Your most embarrassing moment in WDW?


When I was younger, I used to always hold my mom's hand while we were anywhere at Disney, because I was always afraid I would get lost. So one time while at WDW (I think I was maybe about 6), we were getting off the bus from one of the parks and I guess I let go of my mom's hand for a second, and she was gone. Well..sort of. Not very far away but I got off the bus and me, being 6 years old, it probably seemed like there were a lot more people around then there really were. So I looked around for a second trying to spot my mom's blue shirt, and I found her! Or at least I thought I did. I wasn't even looking up at the actual person that I thought was my mom, I just went up and grabbed someone's hand that had on a blue shirt. So anyway,there was this kid standing in front of me, looking back at me and giving me the weirdest looks, so then I looked up and I'm holding some GUYS hand! So I pretty much just let go of his hand and ran off in the other direction, the direction I was supposed to go in.

Haha..maybe it doesn't sound embarrassing but it was one of the most embarrassing thing ever. I was so afraid that one of the people from that family would see me later on in my trip and point and laugh or something.

So, I was just thinking about that, and I was just wondering if you guys have any embarrassing WDW stories similar to mine.


I did the same thing with my dad around Indiana Jones in the mgm. I ran over to this guy who I thought was my dad, screaming dad, following him around for a minute and telling him I wanted to go see indiana jones and this guy just looked at me and smiled and said hey I think your dad is over there! haha At least he was nice about it!:p


New Member
My wallet was stolen four days before my daughter and I were leaving on our trip to Disneyland. I managed to get everything cancelled and replaced (checking account, credit cards, drivers license) right before the trip. After a few more setbacks, we finally got to the resort and I started to relax. Unfortunately, I set down my wallet and forgot to pick it up. When I realized what I had done, we made a mad dash to guest services.

The embarassing part was when the CM working at the desk tracked down my wallet and returned it to me with a smile. I broke down in tears and the CM was so startled. I usually have pretty good self-control so I think I was just as surprised that I was crying as he was. I said a quick thank you and got out of there. I know that my face was red!


New Member
January 2003
First time visit for my BF, I wanted everything to be perfect. We stayed at a HoJo and woke up extra early to get the first shuttle bus to the parks. The shuttle bus only picks up and drops off at the Transportation and Ticket Center, so we get on the ferry to go over to MK and right before we get to security, I realize I must have left my ticket in our room! I was 22 at the time and I just lost it, bawling uncontrollably like a toddler. My BF was so suprised to see me freak out like that, he immediatley wen up and bought a single day ticket so we would n't have to go the whole way back to our room on International Drive. What was most embarassing was he kept talking to me in these soothing tones like "don't cry, it'll be OK, see, I'm going to buy a single day ticket, see, I'm going over right now, so we can still get in. It's OK""

He had never set foot in a Disney park so he had no idea why I was so devastated about not having my ticket. When we finally got through the gate and he saw the look on my face when I saw the castle for the first time in 11 years, I think he got it.

He still makes fun of me everytime we go to MK. "Do you have your ticket Ashlee? Are you sure? I don't want another episode like the other year..."

January 2003
First time visit for my BF, I wanted everything to be perfect. We stayed at a HoJo and woke up extra early to get the first shuttle bus to the parks. The shuttle bus only picks up and drops off at the Transportation and Ticket Center, so we get on the ferry to go over to MK and right before we get to security, I realize I must have left my ticket in our room! I was 22 at the time and I just lost it, bawling uncontrollably like a toddler. My BF was so suprised to see me freak out like that, he immediatley wen up and bought a single day ticket so we would n't have to go the whole way back to our room on International Drive. What was most embarassing was he kept talking to me in these soothing tones like "don't cry, it'll be OK, see, I'm going to buy a single day ticket, see, I'm going over right now, so we can still get in. It's OK""

He had never set foot in a Disney park so he had no idea why I was so devastated about not having my ticket. When we finally got through the gate and he saw the look on my face when I saw the castle for the first time in 11 years, I think he got it.

He still makes fun of me everytime we go to MK. "Do you have your ticket Ashlee? Are you sure? I don't want another episode like the other year..."


Awwwwwwwwwwwww. What a cute story!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
My most embarrassing moment has been told many times by me on this site. The readers digest version is it ended with be barfing off the back of a parking lot tram at Epcot. Not a fun day.


New Member
My most embarrassing moment has been told many times by me on this site. The readers digest version is it ended with be barfing off the back of a parking lot tram at Epcot. Not a fun day.

