Trip Report Wowww - Spring Break 2018 at Saratoga Springs

We've been back almost a week, so I guess I better get this started! :D

Who: Me and my husband, R
Why: Spring break at my work
When: March 27-31
Where: Saratoga Springs Resort (1st time)

I worked on Monday, but I took Tuesday and Wednesday off, then we were out for spring break the rest of the week. I like taking advantage of these school breaks when I can, even though this is the craziest time for crowds outside of Christmas.

Monday night we dropped our pup-pup off at the dog-sitter's and felt AWFUL. We hate leaving him. They take great care of him and he has another dog there to play with, but it's still hard to leave him behind, especially when we have a night at home without him to snuggle with. I know you all think I'm a nut :hilarious:

We got up Tuesday morning and planned to leave the house by 7:30. I knew there would be some traffic on 240, but the Memphis airport is always totally dead, so I wasn't worried about getting there 2 hours early. Traffic was sluggish as expected, but we got there at about 9 for our 10:30 flight.

On our way into the airport! I felt like a major goober with my jacket AND my Donald Duck suitcase. It was Disney overload....the guy in the elevator smugly asked where we were going :hilarious: Of course he knew...

We checked our bag and I was trying the Magical Express luggage tags for the first time since I think our honeymoon. I was nervous, but thought we'd be fine if it arrived late. We both had a change of clothes in our carry-on.

As we expected, security took no time at all. We have pre-check, but even without it, Memphis is so quick (unless you get their training line!). Pre-check is helpful in Nashville though, where we'll fly out of next month! Also, obvs it's helpful at MCO.

I always get stupid expensive water at the airport. I usually get SmartWater, but I tried Evian this time...not a fan. But now I know! We didn't have a huge wait at our gate, but long enough to get annoyed with a fellow passenger and her phone conversation :rolleyes:. I must be a magnet for loud talkers, because I swear they always sit by me. Can they not see I'm trying to read?!

We had a super empty flight, so we were able to get a window and aisle with a seat between us, which I like. I was hungry and all they had was peanuts...which I don't like. I mean, they're fine, but I much prefer pretzels! I remembered I had a larabar in my bag, so I ate that.

Soon enough we were landing and since we used our Disney luggage tags, we walked straight to the Magical Express! We both had to pee and had trouble finding open bathrooms, which has happened to me before at MCO! So weird.

Our scheduled landing was 1:25, but we were already on a bus and pulling away at 1:45. Great timing so far! I was a little worried about our room being ready text yet. This ALWAYS happens when I make room requests. If I don't make room requests, I almost always have my room assignment before noon. So once we got to the resort (2nd stop), I went to the desk to check on the room.

If I'd realized the quick service place was right there, we would have eaten first, but alas, I didn't explore enough. The cast member did some clicking and got us a room in the Paddock...nothing in Congress Park like I wanted, but it turned out to be fine. It was FINALLY time to eat something. Took me a bit to figure out how their cafeteria works, but we got it.

Their food place and gift shop are all one thing, so you order food, then you can pay for that and your store purchases at the same place...then you go sit down and they bring your food. It's kind of weird, honestly, but it was never busy in there so it was fine.

The inside of the dining area is pretty!

R got a spicy Italian beef sandwich. It looked AMAZING to me, but I tried it and it wasn't my fav. He liked it though.

I got the Bistro buffalo chicken panini, which looked way more awesome in the picture. It tasted good though. It perked me up, too. I didn't realize how hungry I was!

When we finished eating, we took off toward our room. We didn't get lost, but we FELT lost the whole time. There's not much signage, and finding how to get into our building was super confusing. We entered on the far end in a kind of hidden door. Thankfully our room was the first one past the staircase on the 2nd floor, so it was convenient to the first door we found :joyfull:

Sorry this has been so text heavy! Promise it won't be like that the whole time.

