Your top 5 magical moments


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Original Poster
What are your top 5 magical moments? :sohappy:

It doesn't have to be in any order or certain rank...

1.) My first trip to WDW in 1996, I got my monorail copilot license (still have it) and rode in the front with the driver.

2.) Getting to WDW in 1996 and seeing the tower of terror and riding it. It was my very first wdw ride.

3.) Expercing the Carousel of Progress for my first time back in 2004 but seeing it as well with my Grandparents who saw it at the New York World's Fair and over the years at WDW.

4.) Going to Epcot in 2008 and seeing the wand gone. :rolleyes:

5.) and my truly most magical moment as far as I can tell.....sitting on lounge chairs with my grandpa at the polynesian watching wishes...waiting for the electrical water pageant, hearing the water go against the beach, a ferry boart whistle, a monorail going by in the distance, and the contemporary hotel lit up at night.....only at the vacation kingdom....that truly is walt disney world.


New Member
mine are...
1- Watching Illuminations with my whole family, while eating dinner at Rose and Crown! great night!
2- Riding the monorail for about an hour with my whole family, on my dad's birthday and singing Happy Birthday >most of the time.:lol:
3- A night in the MK with my cousins riding Splash Mountain 4 times and Pirates twice! Loved this night!
4- watching my cousins ride Dumbo with Mickey and Minnie (part of the YOMD)..
5- Segway Tour with my uncle (was a birthday present).


Here's my list:

1) Watching my neice walk the red carpet in her Belle dress after ebing chosen as the Princess of the Day

2) Riding Cinderella's Golden carrousel on my 24th birthday

3) Meeting Mr. Smee when I was 5 years old and having him bend down so I could kiss his nose...then seeing him again when I was 23 and I had to bend to kiss his nose (he remembered me from all that time, too...I asked him if he remembered me from 18 years ago and he nodded!)

4) Having Tigger jump off the double decker bus at Epcot, pick a flower and kneel in front of me with it (does this mean we're Disney engaged?)

5) being able to go to Disney with My mom as an adult because it's different than going as a child


Active Member
1. Watching my kids interact with Mickey while we were riding the train with him (when we were the family that helped open the MK)

2. My husband proposing in front of Cinderella's Castle

3. Watching my daughter on the carousel, dressed in her Snow White costume while the song "If You Can Dream" was playing (this was during a P&P party so they were playing princess songs instead of the regular carousel songs).

4. Captain Hook and Mr. Smee riding in our boat with us on POTC

5. Watching my son's eyes light up the first time he saw Lightning Mcqueen


1. Stereotypical, but the first time I saw Cinderella's Castle. I was 8 years old, and it was (and still is) the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

2. Riding Peter Pan's flight for the first time. I had no idea how they made it feel like we were actually flying!

3. Dancing with Mickey Mouse on Castaway Cay.

4. Standing in the back of the Disney Magic with the wind blowing in my face on the last night of our cruise. It was the moment that I fell in love with Disney all over again.

5. I was going to have my picture taken with Tigger, Eeyore, and Pooh, and my DBF was taking it. Tigger, however, decided DBF should be in the picture. He took the camera from DBF, handed it to the PhotoPass guy, and dragged him into the photo. It's my favorite picture of the two of us. :)

5(a)--- Because I couldn't resist. The time I walked onto Soarin, without a wait, during a spring break week!!!


New Member
What are your top 5 magical moments? :sohappy:

It doesn't have to be in any order or certain rank...

1.) My first trip to WDW in 1996, I got my monorail copilot license (still have it) and rode in the front with the driver.

2.) Getting to WDW in 1996 and seeing the tower of terror and riding it. It was my very first wdw ride.

Awwwwww... I went in '97 for the first time, but i still have my co-pilot license, and TOT was my first ride, too. I almost chickened out, I thought I was really going to fall in an elevator shaft, and the bellhops scared me. So glad that the way to the "exit" was simply a fork in the line.

My top five?

1) Being kissed under, next to, and all around the castle by my boyfriend the last time I went.

2) The first few times going to the Living Seas, when it was just a huge aquarium, and when the dolphins swum past me.

3) The awesomeness that was innoventions to me

4) Riding the dinosaur ride (dinosaurs were my FAVORITES growing up) and being so scared the first time that i had my head down most of the time and didn't even see the ride

5) Waking up early to get to our character breakfasts and feeling like my family and I had the whole park to ourselves.

Also, knowing how much wilderness lodge meant to my mom, as she ended up theming our house after it starting after our second trip, when we stayed there.


