According to Martin, there have been multiple plans to actually repair the yeti without even taking the ride down. All of which have fallen through because of money reasons apparently. Is there any chance this could be another false alarm and someone just jumped the gun without thinking? Other insiders might be a bit hesitant to post such info given the previous false alarms. They might not want to jump the gun on this for something that may end up not happening.
I'm also wondering what else would be addressed during the refurb. I'd imagine a good solid cleanup and repainting is in order by now given that the ride opened almost 10 years ago and has yet to get any such substantial refurb. But I also wonder if they'll turn the mist machines back on that have been absent since forever as well. Probably not because of sensors, but they actually did turn the ones in Dinosaur back on not long ago apparently, so who knows?
This probably warrants a new topic instead of bumping an old one, if true.
So the yeti itself is not broken, but the surroundings he's tethered to? We never really got a clear answer about what precisely was wrong.