Your Favorite Airline


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I agree with the Britons about the US v. UK airlines... and will throw most continental European Airlines in with the UK batch. Aside from Iberia (which I loathe), most continental European Airlines are a step or 2 above their US equivalents. British Airways, Lufthansa, KLM, Swissair... ALL great airlines, but American, Continental, Delta, US Airways, all OK at best.

Also, Qantas gives very good service as well... just those friggin Aussie accents scare me a bit when I'm surrounded by a crew that speaks only with them. And my one weird layover (Houston - Atlanta) on a South African Airlines Plane (it was officially a Delta flight, but I flew on a South African Jet and with their crew), they were very curteous... just a bit weird.


New Member
I always fly SouthWest when I go to Florida, as its the only way I can get a direct flight, which is basically all I really care about...

Plus, they're always funny... on my last flight, the planes were extreamly delayed. Right after takeoff, a soft voice came over the loud speaker... "You are very sleepy now. Go to sleep." (<- this went on for a little while before he continued) "When I snap my fingers, you won't be upset by the delay. You will not fly Delta. You will not fly US Air." And so on.


New Member
In general, when flying to Disney World from here in Texas, I usually stick with whatever is the cheapest. I usually prefer Delta or American but if I can find someone else cheaper, I will go with it. I agree some are better than others, but as long as it gets from point A to point B in decent comfort I am happy!

Like others have mentioned, I also enjoy flying Southwest. Quick and cheap -my two favorite words :lol: But unfortunately they don't fly straight to Orlando and I hate stopovers.

P.S. Everything else equal, fly American Airlines or Southwest because they are both based here in DFW! :)


Well-Known Member
I like Northwest. I have enough frequent flyer miles to get the first class upgrade, which is always nice. For work I am required to fly Delta, if Delta services the location, which really sucks, as most Delta flights from Orlando stop at the Atlanta airport.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
It all depends where I'm flying to...

Domestic and to europe
Delta, Continental, US airways..

Middle east
For these destinations for me absolutely the best, Singapore Airlines
Our current us-based airline is Song [Delta's equivalent to JetBlue]. Direct flights, TV to entertain the kids, etc. We will probably spend $ for the overpriced buy-it-on-the-plane food, but airplane food has never been good.

We won't fly Southwest until the children are old enough to sit by themselves -- we HATE cattle-car seating, and we NEVER get in the first group.

JetBlue isn't an option because they only fly from Boston. My wife won't consider going into Boston for any reason.


Well-Known Member
I have flown 4 times to Orlando and once to NY all with Virgin and would not fly with anyone else. The service has always been great, food not too bad considering its plane food, great movies to watch. But last year I flew in their Premium Economy...WOW! Sitting upstairs, glass of champagne, newspapers, big seats, I am a total convert to upgrading and would definately save up for it again. If you fly once a year or so then their flying club is worth it as you get 8000 ish miles for a round trip to Orlando and you only need 10000 for a Premium Economy upgrade for free!

And us Brits can save Nectar pionts for Virgin flights and if you save them like crazy its worth it, we've got enough for 1 return flight to Orlando and we're saving up for the next one!
Hooray for Mr Branson!! :sohappy:


Naturally Grumpy
As I do most of my flying out of Philadelphia, USAirways has always served me well, plus when you get into the routine, you get the miles, club and other perks, so don't want to change.
Just won't use Southwest...if I want that kind of treatment, I may as well ride Greyhound :(
International travel I've been partial to British Air. Always treated well.


Well-Known Member
I've flown many different airlines and I have good feelings, neutral feelings, and feelings of absolute horror and disgust about some of them.

America West

This airline is okay in a pinch. The planes are rather old although I understand they're upgrading the fleet. The crew is friendly and courteous. Nothing to write home about, but they get the job done. I like the fact they offer "cheap" first class, and you can upgrade your coach tickets for a couple hundred dollars more. If choosing between AW and Southwest, TAKE AMERICA WEST!!!


San Francisco is United's hub and I have to say I do have a sentimental spot for United as she is one of the last few "ladies" left from the golden age of air travel. I've flown on the 777 and it is a beautiful aircraft and it was the first aircraft I had flown and encountered the entertainment system for each seat. This was way before the discount airlines started installing them in theirs. I also like booking my seat number way in advance online instead of having it assigned at the gate.

And I will always remember my trip to New York when I splurged for first class seats. WOW!! They fed us constantly, the service was impeccable, the seats were so comfortable, the flight crew addressed us as Mr. or Ms. with our last names, and they had a sundae cart where they made sundaes for you!! Oh, and they served milk and warm chocolate cookies before landing. I'm crying tears now just thinking about it!!

Frontier Airlines

My BF used to joke that this airline's ad phrase should be, "Where every seat's a saddle." But I disagree. Frontier is based out of Denver. Frontier is the airlines that has different pictures of animals you'd find in the west on the tail of each craft. So you might wind up flying "Coyote" or "Eagle." I wound up flying "White Snow Bunny." I kid you not. I thought it was cute.

They do have older models in the fleet, however the majority that fly in the Eastern US are newer Airbus models. So you should have a newer plane with comfortable seats with entertainment systems. The seats also have movable headrests as well. Crew is very friendly and they are expanding into many markets. So do give them a chance. I get the impression they hold Jet Blue as the competition and are trying to either match them or beat them. That should be a good thing for the flying consumer. And like United, you may choose your seat in advance online.

