OK, no more of this "takes a village" BS. Who are we talking about here, the children of the government or the children of the parents? It's amazing how many people have let the government, whether local or state, ASSUME the responsibility of deciding what parents are "allowed" to do is this area. So, those for this but complaining about the rules, either complain more and get things changed or be quiet. Government ONLY has the power which YOU give it. Personally, I don't take this kinda mess and do my best Walden imitation I can.
There's been a couple of threads on this previously and it comes down to two basic groups, those for and against. And the against ALWAYS use the lgoical arguments about missing school that just make so much sense. But think about this, especially for those in the lower grades - if a child is going to be so messed up from missing a few days of school, there's a LOT more serious issues that need to be addressed. Either the expectations of the classroom are too high or the child has learning issues that need to be handled. So it's OK to miss if you're sick but not OK to miss the same amount on a vacation.
And if the parents, working two jobs to make ends meet CAN'T or AREN'T allowed to take off during the summer, they should just suck it up and not go anywhere? BS. The wife and I have shepherded 3 through school and there's been NOTHING we've seen to indicate that a Disney vacation has destroyed our children's lives. The oldest just graduated with a 3.92, top 10% in the state, and that's after 6 Disney trips in 9 years (the next has a 4.0). Yeah, they're scarred for life with the lack of an education. Too much angst here and some people need to get over themselves.