The room was pretty dull. I was not big on Saratoga Springs, if you can't tell :hilarious: I was sad because I was excited to stay there, but it just wasn't shaping up to be one of our favs! I guess we just know what we like now, and we don't like these big, spread out resorts. I did like the view from the balcony though!

Excuse our junk already laying around. I didn't even pay attention when booking that it's only one bed :cry: We share a king at home, so this would be different... Usually if there are two beds, we each take one :hilarious:

I did like all the storage in that entertainment center! Very convenient!

The burnt out light bulb was a nice touch :hilarious:

I changed into my shorts, and we headed out to catch our first fast pass in MK!
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First of all - I'M HERE!! YAY!!

Secondly, I love Saratoga but I totally understand how you didn't fall in love immediately. I think I just associate it with my mom since that's her home resort and that could be why I'm obsessed!

Third - you're so dang cute!!!

Fourth - I totalllllly feel you on not washing your hair every day! My hair is LONG and super thick so I am an every other day kinda gal :)

Can't wait for more! :inlove:
Yay, thanks for reading! Still sad I only missed you and GJ by a day or two :cry:

Love your t-shirt!! Where is it from? (I can bet I won't be able to get it in the UK :oops:)
The blue one and the gray/purple one with "This Way to the Magic" are some that I made! I have an etsy shop for them. They're fundraisers for Give Kids the World :) I wore the ones I needed more photos of, and I still haven't added the new photos to my shop... :facepalm:

Looking like a great trip, I love all the food pictures, the picture in Epcot with the butterfly framing SSE is WOW!
Thank you!!

How have i missed your report until now?!!

I love your macaw pictures!
Other than your sitting placement I think Morimoto is now on my "must" list. My vegetarian daughter would've freaked out!
My son's favorite sushi on Disney property is at Splitsville. :cautious: I don't eat sushi but I always thought that was funny and a little bit gross.:happy:
I fully judged @lostpro9het on the shampoo :joyfull:. Daughter uses and likes the cheap Suave brand of dry shampoo. Too much leaves a film though.

You're not too late! Thanks for reading :) The sushi at Splitsville was good quality, for sure! It's a weird menu (pretty sure they had pizza too?) but it was good. I will check out the Suave one!

My fave dry shampoo is by Big Sexy Hair. I have not found one I like’s volumizing and it doesn’t leave a residue on darker hair. I buy it at Ulta.
I'll check it out! Our Target carries Big Sexy Hair, so maybe I can get it there.

That sounds like that could work for me. My big problem with “head pieces” is the pressure it puts right behind my ears. I’ll look into that!! Thank you!!
Same! I usually get the really light weight ears with thin headbands. I got a new pair for my next trip that immediately gave me a headache when I put them on. I have been trying to stretch them out though.

That pic of the woman judging you is PRICELESS! Just WOW! Also love the macaw pics! They're all great!
Right?! I love it :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: And thank you! I might try to put together a gif of the macaw takeoff, I just need to look into how to do it.

So to jump on the dry shampoo band wagon in the UK my fav is Batiste the do loads of flavours (for want of a better word) and it's cheap :)

I use Batiste Dry Shampoo. You can find it at Ulta, Walmart, RiteAid, etc. It's relatively inexpensive and does a pretty good job, plus they have many different varieties, both for blonds and brunettes. A little bit goes a long way. Plus, you can find it in travel sizes for your carryon bag. I tried Dove a while back. Made my hair feel yuck.
I like Batiste! That's what I used on this trip, because they have the small travel size. I haven't tried the one for brown hair yet, but I keep almost buying it. Also, yes the Dove was awful! I'm using Argan Oil stuff from Target right now, and it's making my hair a weird texture too. Batiste is definitely my fall back, but I haven't found a scent that I just love yet. As you can tell, I'm super picky... :cautious: But I am also too frugal to throw something away just because I don't like it, so I just deal :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
My fave dry shampoo is by Big Sexy Hair. I have not found one I like’s volumizing and it doesn’t leave a residue on darker hair. I buy it at Ulta.
I think this is the one I liked too- I got a sample size one time while waiting in checkout at Ulta; unfortunately one of my daughters "borrowed" it and I never saw it again, and I've been trying to remember what it was. Whatever kind I had it smelled sooooo good.
I have th Dove brand now, and not really a fan, doesn't seem to work as well.

