Your most embarrassing moment in WDW?


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When I was younger, I used to always hold my mom's hand while we were anywhere at Disney, because I was always afraid I would get lost. So one time while at WDW (I think I was maybe about 6), we were getting off the bus from one of the parks and I guess I let go of my mom's hand for a second, and she was gone. Well..sort of. She wasn't that far away but I got off the bus and me, being 6 years old, it probably seemed like there were a lot more people around then there really were. So I looked around for a second trying to spot my mom's blue shirt, and I found her! Or at least I thought I did. I wasn't even looking up at the actual person that I thought was my mom, I just went up and grabbed someone's hand that had on a blue shirt. So anyway,there was this kid standing in front of me, looking back at me and giving me the weirdest looks, so then I looked up and I'm holding some GUYS hand! So I pretty much just let go of his hand and ran off in the other direction, the direction I was supposed to go in.

Haha..maybe it doesn't sound embarrassing but it was one of the most embarrassing thing ever. I was so afraid that one of the people from that family would see me later on in my trip and point and laugh or something.

So, I was just thinking about that, and I was just wondering if you guys have any embarrassing WDW stories similar to mine.



New Member
This isn't mine, but it's very embarrassing nonetheless. My friend was a CM during college and worked at the Coral Reef restaurant. One night, during the dinner rush, they had two of the sharks doing it right there in front of a table. They put a big cardboard screen between the table and the glass. They even had a diver go down into the aquarium and hold up a screen in front of the sharks. Anyways, they finished, and everybody went on their ways but it was still kinda funny.


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This isn't mine, but it's very embarrassing nonetheless. My friend was a CM during college and worked at the Coral Reef restaurant. One night, during the dinner rush, they had two of the sharks doing it right there in front of a table. They put a big cardboard screen between the table and the glass. They even had a diver go down into the aquarium and hold up a screen in front of the sharks. Anyways, they finished, and everybody went on their ways but it was still kinda funny.

oh wow, haha. that is actually really funny that they would cover it up like that.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Hey AliBeth, I can't recall anything with me and mine, however your story is too cute! I just busted out laughing. :lol:

I'm sure that it's not the first time THAT has happened. :wave:


New Member
As a child - being on the Tea Cups and having my little sister cry and scream because she hated the ride - she ended up getting sick on the ride as well. We were 8 and 12 at the time.

As an adult - having my sandal get caught on the edge of the car on the HM when I was getting out. Needless to say I fell down on the moving walkway stopping the entire ride. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I was probably 8 or Epcot. (This was back in the 80's). My entire group bought those neon glow necklaces...and I was wearing it "Sweatband Style" on my forehead. We were over watching the jumping fountains outside of Imagination...and the fireworks were about to start. I turned back...the group was gone. I freaked out (no pun intended). We had a meeting spot at the lockers near Spaceship Earth if we ever got separated. Now, I was young...and not as "hip" to the layout of the parks as I am now...
I started running...I was lost...I couldn't seem to get my bearings to the walkways in the area...I eventually found the main walkway to Spaceship and booked it down to the lockers. Just as the first tear was about to drop, my mom ran into the locker room. They said it was so funny because they saw me the whole time...because of that stupid glow necklace :lol:

Gotta tell ya though...When you're young...getting lost is the most frightening thing.


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Gotta tell ya though...When you're young...getting lost is the most frightening thing.

I agree...I used to almost-get-lost a lot it seems. And I was always running all over the place trying to find my parents, and they they'd end up being relaly close to me. :lookaroun


New Member
I had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to me, but it was extremely embarassing nevertheless. I was enjoying a beautiful Chicken Wrap at Pecos Bills for lunch. We were sitting inside. After my third or forth bite I felt something warm hit my face and shirt. Yeah, a bird took a dump on me! I was ticked and embarrassed. I did complain since I didn't think I should get pooped on while eating at an indoor restaurant. Well, I was provided a voucher for another meal, by the way, I wasn't so hungry after that. Also got a voucher to get a new shirt of my choice. Thank goodness the Pirates giftshop is across the way.

Would you have thrown away the old poopy shirt? Well, I didn't. It's so ironic since I'm wearing it right now. Don't worry, it's been washed a bazillion times since!

