Trip Report Wowww - Spring Break 2018 at Saratoga Springs

We've been back almost a week, so I guess I better get this started! :D

Who: Me and my husband, R
Why: Spring break at my work
When: March 27-31
Where: Saratoga Springs Resort (1st time)

I worked on Monday, but I took Tuesday and Wednesday off, then we were out for spring break the rest of the week. I like taking advantage of these school breaks when I can, even though this is the craziest time for crowds outside of Christmas.

Monday night we dropped our pup-pup off at the dog-sitter's and felt AWFUL. We hate leaving him. They take great care of him and he has another dog there to play with, but it's still hard to leave him behind, especially when we have a night at home without him to snuggle with. I know you all think I'm a nut :hilarious:

We got up Tuesday morning and planned to leave the house by 7:30. I knew there would be some traffic on 240, but the Memphis airport is always totally dead, so I wasn't worried about getting there 2 hours early. Traffic was sluggish as expected, but we got there at about 9 for our 10:30 flight.

On our way into the airport! I felt like a major goober with my jacket AND my Donald Duck suitcase. It was Disney overload....the guy in the elevator smugly asked where we were going :hilarious: Of course he knew...

We checked our bag and I was trying the Magical Express luggage tags for the first time since I think our honeymoon. I was nervous, but thought we'd be fine if it arrived late. We both had a change of clothes in our carry-on.

As we expected, security took no time at all. We have pre-check, but even without it, Memphis is so quick (unless you get their training line!). Pre-check is helpful in Nashville though, where we'll fly out of next month! Also, obvs it's helpful at MCO.

I always get stupid expensive water at the airport. I usually get SmartWater, but I tried Evian this time...not a fan. But now I know! We didn't have a huge wait at our gate, but long enough to get annoyed with a fellow passenger and her phone conversation :rolleyes:. I must be a magnet for loud talkers, because I swear they always sit by me. Can they not see I'm trying to read?!

We had a super empty flight, so we were able to get a window and aisle with a seat between us, which I like. I was hungry and all they had was peanuts...which I don't like. I mean, they're fine, but I much prefer pretzels! I remembered I had a larabar in my bag, so I ate that.

Soon enough we were landing and since we used our Disney luggage tags, we walked straight to the Magical Express! We both had to pee and had trouble finding open bathrooms, which has happened to me before at MCO! So weird.

Our scheduled landing was 1:25, but we were already on a bus and pulling away at 1:45. Great timing so far! I was a little worried about our room being ready text yet. This ALWAYS happens when I make room requests. If I don't make room requests, I almost always have my room assignment before noon. So once we got to the resort (2nd stop), I went to the desk to check on the room.

If I'd realized the quick service place was right there, we would have eaten first, but alas, I didn't explore enough. The cast member did some clicking and got us a room in the Paddock...nothing in Congress Park like I wanted, but it turned out to be fine. It was FINALLY time to eat something. Took me a bit to figure out how their cafeteria works, but we got it.

Their food place and gift shop are all one thing, so you order food, then you can pay for that and your store purchases at the same place...then you go sit down and they bring your food. It's kind of weird, honestly, but it was never busy in there so it was fine.

The inside of the dining area is pretty!

R got a spicy Italian beef sandwich. It looked AMAZING to me, but I tried it and it wasn't my fav. He liked it though.

I got the Bistro buffalo chicken panini, which looked way more awesome in the picture. It tasted good though. It perked me up, too. I didn't realize how hungry I was!

When we finished eating, we took off toward our room. We didn't get lost, but we FELT lost the whole time. There's not much signage, and finding how to get into our building was super confusing. We entered on the far end in a kind of hidden door. Thankfully our room was the first one past the staircase on the 2nd floor, so it was convenient to the first door we found :joyfull:

Sorry this has been so text heavy! Promise it won't be like that the whole time.

The room was pretty dull. I was not big on Saratoga Springs, if you can't tell :hilarious: I was sad because I was excited to stay there, but it just wasn't shaping up to be one of our favs! I guess we just know what we like now, and we don't like these big, spread out resorts. I did like the view from the balcony though!

Excuse our junk already laying around. I didn't even pay attention when booking that it's only one bed :cry: We share a king at home, so this would be different... Usually if there are two beds, we each take one :hilarious:

I did like all the storage in that entertainment center! Very convenient!

The burnt out light bulb was a nice touch :hilarious:

I changed into my shorts, and we headed out to catch our first fast pass in MK!
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I love how you have your magic band puck on apple watch strap. How did you do that?
I got a holder for it on Etsy! It's 3D printed. I tried making one myself, but couldn't get the size right. The bad thing is that I've broken two of them already :facepalm: But they're cheap, so...

