Your Least Favorite Park....and Why


Well-Known Member
I love the parks but the one park that can get on my nerves is MK. It's a wonderful place and it IS Disney World, but I just can't handle the cramped spaces, strollers galore and major crowds.

As for the other parks yeah they all lack in something or other, but I can handle those. As for AK, I used to think that park was REALLY boring but on my last trip I actually really enjoyed it. I spent my time in the park soaking up the sights and sounds, and not running from one attraction to another.



I would have to say that Epcot was our least favorite (we just got back from WDW yesterday). It really seems to be in need of some updating, which I think Disney has recognized and appear to be adding some new elements (mission: space?), although I must admit that I did enjoy the type of crowd that was there (less frantic), and it is easy to get around.

We did enjoy the Animal Kingdom, with the exception of the DinoLand area - I found this was very tacky and not very Disney-like but more like a travelling carnival type area. Although DINOSAUR was a good attraction in that area, which maybe was the idea, but I didn't care for it.

I do enjoy rides, so MK would be my favorite, but I do agree with the many others on here who have posted that it is a nightmare to get around, particularily FrontierLand where 2 of the 3 "mountains" are, and the congestion in that area is just nasty. There are also sooooo many strollers & wheelchairs (I'm not bashing these people).

MGM is a fun place, interesting, good shows & rides and you can't beat FANTASMIC, though it would be nice if you didn't have to get a seat 2 hours before the show started!!


New Member
Animal KIngdom is my least favorite. We go mainly to please my 10 year old. (future veterenarian.) Her bedroom looks like the inside of the rainforest cafe.:lol:
I am not a huge animal fan myself. I love my cats and that's about it.


Active Member
:) Lord Alfred- you got it right AK is a work in progress. It is not finished.:D

I do think the paths need to be widened and better ways have to be found to get from point A to point B without the present long hikes.

I think they rushed the AK design and construction and are paying the price in terms of attendance.

My favorite park is Epcot. I do not have a least favorite. I love all of Walt Disney World.:D


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Original Poster
Animal Kingdom shouldn't have opened until it had a decent amount of attractions to draw the crowds. It didn't when it opened, and it still doesn't today. People can see pretty plants and exotic animals anwhere, really. But Disney's edge is in the fun it puts into its theming, into making someone feel like they're in another world. In Animal Kingdom, I just feel like I'm in a very pretty zoo, because that's basically all it is. I can appreciate the beautiful plants, the interesting animals, and love the Tree of Life.....but it's really a flimsy premise to build an entire theme park around. Animal Kingdom is still quite incomplete. If some don't care for thrill rides, more power to them. But for the many of us who do, Animal Kingdom can certainly use more of these, and can do it with that special Disney magic we've all come to know and love.


Well-Known Member
I don't honestly have a least favorite...Magic Kingdom can be a drag with all the screaming kids if you happen to be one of the poor saps in Fantasyland between about 10 am and 2 pm on a Saturday...

My favorites are the Disney-MGM Studios and Animal Kingdom. I think MGM has some of Disney's best theming and it is the most conducive, whole park...and it has my favorite ride Disney has ever produced, The Tower of Terror. I love the feel this park provides with its massive palm trees, hilarious street entertainers, and the undeniably-accurate and all-consuming (in a good way) feel of a Hollywood set it has--you really feel like you are on the sets.

Animal Kingdom is my other favorite for the same reasons most of you dislike it. I've always felt that the amazing scenery and small paths contribute to the amazing theming of this park. The plants make this park feel like a tropical rain forest and the small, winding paths are quite authentic. What kind of a message would Disney be sending if it had forty food wide Magic Kingdom-style walkways plunging through the rain forest it built? I think Disney has done a masterful job of theming the lands themselves to be as authentic as possible. Between the villages and the animal walks, there is a lot to these parks that most people miss--the theming of the temples in which Maharaja Jungle Trek takes place are amazing looking. I just LOVE the look of this park. I love the rides this park has, but admit there are few. However, I am admittedly an animal lover and therefore biased--but I think disney has done an amazing job of showcasing the animals while offering rides that families can enjoy, like Kali, Dino, Primeval, Tough to Be a Bug, and the Lion King. Regardless, just my view:) I don't dislike any of the parks.