Now that is embarrassing... I would have rather lost mommy for 30 seconds any day than to get dumped on at Disney. Go ahead and LOL! :lol:


Active Member
I've got to admit some of these stories are funny and I can't stop laughing.

I have nothings to admit. Nope nothings. Not a thing.
Not in a park, but...

The other night, I was at Planet Hollywood with my roommates. The DJ asked if anyone wanted to embarrass someone from their party...I don't know what I did to deserve it, but my roommates all started screaming and pointing at me. The DJ pulled me up and made me wear this huge purple hat and gallop around the entire restaurant 3 times on one of those toy, stick-horse things. It was awful, but I got a free t-shirt out of the deal, so I guess I'm not exactly complaining :eek:


I have countless embarassing moments from the '50s Prime Time Cafe. When you don't finish everything on your plate, your in for public embarassment. The waiter/waitress has made me sing 'I'm a little tea pot' in front of the restaurant and another time had every table around me scold me for not finishing. I don't understand why they can't just leave you alone.:brick:


Well-Known Member
My grandmother has been in a wheelchair the last two trips we have made. On our last trip we decided to go on Jungle Cruise. The sign for the line indicating where people in wheelchairs need to go is small and difficult to spot and no CMs were at the beginning of the que to direct us where to go, so we just wheeled her in line with everyone else. After we made the first turn in the que we got stuck, really stuck. At that point I knew this couldn't be the right way. Luckily a CM spotted us and cleared the back of the line for us to get through. I was laughing, my mom and aunt were laughing, but my grandmother seemed to be the most embarrassed by the situation.


Well-Known Member
Being a kid and punching Mickey Mouse in the stomach because he didn't talk to me.:eek: Needless to say my family was embarrassed. I just remember my dad grabbing me and whisking me to the bathroom for some "Correction".:cry: I didn't do that again.


New Member
Ok picture the scene

Packed Whispering Canyon Cafe at breakfast time.

Hell its embarrassing enough asking for the ketchup in the first place and about 20 bottles arrive at your table.

BUT i pick up a bottle that one of my party has already used (unbeknown to me) shake it and guess what.................THE TOP ISNT ON PROPERLY!!!

covering me and a few of my party with ketchup...........i just wanted to crawl in a hole in the ground and cover myself up!!!!!! :cry: :cry:


New Member
My son asking me if I wanted to hear him fart on the monorail on the way back. It always seemed so quiet on the way back anyway! (Yeah, he farted alright! Said the hot dog at Cosmic Ray's did it!)


Active Member
I think it was our 1996 trip, which tells you how bad it was if I can remember it 10 years later!!

We were eating at Chef Mickey's and my mom and sister went up to the line and accidently caused about a hundred plates to fall...literally!!!!!

Of course, the reason was that the plates were piled so high on top of the spring mechanism, but it was very embarassing!!! Disney was nice though by just being concerned if everyone was all right, but Goofy gave us a VERY hard time!!!


New Member
Ill share a short one with you.
I collect pins so im always running to CM's with lanyards. While waiting on line for Small World, i saw a cast member with a lanyard walking through Fantasyland. I tried going over the chain and proceeded to fall. The cast member came over to me to ask if i was all right, so the first thing I said was, "can I see Your Pins?"


When I was younger, I used to always hold my mom's hand while we were anywhere at Disney, because I was always afraid I would get lost. So one time while at WDW (I think I was maybe about 6), we were getting off the bus from one of the parks and I guess I let go of my mom's hand for a second, and she was gone. Well..sort of. Not very far away but I got off the bus and me, being 6 years old, it probably seemed like there were a lot more people around then there really were. So I looked around for a second trying to spot my mom's blue shirt, and I found her! Or at least I thought I did. I wasn't even looking up at the actual person that I thought was my mom, I just went up and grabbed someone's hand that had on a blue shirt. So anyway,there was this kid standing in front of me, looking back at me and giving me the weirdest looks, so then I looked up and I'm holding some GUYS hand!

I did the same when I was young, one minute holding Dad's hand, he lets go for a second, I grab a hand, I look up and I'm holding hands with a big hairy man who ain't my daddy!
(no offence to the man, I'm sure he was lovely, but I think he was as shocked as I was :lol: )

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