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Danger Mouse, the most fantastic secret agent in the world, must follow Colonel K's orders (and try not to break Professor Squawkencluck's inventions) to foil Baron Greenback's and his henchman Stiletto's plans.
Hey Pro!… according to macroaxis, Disney has a less than 1% probability of bankruptcy. In other words, despite of money loss, Disney going bankrupt is unlikely!
Deal With It GIF by StickerGiant
I've never said they're going bankrupt. Bye.
Well, your followers said it might! And by the way, I just saw Wish in theaters and it’s not woke! And no thanks to you, it flopped unfairly!😤
Binging all the Christmas movies and shows before a family Christmas party tonight!
I'm worried for Wish and the whole Disney company. I've just found out the critics give Wish mixed to negative reviews and I'm worried it's going to flop and it might be the end of Disney animation studios. And a lot've these people here in this forum are saying it's going to flop. And it's getting under my skin.
Admire your EPCOT tributes! Got any advice for aspiring theme park building minecrafters?
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Patience. It takes many attempts at recreating attractions to get the most realistic interpretation, but the results are fantastic. Plus, you get both extensive knowledge of the ride you choose to build and the ability to experience an attraction you built yourself!
Earlie the Pearlie
Earlie the Pearlie
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing your next build!
Is that profile pic Millennial Force?
Yes it is
Cowboy Steve
Cowboy Steve
Thought so. I worked at CP for 15 years in the safety department. At the end of the night we would wander over and catch a ride on the last train of the night if there were empty seats. I think I stopped counting rides at around 250 lol
Hi There Don!
Do you still have a larger version of this chart???
I've been looking forever for the separated data for MK and EPCOT Center 1982-1990.

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If you have it, please send it to me, I’ve been looking too 😃
Hi! I don't know how far you want to go down the rabbit hole with dining plan calculations, but there's a blog I visit that has done the math, and concludes that a TS "credit" is worth about $59, a CS "credit" is worth about $23, and a snack "credit" is worth about $6. (This only adds up to $88, with the remainder of the DDP's $94 cost representing the per diem value of the refillable mug).
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If you'd rather not slog around in all that math, no worries! You've got a wedding to enjoy! :)
Hi. Thanks for sharing. That blog was always my go to for DDP spreadsheets. Glad they’re back.

Our trip is missing DDP’s return by 2 weeks lol. I probable would’ve added the QS.

Do you know if deserts are still included with the QS and TS meals?
Desserts are included on the 2024 DDP for TS only. A CS doesn't include a dessert anymore - just entree and beverage.
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