Active Member
I can't say that I have a "least favorite park". I will say that when we go to WDW we spend less time in AK than the other three parks. Everybody gets down on AK for the lack of E-ticket attractions. I really believe they are missing the point of this park. The beauty of AK is in the attention to detail you can only find at WDW. Take your time and walk around the park, really look at the surroundings. Don't just rush from the Safari to Dinosaur, enjoy the theming, I really feel as if I'm in an African village as I walk toward Kilimanjaro Safari. Examine the ruins where the tigers are, incredible! I agree AK is a work in progress, but I think the work so far is very good with the potential to be outstanding.

And yes, Festival of the Lion King IS the best live show at WDW (IMHO).

Sorry for the long post, I will vacate the soapbox now ...

NINE MORE DAYS till Dixie Landings!!! (excuse me, Port Orleans Riverside) :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Well, for some reason when I went when I was 11 my least favorite park was MK. I'm sure that won't be the case now...I think I'll love all the parks!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JJHale
...The beauty of AK is in the attention to detail you can only find at WDW. Take your time and walk around the park, really look at the surroundings. Don't just rush from the Safari to Dinosaur, enjoy the theming, I really feel as if I'm in an African village as I walk toward Kilimanjaro Safari. Examine the ruins where the tigers are, incredible! I agree AK is a work in progress, but I think the work so far is very good with the potential to be outstanding...

We all love the parks:) But I guess with the notion of having to complete everything and sense of rush rush rush, it doesn't work well in AK. I really think it's a park where you need to take your time and soak in the atmosphere. I think that's what did if for me. It stinks that there's not enough E-Rides, but I seriously think this is a very well themed park. :) I'm always totally blown away when walking across the bridges in AK. It's the vast openess when looking out in the distance with perfect themeing that make it so special for me. Awww, now you guys got me really, REALLY missin the parks. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figgyfan
Animal KIngdom is my least favorite. We go mainly to please my 10 year old. (future veterenarian.) Her bedroom looks like the inside of the rainforest cafe.:lol:

OMG--do we have the same daughter??


Active Member
I would still have to call AK my least fav - the stroller bashing at MK can be a bit un-nerving some (well, most!) of the time though! I just hate it when some folks use their strollers as ramming devices!


Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd mention this.

I know a lot of you are for "adding and changing" all of the parks, rides, attractions, theming, etc, but I think in the end, there is no doubt that not everyone will like all the parks at WDW. This is not because of a lack of rides or bad theming IMO, I think it is just that we all don't like the same things. There are some of us who love the whole nature and animals thing at Ak, and, obviously there are those of us who don't. I am one of those who don't. But that doesn't mean I think the park should have ever been made and should be torn down so they can add more rides. I do think that they should add some to even out the attractions for those of us with different interests, like, as suggested before, adding rides, but still keeping the animals.

I like movies and Disney a lot, so my favorite park happens to be the Studios. The "crazyness" of it just makes me like it so much. One minute you are on the set of a Star Wars movie, and the next you are walking down 1930's New York with the sounds of gangsters all around. And I know that there are those who don't like the park for those very reasons. It is just about opinions and different intrests.

I think it should be Disney's goal to continue to even out the parks with the number of rides, shows, and unique experiences to keep everyone happy. I do agree that with the Animal Kingdom, they should add a few more rides, but I will not be arguing if "I don't like the theme of the new ride". because I know that there are people out there who might think it is the best damn ride in the world, and the more power to them for thinking that!


Well-Known Member
I agree with spider-man and WDWFREAK that Disney-MGM Studios is a chaotic mess. Don't get me wrong, I think ToT is the greatest attraction ever, Fantasmic! is awesome, and The Muppets rule all. However, the park's "sections" are not distinct and have no discernible themes.