Continental aka Crapinental

Oy!! I had such a bad trip on Crapinental once that I make a concerted effort NEVER to fly her. Although the bad trip I took was in '95 so it's been a while that I can't remember why I hated flying her. But it must have been something really bad for it to stick in my craw. Guess I should give her a chance to see if the bad feeling goes away.

Southwest aka Air Moo

Last and certainly dead last is Southwest, otherwise known as Air Moo or Cattle Car Airways. I've flown Air Moo numerous times and I've decided that I don't care if their fares are cheap!! Yuck!! I'd pay more to avoid the rude service, the overbooked flights, the dirty and dingy planes, some of the passengers that fly this airline who are generally drunk, and their incredibly annoying staff. I don't need to be entertained in the skies thank you very much. And what choice does the passenger have when they're held captive in the air thousands of feet above the ground?

And there's no experience like the mad dash of passengers for the gate in order to try and get a good seat since there's no assigned seating. Be careful. The little gray haired lady seems harmless until you get her elbow in your ribs as she pushes her way to the front of the line.

If you think I'm exaggerating, try watching "Airline" on the A&E channel. Why on God's green Earth would an airline permit cameras to show drunken passengers, (almost every episode) crew that destroy luggage, crew that acknowledge overbooking flights, and generally giving the impression that flying this airline is the equivalent of flying a New York subway from the '70s and '80s?

If you have no choice but to fly Air Moo, may the grace of our heavenly Lord be with you. If you have another airline choice, GOOD GOD MAN!! TAKE IT!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!


Well-Known Member
I had heard that SW had to now pre-assign the seats since this true or not?

I have never flown SW....too many stops.


Well-Known Member
I'm I the only one here that loves ATA? I think it's one of those "hidden" airlines that not many know about but the best one out there (IMO).


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I like Northwest. I have enough frequent flyer miles to get the first class upgrade, which is always nice. For work I am required to fly Delta, if Delta services the location, which really sucks, as most Delta flights from Orlando stop at the Atlanta airport.

My daughter just started as a financial project analyst for Northwest (she got her masters degree in May), so I sure am glad to hear you're a frequent flyer! :D (Ever hear that "Delta" actually stand for "deliver everyone's luggage to Atlanta"? :lol: Atlanta is Delta's hub.)


Premium Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I'm I the only one here that loves ATA? I think it's one of those "hidden" airlines that not many know about but the best one out there (IMO).

I flew ATA on a direct flight to Midway from Miami. I have to admit, it was a nice flight. I wouldn't mind flying with them again, but they don't fly out of Palm Beach International and it isn't worth driving an hour to fly out of Miami. When we go to Chicago we usually take US Airways because they have direct flights to O'Hare.

I have never flown Southwest, but from what I am hearing now I don't think you'll find me on one of their flights anytime soon. :lol:

Oh yes....and maybe I should share another horror story about Delta. My grandma had flown to Tallahassee to have heart surgery. She recovered there and then took a plane back here (we drove her up). Anyways, she still wasn't "up to par" when my uncle brought her to the airport. He took her in and an employee took her to the gate (in a wheelchair) and got her on the plane. Well, that plane wasn't heading for West Palm was heading to Miami! So at about 8pm, about 15 minutes before we were going to drive to the airport, we get a call from Delta saying that they put my grandma on the wrong plane. They said they would bring her back to West Palm in limosuine, free of charge (limosuine? It was a van!). Her luggage, which happened to contain some important medications she neeed, was on its way to PBI though, so she would have to get it the next day. Just another reason why I won't fly Delta again..... :mad:

Gail Hayden

New Member
speck76 said:
I had heard that SW had to now pre-assign the seats since this true or not?

I have never flown SW....too many stops.
No, it is still open seating. And, that is the only airline I fly to FL. I fly non stop all the time with them. They are friendly, funny and on time. I have never been bumped or have never been on a flight that even offered. My only complaints are they preboard much too much (kids and parents, fine, extended family NO) and they are very very leinant with carry ons. The planes are always clean and I admire them for showing their faults on TV, a heck of a lot more honest, IMHO, than the others that don't or won't air their problems.
There is also an British version of this show that pretty much shows the same problems. Personally, I prefer the British version, they have a better sense of humor. :)


New Member
dreamteacher said:
I have never flowen and dont want to I am scard
May I suggest you contact your local airport to see if they hold courses for people scared of flying? I know they do them in the UK and aparently have a good success rate.


Active Member
My uncle used to fly without any problems but suddenly he developed a fear of flying. The way he got around it to come on holiday with us - A Hypnotherapist. He went a couple of months before and then a week or so before we went to Florida and it seemed to work fine for him.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Pippa said:
And us Brits can save Nectar pionts for Virgin flights and if you save them like crazy its worth it, we've got enough for 1 return flight to Orlando and we're saving up for the next one!
Hooray for Mr Branson!! :sohappy:

Saving Virgin frequent flyer points is surprisingly easy as you mention. Its not long before you can upgrade.

I agree "Hooray for Mr Branson!!" I'm a big fan of his (yes I'm a geeky business student) if you're interested - may I suggest reading his autobiography - it's a great read.


Well-Known Member
The only thing wrong with the Airline show is that they show the stupid people who you should not act like. I mean come on why would you not have your meds with you when you check them in. Thats pretty stupid.....I mean most of these airlines have similar problems so I dont think they should be bashed by all these people saying how bad Southwest is. I mean I fly southwest all the time , yeah I have problems but its what you make of it. I made it a good experience all the time. I just wish people would stop bashing them all the time. *sigh* Plus I know many people who work for Southwest and they love working there.

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