Yeti to be never fixed... solid evidence!


Well-Known Member
It's unlikely, but perhaps one of the reasons they discontinued EMH Evenings at Animal Kingdom is to allow ample down time to repair or replace the Yeti. Though I would imagine if they did require a complete closure that Everest would logistically be down when it's still hot enough to run Kali. Mid-September or October?


New Member
So then this leads us back to the engineering or parts design of the Yeti. For a lube issue I would think that one year to fix the issue. Figure eight months designing/building the new lube parts and four months testing. I bet Slick 50 would have kept him going lol.

Do we know how much testing was done prior to putting him in the ride?


Well-Known Member

Lee, I know you've given countless numbers of insider info over the years, but this, to me, is the best one of all!

Thank you... times infinity!

And if this happens to be true... THANK YOU DISNEY!!!!!!! :D

Took ya long enough... :lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what I heard from my friends who actually work in maintenance at AK.

First, it's all about the money. If they spend a lot of money to fix the Yeti (properly), is it going to increase attendance at AK? No, so no real hurry.

The shaft or linear actuator that actually pushes and turns him as he is swinging is the major problem, it developed some fractures and they turned it off for safety.

The new plans are going to have limited movement in the arm and some face movements but he will not be moving toward the ride envelope like before.

Then again, the big discussion is who going to pay for the redesign and repair.

And they are sinking in a ton of money on repairing and redesigning Primeval Whirl. New motors, new brake zones, new controls, improved track stability, etc.

So they are spending most their budget on a carnival ride, so that is why Everest or Dinosaur gets the short end of the stick.​


We should start a post of of things that need attention and include pictures as proof.examples of a bad show,YETI,hat guy ,test track crash scene,chipped paint,broken gutters,dirty hotel rooms (corners of the bathroom floor),black sheets in cave scene on BTMRR.

The problem with that type of thread is that it does no good at all. Complaints to Disney only minimally impact anything. The only thing that will cause these "issues" to be fixed is for people to speak with their wallets and stop going.


Well-Known Member
For a fix to the Yeti to be worth it, a major upgrade to the ride itself -- one that could be advertised -- would also have to be included in the renovation. So if any real news about a fixed Yeti comes up, you can pretty much bet that there will be a changed ride experience as well.


Well-Known Member
For a fix to the Yeti to be worth it, a major upgrade to the ride itself -- one that could be advertised -- would also have to be included in the renovation. So if any real news about a fixed Yeti comes up, you can pretty much bet that there will be a changed ride experience as well.

I would also assume that the original Yeti could be repurposes, even as a static figure elsewhere in the attraction if they so desired? Perhaps a glimpse of his arm somewhere?


Well-Known Member
I would also assume that the original Yeti could be repurposes, even as a static figure elsewhere in the attraction if they so desired? Perhaps a glimpse of his arm somewhere?

Sounds like a good idea, maybe a quick "flash" of his face or arm as you're flying backwards?

Hope it doesn't take too long for this to be fixed.


Well-Known Member
I would also assume that the original Yeti could be repurposes, even as a static figure elsewhere in the attraction if they so desired? Perhaps a glimpse of his arm somewhere?

My vote is to have him appear and growl as you are spiraling backwards into the mountain.

Wouldn't even have to animate him.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was about CAD, I think it was about them underestimating the force of the arm swinging and other movements constantly, thousands of times a day on the structure supporting it, and other structures surrounding it.

That's what many of those programs (including one of the ones they promoted as using) actually do. To make sure that the stress and loads the building is going to be put under can be predicted and prepared for. It's not just about making sure everything fits right.

The simple fact is after all this time we still do not know what is actually wrong with the yeti. We have all heard rumors and guesses (educated ones and some not so educated ones) and those assumptions have somehow morphed into being fact. Could the problems have stemmed from a design error? Sure, but it has been my experience that it is much more likely to have come from somewhere else.

Very true, but then it's still their problem for not doing quality control.

In any case, Disney screwed the pooch with this ride, there is no doubt. If it was because of outside contractors/materials, well, there you go - outsourcing means you have to be extra careful.

All that said, let's hope Lee is right. It's such an embarrassment now, I'd love to never have to think about "Disco" mode again.


Well-Known Member
I would also assume that the original Yeti could be repurposes, even as a static figure elsewhere in the attraction if they so desired? Perhaps a glimpse of his arm somewhere?

Oh yes...we all know just the place. Right before the BIG drop!!!

Two different encounters with the yeti would be sweet!


Well-Known Member
Somebody mentioned in passing that the new Shanghai Park would be getting some sort of Everest clone. I have heard whisperings elsewhere too. If that is the case, would they commission 2 yetis with one replacing ours? Is that our answer?

And I can say that the Yeti has been being reposed almost daily now. Does that mean there is some footwork happening? I have also read multiple reports of the tarps being in place this week. Can anyone confirm??


Well-Known Member
$500 million on a movie land in the zoo, with cameron getting a cut of the ticket receipts, I hate to see how much maintenance is going to be slashed.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
$500 million on a movie land in the zoo, with cameron getting a cut of the ticket receipts, I hate to see how much maintenance is going to be slashed.

Where in the announcement did it mention Cameron was getting a piece of the gate receipts.....

And regardless, that's no guarantee maintenance will be slashed.


Well-Known Member
$500 million on a movie land in the zoo, with cameron getting a cut of the ticket receipts, I hate to see how much maintenance is going to be slashed.

I'm guessing you're one of those "glass half empty" fellas... lol.

Personally I was FLOORED to learn about the Avatar expansion. Even though we might have spent the money differently, it's still really great to see Disney putting money into the parks. I see it as a good thing.

Hopefully they spread the love around to the Yeti and other areas of the parks that need some TLC.

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