I know Argon oil is all the rage now but it leaves a buildup on hair for me. I struggle with finding a good shampoo for color treated har

And back to TR-the best part of SSR is easy access to Springs and I think they've had best bus service of any where we've stayed!
Food pics, love food pics!!


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Can I just say, I think it's hilarious that we're all talking about dry shampoo in my trip report?:joyfull: I love it

Back to Disney....

We headed back to Animal Kingdom for a very important FP.... Flight of Passage! I guess I just got the first time that showed up, because it would have been easier to do this earlier in the day. This was for 4:50 I think, then dinner was 6:30.

I didn't take a single picture in Animal Kingdom while we were there :oops: and I don't remember anything crazy happening, so let's just move on to dinner.

Jambo! We loved Boma so much last time, that we decided to try it again. This time no drinks before, and no drinks during...we needed room for all the foods.

The lighting in there is tricky. They apparently use fluorescent bulbs that flicker, so I had to adjust some settings.

First up I got some peanut soup (I didn't note the actual names of anything) and some rice. I ate the soup first, then the rice had a little soup down in it to give it a touch of flavor. Yum!

I was stuffed! I got some coffee with my dessert too. Our server was very nice and kept our waters filled and plates cleared. I'll be honest, I didn't love this as much as the first time, but I still enjoyed it! Lots of good food there, and plenty of variety. There was some kind of curry last time though that wasn't there this time, and none of the soups were outstanding like last time. BUT I would still go back. Disney is the only place I'll go to a buffet :joyfull:

Such a good lobby!

We ended up just taking a bus to Disney Springs and walking to our room from there. It was a long walk, but we didn't mind, and it was more scenic than just bussing to a park and transferring there.

It was a beautiful night!

I love the Mickeys in the flowers :inlove:

Earlier in the evening, after we used our FP at Flight of Passage, I started trying to get us one for Space Mountain since we missed it the first night. Well, after some serious dedication on that dang app, I finally had us one. I don't really know why we went back to the room before we went to MK, we could have just gone straight there. I think maybe R was on the fence about going, but ultimately decided that he would. I grabbed my jacket since it was slightly chilly after dark.

I'll post some about out MK night next!


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This was one of our longest bus waits, trying to get back to Magic Kingdom. I knew we'd be getting there either during fireworks or right long as it was taking, it was looking like after. There was a very confused family trying to get on a bus to get to their section of the resort and they thought "The Springs" section was Disney Springs when the driver told them that was his next stop. I explained it to them, since the driver didn't seem interested in helping them. I understood their frustration, getting around that place, especially in the dark, was a headache.

We finally got to MK after the fireworks, and we ducked into the Confectionary to browse the shops on that side while the crowds filtered out. We ended up on the hub grass and lay back for a while just listening to the sounds of Main Street. Eventually the projection show started, Once Upon a Time. It was fine. I guess I didn't take any photos, sorry...

R and I both agree that Celebrate the Magic was far was one of my favorite nighttime shows, and I miss it.

We headed over to Tomorrowland to use our FP next, but I had to get a poorly lit photo at the purple wall, since it's fate was unknown at the time.

It's still there, they just did a pattern thing on part of it. It's getting too popular now, so that might be my last purple wall picture...I think I've got like 3 total :hilarious:

Made it!

We finally looked the right direction!! I asked the guy putting us into rows which way to look, just to be sure :hilarious: Can we all agree that the left side (you go to the right in line) is the best?! It's so much more fun. I forgot I needed to sit in front of R because he HATES having me behind him screaming. I can't help it :joyfull:

We decided to try the Pepper Jack Warm Stuffed Pretzel (warm stuffed Pretzel filled with Pepper Jack Cheese) from the Lunching Pad

It was just ok. Probably won't get it again, but it was a good late-night snack.

