Pandora: The World Of Avatar - A Somewhat Letdown?

Clover Bailey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As you know, Pandora: The World Of Avatar is expected to have it's grand opening on May 27th. However, we have seen it's soft opening now and people are posting it all over the internet. At first glance, the park looks fantastic with floating(ish) mountains, interactive plants and overall attention to amazing detail. However, let's get to the rides.

Na'vi River Journey has been uploaded to YouTube by several people and as much as it is a good-looking ride... it's not that impressive. The animatronic characters are jaw-dropping, but here's the thing: only two! I know these new ones were probably hard to program, but remember: in the 1960s Disney made Pirates Of The Caribbean with dozens of animatronics that are still impressive to this day! I don't mind if some Na'vi were using that old technology, they'd still look great. The rest are just either screens or, in the rare case, a bug prop that just hangs off a string. Pandora has a wide animal kingdom (no pun intended), why not add some more Na'vi? Those tiger things you see on the screen, they would've been cool animatronics. Or how about an AA Banshee because spoiler alert, there's none in Flight Of Passage. Also, there's not even a small drop. Don't get me wrong, the biolumenescent flora and fauna of the ride is beautiful, but Disney uses it all the time in other rides, what makes it stand out in this ride?

Then there's Flight Of Passage. Now even though there is no full POV on YouTube, this ride does look really fun. People are praising it as the best simulator attraction ever, and kudos for that. The ride system looks interesting, but I'll talk about that soon. First off, the queue looks great, as you travel through a Pandora cave before entering an ACE laboratory with lots of eye-catching visuals and a lifelike Avatar animatronic in water that looks tremendous. However, once the pre-shows come in, the ride drops a huge bomb on you. Remember how Disney advertised that you would ride on a Banshee in this ride? Well, you kind of don't. Yup. Instead, you get on this weird bike-bench thing with seats similar to the seats on TRON: LightCycle Power Run, sit in a room, and the wall opens up in front of you revealing the screen. Why? Because instead, you're "linked" to an Avatar and simply "feel like" your on a Banshee. There's some movement and I think it can slightly drop, but the vehicles don't even leave the loading area.

In a way, it's simultaneously better and worse than Soarin'. For starters, the ride sounds much more thrilling than Soarin' and has a bigger screen, but at the same time I feel it might be odd with a loading area sitting behind you, creating an uncanny void of iPhones and Diet Coke bottles sitting in bins. Also, what was it again... Oh yeah, the whole Banshee thing was a mere half-truth to build hype.

So overall, I think Pandora: The World Of Avatar looks neat, but at the same time a bit disappointing. The attractions are a lot smaller than they built them up to be and there are not enough surprises to excite me. I'd be happy to discuss the expansion with people who have been and even if you haven't, it would still be cool to know what you think of it. Also remember that I won't be going until December, so this isn't a final opinion; this is based on what I've seen so far. Maybe it'll end up being my highlight of the trip, who knows.


Well-Known Member
To base the land and your opinion of the rides (and especially FoP) off Youtube videos isn’t completely fair. I’m not even sure how you could gather such a detailed review of something you haven’t been to yet. Don’t let the simulator aspect on FoP fool you. I actually really enjoyed how they explained it, as we surely knew we weren’t going to be riding actual Banshees, right? The pre-shows are very immersive, and explain to you exactly what and why and how this is all happening.

Just as in the movie, we are linking to an avatar, which I think was very cool. We experience everything the actual Na’vi riding the banshee are, just through them instead of them trying to tell us that we are these people. They actually go into the detail that humans could no ride these, as they would destroy us. So getting to ride through the avatar is actually the only way to experience it.


Well-Known Member
People are praising it as the best simulator attraction ever, and kudos for that.
Lol, yeah let's brush right past this little detail and get on to why the best simulator attraction ever secretly sucks.

Remember how Disney advertised that you would ride on a Banshee in this ride? Well, you kind of don't. Yup.
Are you kidding me? You know banshees aren't real right? As in, they're fictional creatures?

Haunted Mansion advertised that you would see ghosts but all I saw were stupid mirror tricks. Animal Kingdom Lodge said I'd be staying on an African game preserve but I was totally just in a hotel in Orlando! Test Track said that I'd abandon my physical form and enter a digital testing simulator, but I totally maintained my corporeal mass. RAAAAAAAAGE.

This might legitimately be the worst OP of all time but you're only 15 so I'll give you a break. ;)


Well-Known Member
Haunted Mansion advertised that you would see ghosts but all I saw were stupid mirror tricks. Animal Kingdom Lodge said I'd be staying on an African game preserve but I was totally just in a hotel in Orlando! Test Track said that I'd abandon my physical form and enter a digital testing simulator, but I totally maintained my corporeal mass. RAAAAAAAAGE.

This might legitimately be the worst OP of all time but you're only 15 so I'll give you a break.

But I’m pretty sure I actually did time travel to see the Dinos.


Well-Known Member
I still have a soft side for Beastly Kingdom (as you can tell by my avatar) and it definitely would have been a better choice than something based on a movie people generally only remember for it's 3D technology (Although it does have an environmental message). Sadly I know that will never happen now thanks to the imagineers who took the ideas to Universal. Pandora just feels lacking in lots of ways. Sure it has the amazing animatronics and light effects but I just feel like it lacks that lasting charm that other attractions have. My opinion might change when it officially opens but we'll just have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Na'vi River Journey has been uploaded to YouTube by several people and as much as it is a good-looking ride... it's not that impressive. The animatronic characters are jaw-dropping, but here's the thing: only two! I know these new ones were probably hard to program, but remember: in the 1960s Disney made Pirates Of The Caribbean with dozens of animatronics that are still impressive to this day! I don't mind if some Na'vi were using that old technology, they'd still look great. The rest are just either screens or, in the rare case, a bug prop that just hangs off a string. Pandora has a wide animal kingdom (no pun intended), why not add some more Na'vi? Those tiger things you see on the screen, they would've been cool animatronics. Or how about an AA Banshee because spoiler alert, there's none in Flight Of Passage. Also, there's not even a small drop. Don't get me wrong, the biolumenescent flora and fauna of the ride is beautiful, but Disney uses it all the time in other rides, what makes it stand out in this ride?

To unbeknowst guest they will say it's is impressive....Where as a Disney Fan will say...It's Living With The Land: Pandora.


Well-Known Member
I will let you know in a few weeks, but I am intentionally avoiding pictures and videos now so I am able to make up my own mind when I go. No real preconceived notions. The only issues I have is that the rides seemingly are breaking down a lot. That will be the disappointment if it is still going on in 3 weeks.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Another death by a thousand cuts: It could have been longer, bigger, better, more colorful, more coherent, more abstract, more everything.

The same critique can be said of... everything.

Because it doesn't live up to some imagined ideal of perfection, it's a huge disappointment.

IOW, everything sucks.

I'm not saying that one can't point out improvements, but the fact that something can be improved doesn't make it bad. Everything can be improved. That doesn't make everything bad.

Criticism needs to distinguish between "great, and here's where it could be greater" and "bad, because of significant faults."


The Epcot Manifesto
A bus driver told me that his kid watched videos from YouTube of the same attractions and was super duper excited, so I don't know who to believe now!!!! I guess I could talk to some of the people I know who've been to the previews, but I guess that wouldn't give me the same feeling of not really being there as YouTube would.

Could someone please just let me know what the consensus of the forum is so I know how I'm supposed to think about this land?

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