After extensive research, I am concluding that Disney's best approach to connecting the rest of WDW to the monorail system is to connect the rest with a peoplemover rather than monorail. The peoplemover could use the buried footers located at Future World between Energy and MS to traverse out of from EPCOT Center.
Along EPCOT Drive to LBV Drive, there is developable land zoned for future mixed use. Perhaps a new development there could incorporate retail space, entertainment, hotel rooms, parking garage, and maybe even convention and/or stadium space. The site has a "strip" layout, along the road and the once-planned future monorail corridor to LBV. The engineering for this future development should be designed to accommodate the peoplemover from its Future World exit point through the entire length of the project. The peoplemover could run either on the roof of the development or enclosed within the development. By including the peoplemover corridor as part of this development, money could be saved on the overall cost of building the peoplemover system by creating a dual use of that development's support structures. Also, a direct transit link into EPCOT Center from this development will increase demand for anything within it, such as hotel rooms, retail, convention facilities, etc.
Once the peoplemover line exits the facility, it should continue on a elevated pathway on EPCOT Drive to LBV Drive and follow above the median of LBV drive to the proposed Downtown Disney parking facility. Elevated moving sidewalks, like the ones at Universal StudIos Florida, could provide links across the street to WDW Village Marketplace and Downtown Disney's West Side. Another stop could provide an elevated walkway to Typhoon Lagoon. A leg of the system could extend west to DHS. An at-grade section, after crossing World Drive, could extend to the Coronado Springs Resort, Blizzard Beach, and DAK.
An enclosed at-grade peoplemover and/or moving sidewalk system could run along the west side of Future World on or above the service roads, with stops and/or exits at Disney's Boardwalk and an elevated section crossing to DHS, where it could link to the system described above.
This not only would solve the transportation problems, but will also create additional streams of revenue for the company by fully exploiting existing assets with developable assets. It does so in an attractive, convenient, entertaining, and cost effective way. Disney should put Imagineering in charge of developing this project, but instruct them to also work with an outside company, such as Bombardiar, for their expertise in transportation systems.
I'm putting together some graphics that I will post to illustrate this. Thoughts?