I had made us a FP for Buzz while we were in line for Space, so we went there next.

Clearly from my face, we did not get Galactic Hero this time :cautious:

At least I won though!

After that, we scooted on back to our room to sleep. I'm so glad we went that night though! We got to do two things we wouldn't have done the next morning at MK because of the crowds, plus I just love MK at night :inlove:


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The next morning, our first FP wasn't until after 11, so we weren't in a big hurry to get moving. R had started feeling sick in the night, either a cold or allergies.

I decided to go ahead and get up, get ready and walk over to the main building for some breakfast and medicine. I wanted to just get us come Mickey Waffles a la carte, but I had to get the platter with the bacon. I just got one for us to share, plus the meds. They didn't have DayQuil, unfortunately! I should probably just bring some next time, because I feel like one of us always gets sick.

After we ate, and he took his medicine and got ready, we headed out. The bus took a while again, but like I said, we weren't in a hurry. MK busses seemed to be the worst at Saratoga Springs for whatever reason. We waited over the 20 minute mark twice for that bus (today and the night before).

Finally arrived!

According to the clock it's 10:30am

We walked in the Emporium and looked around, then I heard the Trolley music! I thought we'd missed it, but it had made it's way to the train station, so I jetted over there to watch. I didn't have my 85mm lens, so here's just a couple of snaps. The wide ones just end up all looking the same, so I didn't take many.

I loved watching from here! After the show, I looked around for R and couldn't find him. Finally saw him way over outside the Emporium...he didn't come over to watch with me! I thought he was behind me the whole time :facepalm:

I noticed there were a TON of the red-vest Main Street CMs out. I guess with it being peak season, they have more CMs to work crowd control. Makes sense, it was just interesting to see so many out. I do not envy them having to deal with so many people!

Our FP window still wasn't open and the waits for everything was already sky high. We headed over toward 7 Dwarves just to wait. R was thirsty, but there were long lines everywhere, and we had lunch soon, so he just said he could wait. We walked around Big Top for a bit, then just stood and watched the Mine Train go by. We noticed that they play "roller coaster sounds" from the speakers because the actual coaster is so quiet as it glides by :hilarious:

That second picture cracks me up. The guy in front of R is so joyful! The guy in front of me looks mad, but it must have just caught him right before he put his hands up, because he was clearly enjoying the ride too.

After we got off the ride, our lunch reservation was in a few minutes. We made our way over to Liberty Square for a place I'd been wanting to try! Liberty Tree Tavern!

We never do table-service lunch in the parks, but I really wanted to try this place, and lunch just made more sense. I blame @Tuvalu for posting about it and making me want to try it!

We didn't wait too long before we were called. I wasn't paying attention to see what room we were in, but it was the one off to the right as you're walking in. We were right by the column

I asked for Turkey instead of pot roast and she gave me the Pilgrim's Feast :happy: Thanks @Tuvalu! Reading trip reports has it's perks.

R got the one with the pot roast. I tried it and it was good, but I liked my turkey better. It was nice, even slices and a great level of juiciness. I don't like turkey too juicy, and this rode the line between dry and juicy well! I dipped some in the gravy too, and that was yummy. The stuffing was my favorite part! We eat chicken n dressin in my neck of the woods, and I've never cared for it. I like this stuffing way better! It was especially good with the cranberry sauce.

I tried to pace myself and not get too full, because the main event was coming up. The whole reason I came here!

It was everything I dreamed it would be :inlove: I was seriously so happy eating this. R liked it too, but I don't think he was as obsessed :joyfull:

So glad we decided to try this place! I have read about some bad experiences, so it seems inconsistent, but I'm glad we caught them on a good day. And I don't think we'll EVER do the family style thing, because there's no way we could have eaten more than we already did.


Well-Known Member
Just caught up! Great report, as always. I appreciate that you don't sugarcoat anything or ignore things that you didn't like, but still maintain an overall positive tone to your reports.