New Member
1. Arriving at Disney for the first time (10 hours late because of delayed flight) with my husband and kids, seeing a group of doves let go into the air by a CM.
2. Watching my 3 year old grand-daughters eyes when she saw Cinderella's Castle for the first time.
3. Seeing my 67 year old sister last December seeing Cinderella's Castle for the first time.
4. Viewing The Osborne Christmas Light Show.
5. Watching the Christmas Party Fireworks Show while sitting on a chair.


Active Member
I can only pick five? That's not fair. How will I ever choose? :ROFLOL:

1. Walking through the secret door into Frontierland during my visit in November. I was in costume and on my way to work, and I just walked down the parade route with my face up to the sun and my eyes closed basking in the sights and sounds and the warmth. I'd had a rough few months at home, and I came straight to work from the airport, and there was just this incredible feeling of being back where I was happy again.
2. CP ride-throughs of Splash. There were a few nights where our managers let us load up a boat and go on the closing ride-through while they handled the controls for us. Those nights were seriously the highlights of my program. It's amazing how much fun you can have on an attraction you've ridden 100 times with the right company.
3. Laughing hysterically at the same corny Hoop Dee Doo jokes that I've heard a dozen times before with my friends, and asking each other why it was so funny.
4. Watching Wishes. From Main Street, the Poly, the FW dock, inside Splash's station. I got so used to watching or listening to it every night that by the end of my CP I could recognize my favorite firework by the sound it made inside station, and I could listen to the soundtrack and tell you which fireworks would be going off at each point in the music. Every time I go back now, I watch it and get choked up.
5. New Year's Eve 2003. It was the first time my family was there for Christmas/NYE, and NYE was by far the best night of our trip. The excitement of counting down with all those thousands and thousands of people and then watching Illuminations was so neat for me, since we'd never done anything more exciting than have a get-together with a few other families. The fact that I was graduating that spring, and it was FINALLY 2004 made it even better.


Well-Known Member
1. One of the gardeners at Epcot cut off a beautiful rose and gave it to me. He was older grandpa type person. He smiled so big and looked so happy to spread the Disney magic.
2. One day at Buzz I had on Princess ears and the CMs kept calling me "your highness".
3. A CM at the Tower looked at my husband's shirt (with the Chef) and said I really like your shirt so I'm giving you a rider swap pass. It works just like a fastpass.
4. I got to be the monorail pilot on our last trip. That was tres cool.
5. I saved the best for last. The first time I saw Philharmagic was simply incredible...


Active Member
Awwwwww... I went in '97 for the first time, but i still have my co-pilot license, and TOT was my first ride, too. I almost chickened out, I thought I was really going to fall in an elevator shaft, and the bellhops scared me. So glad that the way to the "exit" was simply a fork in the line.

My top five?

1) Being kissed under, next to, and all around the castle by my boyfriend the last time I went.

2) The first few times going to the Living Seas, when it was just a huge aquarium, and when the dolphins swum past me.

3) The awesomeness that was innoventions to me

4) Riding the dinosaur ride (dinosaurs were my FAVORITES growing up) and being so scared the first time that i had my head down most of the time and didn't even see the ride

5) Waking up early to get to our character breakfasts and feeling like my family and I had the whole park to ourselves.

Also, knowing how much wilderness lodge meant to my mom, as she ended up theming our house after it starting after our second trip, when we stayed there.

The dolphins swum right past you huh?


New Member
1) Watching my (at the time) 4 year old walking down Main St. with the large size Mickey I'd just purchased riding on his shoulders. He was beaming and people waiting for the parade could tell and were talking to him about it. He's almost 16 and 6'3" so it wouldn't be the same now.

2) Taking my parents, especially my Dad, who thought he could care less about going to Disney, and hearing him say how much he enjoyed it.

3) Going with our neighbors-- we went went our school system was on fall break. We ran into a combined 7 families that we knew. Our teenage neighbor said he was so comfortable it felt like he was home and not 1,500 miles away.

Those are just a few highlights that have nothing to do with my personal enjoyment- but being able to watch others enjoy the magic as well.


Well-Known Member
I love this post!

1. Being first in line for Cinderella's Golden Carousal, and being escorted by the CM to Cinderella's horse w/the golden bow on her tail, and having them take my picture. That was magical :)

2. My first character dinner ever! Liberty Tree Tavern - I was 23, it was only 3 years ago, but I was still elated and smiling from ear to ear!

