So I guess my question to the both of you, and anyone else who wants to chime in, would be is there anyone who has replaced Disney in the "blind trust" category where you'll run out to see them regardless? Or is it that Disney is now just on a level playing field with everyone else in your eyes, where it'll just depend on a movie-by-movie basis? Or is it that you don't really go to the theater much at all anymore because the majority of what you had been going to were these automatic Disney releases?
And so I'm not just playing the inquisitor here... I don't think Disney stuff has ever been an automatic ticket buy for me (certainly Marvel never has been), but I'm also an exception in that I don't actually like watching stuff on streaming if I can help it. There are some directors (and to a lesser extent actors) that I trust enough to pretty much make sure I'll go see all of their releases because even if a particularly movie of theirs isn't as great, it'll at least be interesting to me.