I'm also here to join in the dry shampoo discussion. Have you tried Not Your Mom's? It's the only one I've tried and liked. It's inexpensive at Target and has a pleasant, fresh, light scent.


Well-Known Member
Just caught up! Great report, as always. I appreciate that you don't sugarcoat anything or ignore things that you didn't like, but still maintain an overall positive tone to your reports.

I'm also here to join in the dry shampoo discussion. Have you tried Not Your Mom's? It's the only one I've tried and liked. It's inexpensive at Target and has a pleasant, fresh, light scent.
I LOVE the smell of Not Your Mom's. I picked up a travel can and fell in LOVE!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just caught up! Great report, as always. I appreciate that you don't sugarcoat anything or ignore things that you didn't like, but still maintain an overall positive tone to your reports.

I'm also here to join in the dry shampoo discussion. Have you tried Not Your Mom's? It's the only one I've tried and liked. It's inexpensive at Target and has a pleasant, fresh, light scent.

Thank you, Bee! I feel like I'm overall an irritable person, so I'm glad to hear I'm managing to keep things mostly positive even while sharing my park annoyances :hilarious:

I LOVE the smell of Not Your Mom's. I picked up a travel can and fell in LOVE!
Someone recommended Not Your Mom's to me at some point, but now I can't remember who! I will look for it. I am going after work to get something new, so we'll see what's available at my Target from what all has been recommended :)


Premium Member
Someone recommended Not Your Mom's to me at some point, but now I can't remember who! I will look for it. I am going after work to get something new, so we'll see what's available at my Target from what all has been recommended

I actually forgot all about dry shampoo, until a few people brought it up here in your TR. Haven't used that for many years. I do recall reading at some point, that if you use a little talcum powder in your hair, and brush it out, it will produce the same effect as commercially-prepared dry shampoos! ;)


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After lunch, we headed over to Frontierland. Since wait times were bad at 10:30, they were even worse there would be no standby rides for us today. I don't like long lines, plus if we wait too long and miss a FP window, I'd be super bummed.

Love seeing these guys out and about!

We found a bench near Big Thunder and sat while we waiting for our Splash FP. The weather was nice, but it did get a little warm with the sun shining right on us. It was finally time for Splash so we hopped in line! The family in front of us was trying to use a FP 5 hours early :facepalm: I don't think they spoke very good English either because the CM was having a hard time explaining why they couldn't get in line.

We waited a decent amount of time in the FP line, which I've found to be pretty normal for Splash.

I let R sit on the left side so he wouldn't get splashed by the waterfall :joyfull: I'm so nice... thankfully it only got me for like 15 seconds this time.

Trying to get some photos of my Big Thunder shirt. Not so good at pointing apparently :hilarious:

What should we do when we have 30 minutes before our next FP? DUH. The train is right there!

For the first time ever, we had to wait for the train. There was one pulling in when we got in line, but it filled and we waited for the next.

We did the full loop and got back off at Frontierland right as our FP was opening. Perfect timing!

Hard to get a selfie on a ride without it looking super awkward. :cautious:

Big Thunder was fun as usual! I think we were toward the middle of the train.

We headed out after this since the crowds were honestly just oppressive. We have learned on these spring break trips, we pretty much just do what we have FPs for and that's it.

Made him take a selfie since he hates doing Photopass

Up next: more snacking!


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So I am completely drawing a blank on our day, but it seems like we must have gone back to the room for a while before we headed to Epcot for some more food. I say that because in one of the photos I'm wearing different clothes... so. I should really keep notes :hilarious:

Love these topiaries!