Late catching up but really enjoying your report. Love all your photos! (The orange bird one is super cute.)
Thanks for reading!

Hey, I'm late as always, but totally enjoying your report!
I wish I could've made it for Flower & Garden this year! ☹️

I'm with you on the Redhead scene. A friend of mine works for an anti-trafficking organization, and I think increased awareness is an important step toward stopping it.

On a lighter note, I love that you also use the term "assy" 😜
Thanks for following along! Yes "assy" is one of my favorite descriptive words :hilarious:


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On our departure day, we didn't have to leave the resort until almost 2, so we planned on hitting up Epcot again.

We got packed up pretty quickly and walked our suitcase over to the main building. Since I didn't want to leave my Dooney loose with bell services, I put it in the checked bag and left that instead of going ahead and doing the airline checkin there....does that even make sense?

It was just easier for us to have access to the checked bag when we left the park.

Anyway, after we did that, we hopped on a bus to Epcot that we thankfully didn't have to wait on.

For some reason at all the parks but MK, R had set off the metal detector. We thought it was his belt so he took it off, but the security person at Epcot this morning told us it was the Apple watch. Mine doesn't set it off, but she said the closer it is to the detector, the more chance it'll trigger it, and he's wider than me :hilarious:

We had a FP for Test Track, but we had some time to wait, and no big desire to do other stuff. I wanted some coffee and the Starbucks was MOBBED, so I went to that Joffrey's cart across from Test Track (near old UoE). I just got a coffee with no flavor, but then felt bad because R said he would have shared if I'd gotten something good :cautious: He doesn't like plain coffee...

We watched the monorail for a while. We also took a few minutes to walk around Mouse Gear, and I noticed they had the Haunted Mansion gargoyle wine stopper. I had meant to get it before at MK, but thankfully it was here, so I picked it up! It was stupid expensive, but I know we'll use it, so...

I always find a million things I want in that store! I was good though and just got the one thing.

Also took a picture of this fence thingy that had hidden Mickeys in it. R and I kept joking about how a lot of the Mickeys are not really hidden, so we started debating if things were hidden Mickeys or blatant Mickeys.

Soon our FP was open for Test Track, so we hopped in line. It was a pretty long wait for a FP, but oh well, we weren't doing any other rides that day. R let me make the car.

Our test results weren't working and our picture never showed up, but our score was pretty good! We were only 12 points off from the top score that day so far.

Up next: More food, then home!


Well-Known Member
I have the gargoyle haunted mansion wine stopped and I used it ALL the time. It’s so heavy which makes it feel better quality then some of the other I have. Well worth the money in my book.

Loving your report as always. Sad that you are on your last day already.


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So I am completely drawing a blank on our day, but it seems like we must have gone back to the room for a while before we headed to Epcot for some more food. I say that because in one of the photos I'm wearing different clothes... so. I should really keep notes :hilarious:

Love these topiaries!

Our first stop was the Honey Bee-stro

Apparently I was picture happy

We. tried. it. all. :inlove:

  • Roasted Cauliflower with Buckwheat Honey Carrot Puree, Wild Rice Pilaf, Asparagus, Honey Blistered Grapes and Sunflower Brittle (GF) (V) – $4.50
  • Honey Tandoori Chicken Flatbread with White Cheddar Cheese, charred vegetables, Clover Honey Sour Cream and Micro Watercress – $5.25
  • Local Wildflower Honey-Mascarpone Cheesecake with Orange Blossom Honey Ice Cream garnished with Fennel Pollen Meringue Kisses (V) – $4.75
  • Florida Orange Groves Winery Orange Blossom Honey Wine, St. Petersburg, FL – $5.00
We honestly liked it all!

I definitely like the fried cauli in Morocco more, but this was also yummy. I usually describe cauliflower as (forgive me) "assy" so I was happy to have some that was prepared in a tasty way :hilarious: I remember liking the cheesecake an awful lot, so I think we'll get that again in May!

We headed to the Cider House next.

  • Pear Cider-brined Shredded Corned Beef with Braised Cabbage and Branston Dressing with Pears – $10.50
  • Ciderboys Grand Mimosa Apple Orange Hard Cider, Stevens Point, WI – $4.50

Took a picture so we could remember what this cider was. It was GOOD!

This is one of my favs of the festival, but why so expensive?! Sheesh. It's worth it though.

