Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)


Hey everyone =) This is my first post, so all of you should feel special that I'm posting in this thread ;) Actually, I have been reading the boards here for about four months, but have just never posted. So yeah, here I go. I'm not sure if my story is as funny or good compared to everyone else's, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

It was November 2002. I was at Disney with my best friend of 10 years, Heather, and her parents, Kim and Alan. We're at the MGM Studios, and we're over by The Tower of Terror. I wanted to go on it, and so did Alan, but Kim would not go on it because she's too afraid, and also has motion sickness with extreme rides like that. Heather, on the other hand, couldn't make up her mind. So all four of us got on line for Tower of Terror. Finally, we get into the 'basement', and we're getting closer and closer to the elevators. Heather starts panicking and people around her are starting to stare. She almost turns back, but I persuade her not to. So we finally get to the elevators, Kim steps aside as she will leave and wait for us at the exit, as Alan, Heather, and I get put into the elevator in the top middle. Alan is on the left, I'm in the middle (with the seatbelt), and Heather's on my right. Now I've ridden the Tower of Terror many times before, so I know what's happening around me. Heather is still panicking, so I'm letting her know what's going on and when we actually fall. We go through the hallway and get placed in the other elevator, and when it gets pitch black and quiet, when you can't hear a thing, I look at Heather and say "This is it." Right when I say that, we drop, and all you can hear now is Heather screaming. You would think that she would lose her voice or something, or that she doesn't need air, because she does not stop screaming, even for a second. Heather had this death grip on my arm so I couldn't even more. I distinctivley remember looking up as we were going down and thinking to myself that I couldn't even enjoy the ride because of this high pitched, non-stop screaming that is right next to my ear. Finally, we stop. You know when you go up, and the doors to outside open, and you can see outside the Tower of Terror? Well, it was really cloudy outside when we went on. When the ride stopped, I felt little droplets on my arm, figuring that it started to rain, and the rain came through the doors that open. Well, I look to my right, and there's Heather, crying hysterically on my arm. Absolutely every single person in the elevator with us turns back and looks at us and makes sure Heather is okay. "Are you okay?", "Are you alright?", is what we got mostly. I'm sure that they probably couldn't enjoy the ride either.

When we got out of the elevator, people were still asking Heather whether or not she was okay. When we went to our pictures, you can see Heather's head buried in my shoulder, and the heads of everybody on the ride are all turned to Heather, except for mine and Alan's. The CM's were making sure she was okay, too. They even followed us around MGM for a little bit. Kind of embarrassing for me, but I can only imagine how embarrassing it was for her.

Since then, we've returned to Disney in November 2004. Alan and I went on the Tower of Terror, but Heather would not. Don't blame her though.


Well-Known Member
speaking of a natural gas explosion...

About 2 years ago at wdw...

I was staying at all star sports. For breakfast, at the resort I had the biscuits and gravy. Never again.

We to mk for the day.around noon, my stomach started rumbling. Didn't think much of it at first.

I was on line at splash mountain. Behin me was this family of 4. The son was acting really obnoxious and was bumping into me a lot.

We got to the part of the line where you need to walk up the stairs. His face was at the right height.....

He bumped into me one more time and I couldn't hold it anymore....I let one rip right into this kids face. I don't think his parents heard, but he was real quiet for the rest of the wait in line. I did all I could to keep myself from cracking up at the look on his face.



New Member
I had a pretty embarrassing Disney moment a few years ago in Epcot. As I was exiting the park at closing, my younger brother was walking along the ledge on the big flower thing there in the middle, well anyway, he fell off and screamed loud enough when he fell that everybody exiting the park stopped, looked, and laughed...I just kept walking as if I didn't know him. haha


New Member
My second trip to WDW but this time with my husband's family. In one day I tried to "pick up" my brother-in-law three times (not literally). The first time we're all huddled in MK trying to figure out where we're going to go next and I'm rubbing what I thought was my husbands back....strike one. Second we're in POTC and I'm sitting between them but instead of squeezing my husbands leg who is on my right, I squeezed my brother-in-laws leg who was on my left...strike two (good thing I didn't go up higher). Finally we did Splash Mountain and at the end when you see your pics, I walk up and start holding my husbands hand (lacing my fingers with his and everything) when I noticed his hand just doesn't feel the same. I didn't even bother looking I knew it was my brother-in-law....strike three. Needless to say they had a wonderful laugh at my expense!