AK, on the other hand, is beautifully themed and amazingly executed. It could use another land, maybe. I would love to see Australia, because I am so impressed with Africa and Asia.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JLW11Hi

In my opinion, E-ticket rides do not mean a great park. Everyone seems to think that the parks are all just ways to put big, popular, themed rides in them. I think that that is best kept for the Magic Kingdom, because that is the only park that I think was ever meant to just be a place to go on a bunch of rides. Epcot was not made for "themed rides about the future and different countries in the world", it was made to showcase future concepts and different cultures in the world, and it does a fine job of doing that. The Studios have always tried to give the image of a full working motion picture studio. As for animal kingdom, it showcases, well, animals, and does so with plenty of walking trails. It is popular among adults who I know enjoy seeing all the different creatures and learning about them. I guess I am just not into that, but thats ok.

So with all of these different "meanings" behind the parks, I don't think that sticking big thrill rides in the middle of them is the only way to enhance their quality. Don't get me wrong, I love the big rides, and they also make the parks great, but I just hope everyone knows there is more to Disney than just the rides.

Sorry, I spoke too long. :D Oh well. have a nice day!

I see your point, but rides don't have to be a rollercoaster or an Indiana Jones.

Rides can be like....Universe of Energy. Educating, yet entertaining. I would love more rides like this. I love the Maelstrom, though it still depicts the Norse with horned helmets (a myth). These are fun rides that expose you to different cultures with live visuals and fun narratives, rather than a sign on a museum wall or a sculpture. Spaceship Earth is another unique example of an attraction that teaches, yet it's a ride. A ride doesn't have to flip you upside down or go high speed to be exciting. Its scenery, its culture, its exoctic locations that make a ride great!!!!!!!

I think there are many fun ways of integrating rides and animals or foreign cultures. I love Epcot, especially when they have shows like Lord of the Dance or add some flavor to a pavilion with a ride or show, but the museums and movies shown there are all too familiar to today's museum going crowd. Epcot's World Showcase is almost a huge mall, with a spare attraction here and there. There all restaurants and shops. People don't come to World Showcase to look through a glass wall at some artifacts, although it doesn't hurt to stop and smell the roses. They come to see re-creations of events and immerse themselves.

Does anybody know about the Rhine River attraction that was never completed but has an entrance and a show building in the Germany pavilion?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sketch105

I see your point, but rides don't have to be a rollercoaster or an Indiana Jones.

Rides can be like....Universe of Energy. Educating, yet entertaining. I would love more rides like this. I love the Maelstrom, though it still depicts the Norse with horned helmets (a myth). These are fun rides that expose you to different cultures with live visuals and fun narratives, rather than a sign on a museum wall or a sculpture. Spaceship Earth is another unique example of an attraction that teaches, yet it's a ride. A ride doesn't have to flip you upside down or go high speed to be exciting. Its scenery, its culture, its exoctic locations that make a ride great!!!!!!!

I think there are many fun ways of integrating rides and animals or foreign cultures. I love Epcot, especially when they have shows like Lord of the Dance or add some flavor to a pavilion with a ride or show, but the museums and movies shown there are all too familiar to today's museum going crowd. Epcot's World Showcase is almost a huge mall, with a spare attraction here and there. There all restaurants and shops. People don't come to World Showcase to look through a glass wall at some artifacts, although it doesn't hurt to stop and smell the roses. They come to see re-creations of events and immerse themselves.

Does anybody know about the Rhine River attraction that was never completed but has an entrance and a show building in the Germany pavilion?

Yes, that is a great point. I guess I meant more towards thrill rides with no educational value, although I do think that thrill rides can be as informative as good slow rides like SE. Rides have also proven to be the best way to move people along, as opposed to having "walkthrough" types, where crowds of people can jam the place up, like at One Man's Dream.

Dawn S

New Member
My least favorite is overwhelmingly Animal Kingdom. The only time that I've been was just a week after they opened & from what I've heard, much has been added, so maybe my opinioncould be changed. Personally, I didn't find enough to do there in comparison to the other parks. I know what many people have said in the past regarding this's creative fun; you need to appreciate the sights; etc. Personally, even the "sights" didn't do a whole lot for me. I did find some things there that were awesome, but not enough to warrant the same price as the other parks & not enough to occupy any of the people in my party (ranging in ages from 2-58) for a full day. Just my opinion & I'm willing to amend it! :D

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