I guess we were walking out at this point

Actually nevermind, we got more food :joyfull:

Florida Fresh
  • Caribbean Conch Salad with Mango, Papaya and Pickled Red Onions – $5.25
R wasn't having any of this, but I liked it alright. As you can see, it was raining. BOO! I was bummed our perfect weather streak was coming to an end.

Next I finally tried School Bread...

...and it was gross. I do not understand this stuff. The bread was an awful texture AND taste. I took a couple bites and just tossed it. Luckily it's pretty cheap as far as Disney food goes. R got this crazy hot dog that he didn't realize was so huge.

It was so tasty, but soooo difficult to eat! We managed to consume most of it, but between the messiness and the rain, it was not the best experience. They should really put it on a plate for you so you can use a fork!

On our way out, I stopped for a photopass that I thought might have the Orange Bird magic shot.

I was right! Huzzah!

The family in front of me was multigenerational and the matriarch looked to be at least in her 80s...she was in a wheel-chair and pretty frail and honestly it made me tear up. They were such a sweet family, and I love seeing people enjoying moments together like this!

Up next: a meetup!

great photos!


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Well since it's cold here in Tennessee, I guess I'll write about the day it was cold at WDW...

Ok it wasn't actually that cold. It was probably 10-15 degrees colder than the previous days (high 60s? I honestly can't remember), but it was cloudy and breezy, which made it feel chilly. People were buying sweatshirts! I was a tad chilled, but not enough to need a jacket (especially since we were leaving soon)

After TT, we headed to World Showcase via The Odyssey. I went in the bathroom over there and had the place to myself....not saying I needed it, but still :hilarious:

We stopped at Jardin de Fiestas
  • Pork Taco: Slow-braised Pork Taco served with Apple Relish, Goat Cheese and Chile de Árbol Sauce – $6.25
  • Chilaquiles: Chilaquiles served with Chorizo, Mexican Cream and Cotija Cheese – $5.95

We liked both, but I think I remember REALLY liking the apple relish on the taco. The Chilaquiles was a decent size serving too!

Next we hit up the Lotus House
  • Spicy Meatballs with Crispy Tofu – $5.00
  • Fried Chicken Dumplings with Peanut Sauce – $6.25

The meatballs were super weird. Was the tofu around the meatball or were the little strips tofu? Or was the whole thing tofu? Would not recommend... But the dumplings were tasty! We love a good dumpling.

Next was something I was looking forward to and my photo of it is not the best...but it doesn't look nearly as good as it tastes anyway!

Bauernmarkt: Farmer's Market
  • Toasted Pretzel Bread topped with Black Forest Ham and Melted Gruyère Cheese – $5.00

So yummy! I'm a pretzel bread fan anyway and I LOVE gruyere! I would have liked this to be a bit warmer, but it was still good.

Another picture in my shirt. Wish it had been sunnier! Except then I'm limited on my I should be grateful I was able to get a shot with SE in the background.

I'm just going to make a bed in these flowers...don't mind me :inlove:

Took this while R was getting our next snack, and I was a little proud of it :)

  • Ginger Beef Yaki Udon: Thin-sliced Beef, Onions and Noodles tossed on the grill with Soy and Ginger – $6.50

Meh, just ok in our book. Probably won't get this one again.

You can see how dreary and breezy it was!

Peter Pan in his new spot

One more! :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: @Doc Disney this is the one where I thought I looked super old :cry:

I noticed a photographer by a bench with a nice background, so I thought I'd push my luck and get one more with R.

I regret sitting because he looks awkward, but it's still a cute background. Maybe we'll try again in May!

Got another OB shot and my hair is stuck all in my ears :joyfull:

On the way out, I stood in line for a Figment shot in my ears. This was another cast member I thought might have a disability. He didn't make eye contact at all and mumbled to himself a lot. Did a perfectly fine job, just not the normal interaction you get with PP cast members most of the time.

I'm stocked up on Orange Bird shots!

While I was waiting to get my photo, R went over to one of the Festival Merch locations and bought me this

I walked over as he was checking out and couldn't believe how sweet he was :inlove::inlove::inlove: I think he's figured out that my love language is gifts. It doesn't have to be major stuff, just little things that show he's thinking of me. I'm still not over it to be honest...I use that cup every day!

We headed out of Epcot after this, and we had plenty of time to get back to the resort. We didn't wait too terribly long for a bus and soon were back at SSR to get our stuff and get ready to board. We sat in the "lobby" for a bit and I changed into my jeans for the flight.