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Original Poster

these are great folks!!! Let's keep them coming

Alright, as promised I've got another one (I've got tons, but they only will be told with increases to the popularity of this thread, most of them are pretty good)

I was about 4 or 5 years old (so this wasn't as embarrassing for me as it was my family since I hardly remember this), and it was probably my first or second trip to disney. Well, we were at the Hoop-di-do Revue and I had a glass of milk sitting in front of me. There's a part (don't know if they still do this, probably stopped it since I was there) where everyone yells "CHEERS" and then they have the universal Cheers where people put they're glasses together. I'm pretty certain everyone knows what I am talking about...

Anyways, I see everyone around me doing this... but I'm only 4 or 5 so I don't quite get the concept... well... I just took my glass of milk and threw it. Honest to god no lie, I threw my glass of milk across the table and it landed on the floor (thank god it didnt hit anyone) and it shattered everywhere. Well it shattered right behind some poor unsuspecting woman who JUMPED right out of her chair and screamed... so the whole production stopped and just looked at this woman (watch us get a post from some woman with the same story... im sure it was embarrassing for her). So everyone is looking at this woman, but she then looks down and they notice the broken glass on the floor and the milk everywhere... so the people in play came over and starting just like laughing about it and they tried to teach me the concept of "cheers" so that we wouldn't have that happening again...

Everyone was just staring at us dead silent though, and when they realized what happened everyone just laughed... glad I was only 4 or 5 and don't remember much :p

OK... let's get some more and I can pull a few more embarrassing/funny stories from my bag


New Member
I must have been about 5 or 6, and was staying at the Contemporary resort with my family. It had been a busy day, what with going to the parks and what not, so like any other child I was rather exhausted and had a bit of an upset stomach. Well, my grandmother is taking my younger brother and I downstairs to the arcade at the resort, so we get on the elevator. Right as we walked off of it, my stomach decides to reject my lunch...almost right in the heart of the Contemporary resort. So we immediately get back on the elevator to get back to the room, and for some reason I just did not stop vomiting until we got up to out floor. Luckily my grandmother had a washcloth with her, so it wasn't very messy, but it was still bad puking in an elevator as people who came and went were rather grossed out having to stand there near someone doing that.


New Member
This isnt an embarrasing story, just a funny reminder that karma always bites back (and hard):

My grandpa cant take the whole day walk that is required at any Disney park, so we always rent a wheelchair. Well, the first time we rented a wheelchair for him was at Disneyland a couple of years ago, and always the prankster, my grandpa would lock up the wheels, making it really hard to push him around. He thought it was hilarious, but man hes heavy! So when we get to the bridge near POTC (you know, the one with the little hill), my mom somehow accidently lets go of my grandpa, and he goes flying down the hill! People start dodging him left and right while were chasing him down the hill, until someone managed to stop him. Seeing the look on my grandpa's face was hilarious. If only he had that emergency break on..... he would have never gone down that hill... :lol: .


New Member
I didn't think I had one, but I do (I must have repressed it). Keep in mind that I have NEVER done this before, anywhere.

We were in MK, and were around POTC when I needed to "go". I have three kids, and usually will have to take my son with me to go as well. The rest of the family had made a trip not too long ago, so I was flying solo for this one (for you parents out there, you know how liberating this is). Well, I obviously was NOT paying attention, because I marched into the bathroom, enjoying my temporary freedom with a spring in my step, got halfway into the bathroom (for those of you who are not familiar with the POTC restrooms, they are very long and wide), and noticed that there were no urinals. I looked around, and - to my EXTREME surprise - had about a half dozen WOMEN staring at me (and not in a good way :eek: ).

There are very few moments in our lives when we experience an epiphany - a crystal clear realization of something that, a moment before, we had absolutely no clue about. As those women were staring at me, I had an epiphany: I WAS IN THE WRONG BATHROOM!!! :eek: I quickly muttered something witty (I think it was "Uhh, oops. Sorry."), turned right around, and walked very fast with my head down, trying not to make eye-contact with anyone, back out of the Ladies Bathroom. As I made it to daylight, I heard laughter ringing out from the echoes of the tiled room, and I couldn't help but shake my head at how stupid I felt (it didn't help that people were now staring at me coming out of the Women's Bathroom as those in it are roaring as if they were in a comedy club).

