image ONLY be commentary on Kevin Spacey!?



Well-Known Member
I'm not defending anyone's behavior or condoning anything anyone has done. This is a sensitive subject. But I do believe we have become a society too quick to mark someone as evil when things like this come out. That's all I have to say on this.
Someone who used his power to take advantage of females is not automatically a bad person??? I believe in forgiveness, but that needs to be earned.


Well-Known Member
Not just men.
Not just powerful men, either. Everybody on this planet is guilty of sins. When someone's sins are made public, we're in no place to scorn them as we have our own kinds of inappropriate actions. Maybe you don't think you do, but you do.

While there's no denying what Lasseter has done is wrong, and I don't think he should be allowed to work at Disney again, he has admitted to his actions and seems to want to change the way he handles himself. Look at all the other celebrities and Hollywood execs who have come forward, none have handled it like he has. They've all either denied, excused, or not even addressed their actions. This isn't Roman Polanski or Harvey Weinstein, John Lasseter's done something wrong, knows he's done something wrong, and it appears he wants to fix it. I know it's not the popular thing to say, and I'm sorry for that, but he should be forgiven in the public's eye as long as he truly does take steps to fix his behavior, starting with a permanent resignation from Disney.

As I said, we're all guilty of sins whether we want to admit it or not, and we have no right to judge those who confess theirs while we hide ours.


Well-Known Member
I was always quick to joke about this in the past, but I mean this in all seriousness... Disney needs to book Lasseter into the Betty Ford Clinic as part of his six-month leave.

Something tells me he won't be returning to Disney or Pixar six months from now, if he even makes it through Thanksgiving weekend still employed. But his drinking problem is obvious and appears to be a big part of the sexual harassment equation here.


Well-Known Member
Not just powerful men, either. Everybody on this planet is guilty of sins. When someone's sins are made public, we're in no place to scorn them as we have our own kinds of inappropriate actions. Maybe you don't think you do, but you do.

While there's no denying what Lasseter has done is wrong, and I don't think he should be allowed to work at Disney again, he has admitted to his actions and seems to want to change the way he handles himself. Look at all the other celebrities and Hollywood execs who have come forward, none have handled it like he has. They've all either denied, excused, or not even addressed their actions. This isn't Roman Polanski or Harvey Weinstein, John Lasseter's done something wrong, knows he's done something wrong, and it appears he wants to fix it. I know it's not the popular thing to say, and I'm sorry for that, but he should be forgiven in the public's eye as long as he truly does take steps to fix his behavior, starting with a permanent resignation from Disney.

As I said, we're all guilty of sins whether we want to admit it or not, and we have no right to judge those who confess theirs while we hide ours.
I love it when people take the moral high road on internet forums. I don't think anyone on this thread has said they're not a sinner. If anyone, and I mean anyone, uses their power to take advantage of anyone in a sexually noninvited way, they are a bad person. Forgiveness needs to be earned. His statement was literally released today. What has he done to deserve your forgiveness already? I mean, really, it's been like 7 hours.

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