Downtown Disney rumor


Well-Known Member
i'd rather have this investment spent on the parks to be honest

It's not like they're throwing good money after bad, but it's a lot like they're throwing good money after bad. They should admit it doesn't work as well as they'd hoped and simply move on.


Well-Known Member
Keep saying it... put in some mall stores - bath and body works, gap, abercrombie, american eagle, a lavishly themed department store and bang! You keep the majority of tourists in disney and lt at mall at millennia... I think its time we accepted that DTD is essentially onky ever going to be a shopping mall with a good choice of restaurants - it may as well be a good shopping mall with not just stores and stores of the same cheap 'disney parks' (not even disney world) generic merch!


Think for yourselfer
With this layout, they could potentially turn "The Landing" back into an adults-only area.

They sure could. Easily.

But do you really see that happening? WDW has been aiming exclusively at kids for a while now, I don't see any evidence of a shift in thinking at this point.


Premium Member
Solves the parking problems at DTD with the garage. The bridge to SSR on the other side is a big bonus if you are staying there. I'm sure the theming will be good too. Not sure about the need for additional retail space. Seems like a lot of what they open closes and adding new retail spots will only add to this problem. If I am seeing the plans correct the garage and an expanded bus drop off area will be centered around the parking lot in front of where T-Rex and the bridge to PI is now (the Gateway) making the expanded entrance there the main (and if you arrive by bus, only) way into DTD. Won't the retail shops and restaurants on either end of the west end and current marketplace get screwed by this? I have to assume the real estate in and around the new Gateway and Springs area will be worth a lot more since the buildings will be new and most foot traffic will be funneled through that way.


Premium Member
With this layout, they could potentially turn "The Landing" back into an adults-only area.

I don't see it going back to a paid admission type thing like PI was, but they could/should continue to make that area more focused on restaurants and bars. The current layout forces anyone who wants to go from marketplace to west side to use PI as the cut through (unless you walk through the parking lot). With the expanded area outside PI the flow of traffic can be redirected around PI instead of through it. That opens up outdoor space on the island to be used for "gathering" as opposed to a pathway to push strollers through. Similar to how PI was in it's prime. It's conceivable that they could expand nighttime entertainment like outdoor live music or offer things like "bar hopping" plans or a Disney pub crawl type thing to encourage adult gathering without making it paid admission based.


Active Member
As a local, if this actually happens and alleviates the headache that is trying to park on the Marketplace side of DTD after 10 A.M. on any given day, then I'm all for it.


Well-Known Member
I only park on the west side but then again I only come once a year if I'm lucky. Marketplace is just a constant cluster and I avoid it like the plague in favor of easier parking with the added bonus of enjoying Florida weather for an extra 10 minutes of walking.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
It is really amazing how long they can let things go now. For most of my life the current parking situation at DTD would've been deemed unacceptable and they would've built a garage, but in the current atmosphere they can just keep floating plans designed to alleviate the problem whilst doing jack and s**t. I am excited they might inlcude a Starbucks. I was starting to worry that the world supply of Starbucks was declining. Occasionally, I can be outside for minutes at a time without seeing one.


Well-Known Member
They sure could. Easily.

But do you really see that happening? WDW has been aiming exclusively at kids for a while now, I don't see any evidence of a shift in thinking at this point.
They may be forced to. They're sure adding a lot of new retail space that will need to be filled with tenants.

The best thing about this plan is that it open the flood gates for parking garages at WDW. DHS could certainly do with one.


Well-Known Member
i'd rather have this investment spent on the parks to be honest

I don't know, from what Im seeing they ARE investing in the parks. New Fantasyland at MK, Avatar at AK, Cars Land at DHS if the insiders info is correct and now DTD getting its revamp. Plus you add in MyMagic+ ( regardless of whether you think its a good idea, it IS investment and could potentially turnout successful ) and the only park without any love or even rumors of love is Epcot. I also add in the fact that they have done a great job sprucing up the MK and repainting everything and just overall spending some money to get it back to where it needs to be. I imagine once construction starts on Avatar and Cars Land ( if it happens ), you'll see the same scenario play out where they spend some serious cash to paint and fix up the rest of those parks.

To me the future seems really bright, but if they don't fix the yeti during Avatar construction I'll punch someone in the face. ;)


Well-Known Member
I have a hard time to see Disney doing all of this with the amount of money involved and the word phases is the other issue. When I hear the term phases with Disney, Disney has a hard time to do phase 2. There was supposed to be a phase 2 for DCA, but it isn't happening. That means a phase two for Downtown Disney isn't that likely.

The amount of cash is an issue for me to believe Disney is doing all of this because the words being thrown around on that site article such as turning parking lots and bus areas into parking structure, retail district, and adding new buildings. There also is words new amphitheater, new bridges, several new restaurants, and retail locations is making hard to believe Disney is going this also.

I have a hard time to see Disney finding retail and restaurant places to fill all the spots the article is talking about because of two issues. Disney doesn't like to building a lot of shops with them owning them for Downtown Disney and the same thing is true for restaurants. The 2nd thing is Disney had problems getting chains into Downtown Disney for Hyperion Warf.


Well-Known Member
I only park on the west side but then again I only come once a year if I'm lucky. Marketplace is just a constant cluster and I avoid it like the plague in favor of easier parking with the added bonus of enjoying Florida weather for an extra 10 minutes of walking.

We park in the Westside, take the boat to the Marketplace, and then shop back down to the Westside.


Firstly, “The BVD Corridor Stormwater Project” is the name of the plan to relocate the retention ponds in the area, and is not the name of the DTD project that is being developed in the trailers over by AoA.

Parking garage? Check.
I-4 Exit? Check.
More retail and dining? Check.
Name Disney Springs? Check.

Yep. All things we've been discussing here for what...a year?

The only "news" is the names of the districts. Those are similar to, but not exactly, what I've been hearing. Adventurers Club? Fail on every level.

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