I re-joined my family (I seriously don't remember if I went to the Men's Room to "go" after the ordeal). I kept my head down, and didn't make eye-contact with ANYONE until we made it into Fantasyland. I did not mention it to anyone, until I told my wife on a subsequent trip (as we were going through the POTC gift shop) a year and a half later, I was so embarassed. She laughed at me, but that's not unusual. :hammer:

Hope you enjoy a good laugh at my expense. And even though my signature talks about me being dishonest (actually a quote from the movie POTC), this one REALLY happened to me. Honestly!


Well-Known Member
marcikay said:
Mine is actually my daughter's embarrassing moment, it happened about 8 years ago at Disneyland - she was about 6. We were waiting in line for Indiana Jones when she playfully (but quite hard) slapped her dad on the rear. Then she turned around and realized to her horror that her dad was behind her, and that she had spanked a stranger! We also laugh so hard about her hiding behind us the remainder of the wait trying to avoid the man she had whacked. It still brings us to tears we laugh about it so hard.

that reminds me once on a flight to wdw my cousin and i were sitting in front of her stepdad. well he was teasing her by tapping the back of her seat and she was getting so mad. she swung her hand back to whack him but didnt see the flight attendant there. the flight attendant look at my cousin and said "BRAT!" and she stormed off. then she was also the attendant on our flight home too. :lookaroun

another time when my cousins aunt grandparents and i were at busch gardens tampa and this guy ran by. he ran really funny he was like kicking his own butt as he ran. well my cousin paul was about 12 at the time decided to copy him running behind the man basically making fun of him. so of course we are all laughing and there is this little petite lady cracking up with us and she says to my cousin "you do a great impression of my husband". My cousin about died.

as for in WDW.... where do i begin?

when i was 4 my father and grandmother took me to WDW for the first time and we were watching a parade. the sheriff of nottingham (from robin hood) was carrying like 25 balloons and he passed a couple out then gave the rest to me. well then the big bad wolf came by and tried stealing them and i got mad and said "Daddy punch him in the nose!" he didn't though. however, the next day, back at MK i ran into the big bad wolf again. I said "DADDY! PUNCH HIM IN THE NOSE!" my father said "No i cant do that" and i said "Ok then I will" and i gave him a nice punch across his nose lol. I feel bad for the poor CM playing the role of the wolf that day :lookaroun i dont know who was the most embarassed then - i know it wasnt me.

and yet another VERY embarassing moment and this is my all time most embarassing moment. it was a few years ago my mom and i my aunt my cousins my uncle and grandparents went to wdw for a week. we were sitting by the pool and i had a t-shirt on over my bathing suit. it was night time and there was a breeze (it was in february) so i was chilly. i grabbed my sweatshirt and went to take my tshirt off and my bathing suit top tied up around the neck well apparently when i went to take the tshirt off cuz it was damp and put the sweatshirt on, i pulled the string of my bathing suit and off it went. Lord that was the most embarassing thing ever :brick:


Well-Known Member
Mine doesn't top any of yours.

Park opening at the MGM Studios-my sister was going to the ToT line and I was going to get her a fastpass for Rock n Roller Coaster. Those cast members were leading everyone to the thrill rides and I began sprinting past them to get to Rock N Roller Coaster (I didn't know what they were doing). The cast member made a sarcastic comment and everyone laughed at me.


Well-Known Member
:hurl: EVERYTHING I had eaten and drank the whole day (it was 30 minutes before my family's scheduled dinner) after my first taste of beverly.


Well-Known Member
On one of my earliest trips to WDW, I went on the Jungle Cruise with my parents right after riding Space Mountain with my sister.

I was young and naive at the time, so whenever an animal came into view, I *whispered* to my mom, "Is that real?" After three or four times of me asking this of my mom, the cruise guide chimed in from several feet away: "Yes, of course these animals are real!"

I was amazed that the guide could hear me! After the ride was over, I asked my mom how the guide could have heard me, since I was whispering!

"But you weren't whispering, son. You were practically *yelling* during the whole ride!"

You see, I had all just come off Space Mountain and screamed my head off to the point of making myself temporarily deaf, such that I couldn't tell how loud my voice was!

So, for the entire Jungle Cruise ride, *everyone* on the boat got to hear me interrupt with "IS THAT REAL? IS THAT REAL? every few seconds!


New Member
I still have yet to do anything dumb down in Disney, that I can remeber; but something funny did happen to my girlfriend. We went to DTD really early in the morning, it had to have been 9;30am, to catch a cab. As we were walking by the Mego store this bird just dived right into her head and got caught in her hair. It flapped and flapped and finally got out bit it was so funny. There was also a custodial cm right there that laughed with me too. So was so mad that she yelled somethnig to the cm and smacked me.