Our first stop was the Honey Bee-stro

Apparently I was picture happy

We. tried. it. all. :inlove:

  • Roasted Cauliflower with Buckwheat Honey Carrot Puree, Wild Rice Pilaf, Asparagus, Honey Blistered Grapes and Sunflower Brittle (GF) (V) – $4.50
  • Honey Tandoori Chicken Flatbread with White Cheddar Cheese, charred vegetables, Clover Honey Sour Cream and Micro Watercress – $5.25
  • Local Wildflower Honey-Mascarpone Cheesecake with Orange Blossom Honey Ice Cream garnished with Fennel Pollen Meringue Kisses (V) – $4.75
  • Florida Orange Groves Winery Orange Blossom Honey Wine, St. Petersburg, FL – $5.00
We honestly liked it all!

I definitely like the fried cauli in Morocco more, but this was also yummy. I usually describe cauliflower as (forgive me) "assy" so I was happy to have some that was prepared in a tasty way :hilarious: I remember liking the cheesecake an awful lot, so I think we'll get that again in May!

We headed to the Cider House next.

  • Pear Cider-brined Shredded Corned Beef with Braised Cabbage and Branston Dressing with Pears – $10.50
  • Ciderboys Grand Mimosa Apple Orange Hard Cider, Stevens Point, WI – $4.50

Took a picture so we could remember what this cider was. It was GOOD!

This is one of my favs of the festival, but why so expensive?! Sheesh. It's worth it though.

I guess we were walking out at this point

Actually nevermind, we got more food :joyfull:

Florida Fresh
  • Caribbean Conch Salad with Mango, Papaya and Pickled Red Onions – $5.25
R wasn't having any of this, but I liked it alright. As you can see, it was raining. BOO! I was bummed our perfect weather streak was coming to an end.

Next I finally tried School Bread...

...and it was gross. I do not understand this stuff. The bread was an awful texture AND taste. I took a couple bites and just tossed it. Luckily it's pretty cheap as far as Disney food goes. R got this crazy hot dog that he didn't realize was so huge.

It was so tasty, but soooo difficult to eat! We managed to consume most of it, but between the messiness and the rain, it was not the best experience. They should really put it on a plate for you so you can use a fork!

On our way out, I stopped for a photopass that I thought might have the Orange Bird magic shot.

I was right! Huzzah!

The family in front of me was multigenerational and the matriarch looked to be at least in her 80s...she was in a wheel-chair and pretty frail and honestly it made me tear up. They were such a sweet family, and I love seeing people enjoying moments together like this!

Up next: a meetup!


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I remembered what we did when I thought we were walking out! I had made a FP for Soarin so we rode that. I can't believe I forgot that because the kids behind us in line were practically on top of me. The one kid apparently had to pee and the mom told him to hold it, then I saw a stream of liquid running down the concrete in line :cautious:....luckily it was a spilled water bottle. This wasn't the only encounter we had with a kid who had to pee though.

In the line for the bus back to SSR from Magic Kingdom, there was a little boy who had to use the bathroom. The dad tried to take him into the bushes that are literally in the middle of the road. Obviously a cast member called him out, and pointed out there was a restroom nearby. The dad thought they might miss the bus if they went all the way to the bathroom, so he made the boy use the bathroom in a water bottle! I was sooooo uncomfortable being witness to all this, but like what am I supposed to do?! It's not my kid...I just pretended I was completely oblivious, playing on my phone. I felt so bad for the little guy though... I mean, goodness, just wait for the next bus!

Ok anyway...

We had plans to meet up with @blgauger and Dylan, but R was still unsure if he was going. He was still feeling sickly, but he ultimately decided to stick it out, so we walked over to Disney Springs to meet them.

We tried The Edison, but I totally didn't realize it's a restaurant and not just a bar :facepalm: so we walked through the "rum tunnels" to Enzo's Hideaway and parked it there. We got lucky with a few folks leaving as we arrived.

Here's R's old fashioned. This night inspired him to buy an ice tray for those big ole ice cubes, so we have that now :joyfull:

Don't remember at all what I had, but it was too much. I spent more money here than I had any business spending...