That was you?!?! :eek: And I thought you always looked that green.... :lookaroun

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
That was you?!?! :eek: And I thought you always looked that green.... :lookaroun
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wish I had the name of the cast member that was on the back of tram that day because he was officially the coolest guy in the world. The tram hadn't started moving yet when I lost my breakfast and he simply waited until I gave him the nod that I was done and he keyed in with the ever familiar "Driver we are clear" and we were off.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger, I used to always hold my mom's hand while we were anywhere at Disney, because I was always afraid I would get lost. So one time while at WDW (I think I was maybe about 6), we were getting off the bus from one of the parks and I guess I let go of my mom's hand for a second, and she was gone. Well..sort of. Not very far away but I got off the bus and me, being 6 years old, it probably seemed like there were a lot more people around then there really were. So I looked around for a second trying to spot my mom's blue shirt, and I found her! Or at least I thought I did. I wasn't even looking up at the actual person that I thought was my mom, I just went up and grabbed someone's hand that had on a blue shirt. So anyway,there was this kid standing in front of me, looking back at me and giving me the weirdest looks, so then I looked up and I'm holding some GUYS hand! So I pretty much just let go of his hand and ran off in the other direction, the direction I was supposed to go in.

Haha..maybe it doesn't sound embarrassing but it was one of the most embarrassing thing ever. I was so afraid that one of the people from that family would see me later on in my trip and point and laugh or something.

So, I was just thinking about that, and I was just wondering if you guys have any embarrassing WDW stories similar to mine.

Somewhat similiar to yours.....

Mine happened earlier this year. I'm married, have two kids. We finished riding Buzz and my daughter scored really, really well, so I was intensely trying to beat her score. I wanted to see the on-ride picture of myself to see the intensity in my face, and my wife was in front of me at the pictures. I started rubbing her arms as she stood in front of me looking at the pics.

It wasn't my wife.

After a few seconds, I turned to see my wife hysterically laughing at me while I'm rubbing the arms of a small Asian man.:eek: He never said a word to me, I never said a word to him. My wife still reminds me of this everytime we ride Buzz now.
Somewhat similiar to yours.....

Mine happened earlier this year. I'm married, have two kids. We finished riding Buzz and my daughter scored really, really well, so I was intensely trying to beat her score. I wanted to see the on-ride picture of myself to see the intensity in my face, and my wife was in front of me at the pictures. I started rubbing her arms as she stood in front of me looking at the pics.

It wasn't my wife.

After a few seconds, I turned to see my wife hysterically laughing at me while I'm rubbing the arms of a small Asian man.:eek: He never said a word to me, I never said a word to him. My wife still reminds me of this everytime we ride Buzz now.

LOL! I'm dying here. That is too funny!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Somewhat similiar to yours.....

Mine happened earlier this year. I'm married, have two kids. We finished riding Buzz and my daughter scored really, really well, so I was intensely trying to beat her score. I wanted to see the on-ride picture of myself to see the intensity in my face, and my wife was in front of me at the pictures. I started rubbing her arms as she stood in front of me looking at the pics.

It wasn't my wife.

After a few seconds, I turned to see my wife hysterically laughing at me while I'm rubbing the arms of a small Asian man.:eek: He never said a word to me, I never said a word to him. My wife still reminds me of this everytime we ride Buzz now.

hahaha. :lol: :lol: I laughed hard at this one. Wow.


Well-Known Member
Somewhat similiar to yours.....

Mine happened earlier this year. I'm married, have two kids. We finished riding Buzz and my daughter scored really, really well, so I was intensely trying to beat her score. I wanted to see the on-ride picture of myself to see the intensity in my face, and my wife was in front of me at the pictures. I started rubbing her arms as she stood in front of me looking at the pics.

It wasn't my wife.

After a few seconds, I turned to see my wife hysterically laughing at me while I'm rubbing the arms of a small Asian man.:eek: He never said a word to me, I never said a word to him. My wife still reminds me of this everytime we ride Buzz now.

I love this story!
Thanks for sharing! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
I have countless embarassing moments from the '50s Prime Time Cafe. When you don't finish everything on your plate, your in for public embarassment. The waiter/waitress has made me sing 'I'm a little tea pot' in front of the restaurant and another time had every table around me scold me for not finishing. I don't understand why they can't just leave you alone.:brick:

I like it when they do that! Then again its never me they're yelling at, its normaly my dad or sister!

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