You know you addicted to WDW when...


New Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone! i'v not been on the site long, and i hope i'v put this subjuct in the right area! :)

so here goes,
you know you addicted to WDW when: (i have a lot so i'll just put my top ten for now!)

- You know the three letter airport code for Orlando (MCO)
- You know where all the bathrooms are in the parks without using a map.
- You walk through the shops on Main street USA to avoid the heat, rain, crowds, etc.
- you can ride all the rides in one day because you know the fastpass system so well.
- You get goosebumps when a Disney commercial comes on the TV
- You talk about Disney to much!
-when u no the most random facts that not even some cast members know
-you keep finding fastpasses in random places of your room and wallet
-you cry during "Wishes!"
-You go to your local Disney store just to be among the merchandise.
- your friends no longer ask, "Where are you going on holiday this year?", but instead, "When are you next going to Florida?
-You feel a slight disappointment when you book because that means you have to stop obsessing about that part of your trip.
-You end your conversations with "have a magial day
-Your dog owns Disney souveniers
-you have turned a "once in a lifetime" trip into an annual family vacation

.....ok, i know i said top ten... this is my top 15! :p

hope you all have some of you own to add!!! :)

Magical Dreamer

Well-Known Member
......When your ready to book your 2012 trip and you haven't even gone on your 2011 trip yet.....

I'm planning on booking our 2012 trip when availability comes up in August...& we don't go for 2011 until November.


Well-Known Member
When you work for an organization with offices in multiple states and provinces and you receive an e-mail from a co-worker in Manitoba that reads;


You don’t know me but I’m told you’re the organization’s Disney expert. I’m planning a trip, can you please answer some questions for me?

Yes this recently happened.


Well-Known Member
When you have your next 3 years dates selected to book!!
2011 8-15 December
2012 24-31 October
2013 5-12 December
2014 4-11 December



Oh good, someone else too!! all my friends give me a really weird look when this appears on my ipod!!! hehe

Yeah they give you a weird look because they're actually embarassed they're not as cool as you.

How about you know you're addicted to Disney World when you took up a serious interest in bluegrass music because it reminds you of Frontierland.


Well-Known Member
You catch yourself narrating the monorail in public places

You decide to do some reading and pick up the Unofficial Guide or Passporter

You download the Live365 app to your iphone so you can listen to constantly streaming Disney music


Well-Known Member have a double wardobe for clothes and shoes you only wear to WDW.

when......all your security passwords are disney related.

when..... you vist WDWMagic every day!

when...... talking to aquaintancies you try desperately to mention WDW

when...... your lounge and both bedrooms are filled with vacation photos and souveniers.

when..... (I work with Animals) every animal has a disney related name! (I have to make it subtle so no-one laughs at me! I have a ferret called 'Belle' for obvious reasons, when people ask why 'Belle' I say its because she's a bit of a Tinker!)


Active Member
WOW!!! I didn't realize I had such an addiction. How about this when you read all of these posts and everyone of them hits home!!

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