Zootopia characters confirmed


Well-Known Member
At least there are some good one's in the Cosplay community...
I think I like this more than the official costume. It looks more fitting for his character.


Well-Known Member
no. When I went to visit Pittsburgh, the anthrocon convention was going on. most of the people look like from animee/comic con. Only real difference is all merchandise is furry related and theres tons of "fursuiters".
There are also some movie theaters that are being rented for the Zootopia premier by the Furry community if I remember correctly.


Well-Known Member
I bet if it was a bunch of parents renting out a princess movie for their daughters nobody would care. But simply because it's furries, people are getting disgusted. Great.
Are these Furries renting the theater for their furry children's enjoyment? Because that's what your comparison implies.


Well-Known Member
True but they still do fit the Anamorphic due to the walking on Hind legs thing..
No admittedly they were anamorphic, but look at her body, she is a fox or wolves right? She doesn't look like the real animal on hind legs but the reference to it. She is round and cartoon-y. Comapre that to the fox from zootopia, it is anatomically more accurate to the animal it is supposed to be. Its more like a fox, rather then the allusion of a fox. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=zootopia+fox&view=detailv2&&id=CB94EE5AE5FD0DA230C0F16E620004DAE9AF4A75&selectedIndex=1&ccid=+Pb57hO3&simid=608023136418137913&thid=OIP.Mf8f6f9ee13b7ffb33391d5429cd542d8o0&ajaxhist=0


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Are these Furries renting the theater for their furry children's enjoyment? Because that's what your comparison implies.
That's beside the point. Frankly, I don't see the problem with renting out theaters, so why should it make a difference when furries do so?

This thread has devolved so much...


Well-Known Member
That's beside the point. Frankly, I don't see the problem with renting out theaters, so why should it make a difference when furries do so?

This thread has devolved so much...
So the answer to my question is no?

Grown adults, renting a theater for a children's film so they can wear fur suits and get their jollies during said children's film?

Me thinks you know the difference between that and renting a theater for a kid's birthday party.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as Zootopia has already become a hit with Furries (check out the recent article on Cartoon Brew, can't link it here. NSFW). Disney may not want to have these characters in the parks.
Honestly, this film is basically catering to Anthropomorphic fans. And furries are not a bad thing. The dark ends of a subculture are not a reflection of a whole. That's like saying the minaret in the Morocco pavilion supports ISIS.

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