Well-Known Member
My contribution to the embarassing moment was "losing"
my underwire. It had broken thru the bra and the t-shirt.
Don't know how long I walked around with it poking thru my shirt. When I couldn't fix it I just threw the wire away and walked around the rest of the day with my arms crossed

Thanks for the other stories, now I feel better about mine.

First posted that back in 2003........sorry for the repeat.

b/t/w - my favorite story was the little girl mistakenly hitting another man on the bum instead of her dad.


Well-Known Member
marcikay said:
Mine is actually my daughter's embarrassing moment, it happened about 8 years ago at Disneyland - she was about 6. We were waiting in line for Indiana Jones when she playfully (but quite hard) slapped her dad on the rear. Then she turned around and realized to her horror that her dad was behind her, and that she had spanked a stranger! We also laugh so hard about her hiding behind us the remainder of the wait trying to avoid the man she had whacked. It still brings us to tears we laugh about it so hard.

Welcome to the boards!! :wave:


New Member
Well, I had a bird take a dump on me when I was about 6 or 7 at Port Orleans: Riverside when it was still Dixie Landings. I don't know what I was doing more, crying or laughing. :lol:


New Member
Last July we decided to have breakfast at 1900 Park Fare in the Grand Floridian so we took a Disney bus to MK then the monorail to the GF. We are a very large party of about 18, kids and grown-ups. We all got our bellies full of nice all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. During the trip back on the bus my grand daughter (8 years old) tells us she has a belly ache. I ask her does she feel like she is going to get sick while on this bus loaded with people, and she replies YES Mom-Mom. Then proceeds to lose her all-you-can-eat breakfast. Quickly thinking what can I give her to catch this mess, I grab the first thing I see, the brand new Tinkerbell hat I JUST bought her, and she filled it up :hurl: :cry: Now she is puking and crying because she knows this hat is not fit to wear anymore. After she was through, my daughter found a poncho and we wrapped it all up and threw it out at the next stop. Just like, nothing happened here what are you looking at? :rolleyes: We were all embarrassed but what can you do. Now I had to buy her another Tinkerbell hat to replace the ruined one because it was my idea to use it. :lol:
This happened to me in April 2002 when I was 14.

My friend and I were walking around world showcase, complete with fans from China and maraccas (sp?) from Mexico. Well somewhere around Germany there was really funny music playing. Us being the weirdos we are starting dancing around with all our new things. We danced until the American pavilion (complete with our party of about 12 people, and strangers following us). So when we got to the American pavilion we just danced around there. Our friends, strangers, and a few CMs formed a circle around us as we danced around. We were havin a ball bein so goofy, until I spun around and fell flat on my butt. I got up and played it off. Everyone applauded my spill, but it was worth all the laughs! lol :lol: I don't think I'll ever forget that dance


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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't feel bad xodisneybelleox... very similar thing happened to my brother's girlfiend... she had more of an excuse because she was going down Summit Plummit... and that happens a lot there, don't know how often it happens when someone is just taking off their shirt but its ok..

I definitely must say my favorite so far is the little girl slapping a random guys bum as well, that's quite funny. Ok I've got another quick one I want to put out there, this one is gonna seem very untrue because its like something you would see on a t.v. sitcom, but oh yes... it happened...

So i was on a bus by myself and I was on my way back to my hotel (probably about 15 or 16 years old then) and there was a girl around my age who was like... checking me out. And she was rather pretty so I was pumped. She then like smiled at me but I didn't want to move when the bus was and I just figured... wherever she gets off... if she makes it seem like she's really interested (and not like i just have something in my teeth) then I'll get off... maybe talk to her, then walk back to my hotel (beach/yacht club as usual, small area, wasnt going out of my way).

So... she stands up sure enough at the very next stop and gives me another smile, and i'm just like "yep... thats my queue" so... i go to get off, but i was late about doing it cuz I hesitated... so as i go down the stairs of the bus.. yep she looks back to see if i got off, and I just like smiled at her... WELL... BE ADVISED THAT BUSES' STAIRS DO NOT GO DOWN TO THE GROUND... I took a step which was not there... I was paying attention and I fell right off the bus... to make matters worse... since i hesitate to get off, people were right up to the bus ready to get on, and i honestly took about 4 people on my way down... As I got up... my dream girl was gone and I was being laughed at by a whole bus-stop of people

Alright, I expect to hear plenty more, keep them coming!

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