Having worked as a restaurant server, walking out with money in my pocket was one of the things I loved about the job, but that was back when most people paid in cash.
Nowadays, I'm inclined to say the tipping system is broken. During the pandemic, I could see adding a tip to some carry out orders, but the add-a-tip option is now everywhere, and out of control. And the SUGGESTED amount often STARTS above 20%. For carry out!
One problem is the retail places that now ask us to round up and add a donation. It is just kinda everywhere, and a bit overwhelming to be asked for extra with every retail purchase.
These days, outside of WDW, I rarely dine at table service places anymore. I much prefer fast casual places where I can choose my own food combinations. It now seems backwards to me to dine at places where the chef insists that all the salads and entrees come with specific vegetables, a specific starch, and the amount of salt/seasoning the chef prefers.
I would love to see tipping go away, but I doubt the people of this country could agree on fair wages and fair prices for food.