I think I got a Limoncello Gimlet (Nolet's Gin, Caravella Limoncello, Simple Syrup, Roasted Thyme)

Here's me and @blgauger while the guys were talking about golf :hilarious:

I was just glad they had something to talk about! Obviously me and Brittany have Disney to talk about all day every day ;)

I was.....just....gone. I mean, I hope I wasn't acting crazy, but I was definitely feeling good. When Brittany and Dylan mentioned getting Blaze, I was like "yeah I mean we have to walk by there anyway!" ...we didn't :hilarious: but I'm glad we went because the pizza was GOOOOOOD. I wish we had a Blaze here. We have a PizzaRev, but it's not as great.

Here's a really good quality photo we took before we parted ways.

R and I walked back to SSR and crashed for our last night there. We were exhausted!

Up next: departure day :(


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm late as always, but totally enjoying your report!
I wish I could've made it for Flower & Garden this year! ☹️

I'm with you on the Redhead scene. A friend of mine works for an anti-trafficking organization, and I think increased awareness is an important step toward stopping it.

On a lighter note, I love that you also use the term "assy" 😜


Well-Known Member
So I am completely drawing a blank on our day, but it seems like we must have gone back to the room for a while before we headed to Epcot for some more food. I say that because in one of the photos I'm wearing different clothes... so. I should really keep notes :hilarious:

Love these topiaries!

Our first stop was the Honey Bee-stro

Apparently I was picture happy

We. tried. it. all. :inlove:

  • Roasted Cauliflower with Buckwheat Honey Carrot Puree, Wild Rice Pilaf, Asparagus, Honey Blistered Grapes and Sunflower Brittle (GF) (V) – $4.50
  • Honey Tandoori Chicken Flatbread with White Cheddar Cheese, charred vegetables, Clover Honey Sour Cream and Micro Watercress – $5.25
  • Local Wildflower Honey-Mascarpone Cheesecake with Orange Blossom Honey Ice Cream garnished with Fennel Pollen Meringue Kisses (V) – $4.75
  • Florida Orange Groves Winery Orange Blossom Honey Wine, St. Petersburg, FL – $5.00
We honestly liked it all!

I definitely like the fried cauli in Morocco more, but this was also yummy. I usually describe cauliflower as (forgive me) "assy" so I was happy to have some that was prepared in a tasty way :hilarious: I remember liking the cheesecake an awful lot, so I think we'll get that again in May!

We headed to the Cider House next.

  • Pear Cider-brined Shredded Corned Beef with Braised Cabbage and Branston Dressing with Pears – $10.50
  • Ciderboys Grand Mimosa Apple Orange Hard Cider, Stevens Point, WI – $4.50

Took a picture so we could remember what this cider was. It was GOOD!

This is one of my favs of the festival, but why so expensive?! Sheesh. It's worth it though.

I guess we were walking out at this point

Actually nevermind, we got more food :joyfull:

Florida Fresh
  • Caribbean Conch Salad with Mango, Papaya and Pickled Red Onions – $5.25
R wasn't having any of this, but I liked it alright. As you can see, it was raining. BOO! I was bummed our perfect weather streak was coming to an end.

Next I finally tried School Bread...

...and it was gross. I do not understand this stuff. The bread was an awful texture AND taste. I took a couple bites and just tossed it. Luckily it's pretty cheap as far as Disney food goes. R got this crazy hot dog that he didn't realize was so huge.

It was so tasty, but soooo difficult to eat! We managed to consume most of it, but between the messiness and the rain, it was not the best experience. They should really put it on a plate for you so you can use a fork!

On our way out, I stopped for a photopass that I thought might have the Orange Bird magic shot.

I was right! Huzzah!

The family in front of me was multigenerational and the matriarch looked to be at least in her 80s...she was in a wheel-chair and pretty frail and honestly it made me tear up. They were such a sweet family, and I love seeing people enjoying moments together like this!

Up next: a meetup!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like schoolbread!!! Everyone raves about it, but it was so nasty!! There is a bitterness to the bread that just isn't pleasant, and I felt like the flavors just didn't blend. My DD and I shared it and I don't think we finished it, even between the both of us.

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