I also went to get us a soda for while we waited. The line to get food was long, so I got in the shorter line for the register to see if the cups I saw over there were soda cups or just water cups. Turns out what I saw was water cups, but the CM at the next register gave me a soda cup and said it was on the mouse! So kind, and a nice way to make leaving a little easier :happy: I also pin traded. They had an Easter basket with eggs and so you blind trade with them. I ended up getting a super cute Timon paw-print, so of course now I need the rest of the series :hilarious:

One last photo at SSR with my free soda

We had pre-check so we skipped the looooooooong line at MCO. It was extra long that day...yikes. I've said it before, I'll say it again: BEST $85 I'VE EVER SPENT.

We got back to Memphis with no issues and sped home to get our boy from the dog-sitters. Apparently he was an angel this time! No digging out, no eating proud of him. It only took him 5 years to grow out of being a destructive little butt hole.

Up next: Plans for May!


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I just realized I never explained the title!!

Somehow I've completely missed that Owen Wilson saying "wow" became a meme. I mean it's clearly not a new thing, I just never knew it was a thing. Apparently I said it like him once and R laughed...and then I was confused what was so funny.

R thought it was crazy I didn't know what he was talking about (especially considering how much time I spend online) so we watched a couple of compilations...then we just said it the whole time. It's dumb...just one of those silly things we got stuck on for a few days.


Well-Known Member
I just realized I never explained the title!!

Somehow I've completely missed that Owen Wilson saying "wow" became a meme. I mean it's clearly not a new thing, I just never knew it was a thing. Apparently I said it like him once and R laughed...and then I was confused what was so funny.

R thought it was crazy I didn't know what he was talking about (especially considering how much time I spend online) so we watched a couple of compilations...then we just said it the whole time. It's dumb...just one of those silly things we got stuck on for a few days.

My son says Wow all the time in that voice. Now he has me doing it. Some of those memes are actually funny.

Great Report! Sorry to see it end.


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Here's a quick update on our plans for May 3-6 (leaving in 16 days!)

Our flight isn't until 5:15pm, but we're flying out of Nashville :cry: so I'll take a half day off work and head out around 1:15. If all goes well, we'll land at MCO at 8pm Eastern, and probably just grab our own luggage. Maybe once we get to Beach Club we'll see if we can find something to eat there or go to Disney Springs (prob stay at BC since it'll be later)

Friday May 4
- 10am Test Track (I might add Living with the Land and SE or something...but we'll probably spend most of our time in World Showcase)
ADR - 5:10pm Yachtsman, our first time!

That evening we are going to the Star Wars fireworks dessert party. I'm nervous that we'll be too full, but we'll risk it. It says 8pm, but I need to look into it more. I don't know if we get there at 8 or the show is at 8... Would you guys cancel Yachtsman or just share an entree? I have been wanting to have a meal there FOREVERRRRR

Saturday May 5
- 10am Pirates
FP - 12:30pm Splash Mountain
FP - 1:30pm Seven Dwarfs
ADR - 5:40pm Trattoria al Forno

I'm hoping it won't be super duper busy so we can get rolling FPs for Big Thunder, Space, Buzz and others...

Sunday May 6
We'll have to get up and get the rental car before we head to Animal Kingdom.

FP - 10:30am Flight of Passage
FP - 11:45am Everest

I don't know how long we'll stay, but we don't have to be down in Naples at any particular time, so we'll play it by ear. We were originally going to come back to Disney on Wednesday after R's work meetings, but decided to just fly back home Wednesday instead. One reason is that neither of us likes being away from home (and our dog) for more than a few days, but I also have a wedding on Saturday, and I know I'd be a nervous wreck worrying about our flight having issues and not getting home ok on Friday. It's just better all around if we don't tack those days on.

The sad part is that we were going to stay at Wilderness Lodge those days, but I was able to get the first part of our October trip at WL, so all is well!

I know a few folks from the forums will be there at the same time, so hopefully there will be a meetup!


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Wait.. what... do you think you'll be back in MK for HEA? I'll be there! (garden viewing) I plan on meeting @Tuvalu and woody in MK that day too!
Possibly! We can exchange numbers and I can let you know if we head that way :D

Now I'm not so sad your trip report just ended. Wow, that's awesome you'll be back so soon.

And my opinion on Yachtsman is I'd keep it and share an entree. I've heard so many good things about it. I want to eat there!
It did make leaving easier knowing I'd be back soon! I guess having an AP is a blessing and a curse...I go more, but I also feel OBLIGATED to go more :hilarious: and thus spend more money and use all my vacation days... ha

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