3. My first ride in the front of the monorail, getting my first co-pilots license.

4. At the Garden Grille, when I got engaged and the waitress brought us out a big mickey congratulations cake. I was crying I was so happy & surprised!

5. Wearing custom made "He Proposed" and "She Said Yes" t-shirts to the Magic Kingdom. The whole day was just amazing for us.


1) My first trip in 1997 (at the age of 30) walking down Main Street USA and thinking "I can't believe I'm here!"

2) The look on my mom's face (and tears in her eyes) when she saw my brother and his family and my sisters and their families walk out of the lobby of the POR when we surprised her with a family vacation for her 60th birthday.

3) Watching my nephew hug and kiss Pooh at the Crystal Palace.

4) Riding Soarin for the first time and thinking "what am I getting myself into...they made me take off my sandals?"

5) Riding Big Thunder Mountain with my 6 year old niece...she held her stomach the entire time because the ride "made her stomach feel funny.":ROFLOL:


New Member
1. Last trip, Xmas 2006, spending time with my boys doing whatever we wanted. Extra Magic Hours are fantastic.
2. Entering MK at opening with few others around waiting on Keys to Kingdom tour. It was an awesome feeling being there with few others.
3. My first trip with DW and staying at Dixie Landings ... been many times since.
4. My dad dancing in the Hoop-de-doo show wearing you-know-what ...:ROFLOL:
5. Riding Splash Mountatin 3 times without exiting, on a cold Extra Magic Hour night :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
1. My first trip in 1984 which started my love for Disney.
2. My first trip with my then fiance who is now my wife in 2002.
3. Everytime I ride Peter Pan
4. My first time at the world during Christmas Time. Oh how I love the lights.
5. Everytime I bring someone to the Parks for the first time.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Ahhh...good emotional topic.LOL!

5. Marching down Main Street in the marching band.

4.Having a CM nammed Lonnie at rhe American Adventure pick me and my family to be the First Family of the AA show,getting a phone call from Goofy in the lobby,getting a Magical Moments certificate and a HUGE announcement in the resturant next door.I usually don't go for the huge birthday announcement but this was really cool!

3.Watching Wishes with my family from FL in 2005 durring HCOE.We laughed our heads off trying to look at the buildings and the back launch site.

2.The Millenium Cellebration trip we took.I had had a really hard school year and my parents surprised me with a birthday trip.Watching IllumiNations 2000:Reflections of Earth and dancing with the puppets in Tapestry of Nations parade made my year!

1.The very last ride of SSE '94 on my birthday in June of 2007.I had begged my parents to go up before they refurbed it so I couold ride my favorite ride one last time.This came to annother surprise trip and the most emotional ride of SSE ever.



Active Member
1Walking down Main Street my first trip in 1982
Being at the opening day for Epcot
Anytime my son is interacting with a character!
Seeing the fireworks for the first time in 2007
Experincing any new ride!!!!


New Member
In no particular order...

1) Having fun with all the characters and my 3 year old daughter on the lawn at the Boardwalk hotel on the night of Sept. 11, 2001 when all the parks were closed. We really needed that on that night.

2) When my daughter was having her hair wrapped near POTC and Peter Pan jumped up onto the planter behind us and whispered to my daughter "You haven't seen Hook around here, have you?". She shook her head and he jumped back over the planter and "flew" away.

3) Definitely the first time my son saw Lightning drive down the street toward him and rev'ed his engine!

4) The morning my husband and I were at MK early and saw Dale without Chip... we asked where he was and Dale started checking every garbage can in sight! We helped... LOL

5) The week after Sept. 11th Disney was so empty and we went in to see Cinderella and no one else was there. So she sat on the floor with my daughter and told her all about where her glass slippers had come from, and about her fairy godmother.. and answered all her questions. It was so sweet.


Well-Known Member
In chronological order:

1. The first time staying on property at Dixie Landings in 1996.
2. Taking my first big college road trip with my best friend and roomate and driving through the gates to the World. I just remember thinking, "I can't believe we're here!"
3. Laying on a hammock at Carribean Beach one night in 2004 with my girlfriend (now wife), looking up at the stars, and just being at peace with the world. Life really couldn't get any better than it was at that moment.
4. Watching Illuminations from Rose & Crown on my honeymoon on the Fourth of July. We got a lot of special treatment on that trip. In moment #3 I said life couldn't get any better, but it did. We've now been happily married for almost two years!
5. Going back to the world and spending our first anniversary where we had spent our honeymoon. There truly is no more magical place than WDW!

Here's hoping all your magical dreams come true like mine did!

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