Premium Member
I agree that FF needs to go, but I don't think that we'll be seeing a demolition anytime soon for two reasons:
(1) Universal probably wants to leave open the possibility of turning their park into Harry Potter Studios (sarcasm), and thus does not want to build anything adjacent to the new Amity area expansion in the even that they want to expand further yet. They could expand HP toward Disaster, but FF would be the more obvious location, as it's tucked away and would be a better location in which to continue the HP theme.
(2) FF is the only stadium in the park. Yes, there's the main stage by Rockit, but special events like HHN, specifically Bill & Ted's, rely on having a stadium available. The open stage out front wouldn't work for back-to-back shows because they can't be blocked off from beyond the immediate audience, not to mention lack of seating. If they scrapped the FF facility, the only other stadium that they'd have available would be in Toon Lagoon; the Sinbad stage isn't versatile enough to create a "new" set over it without disrupting the existing set. And at least for HHN, we haven't seen IOA incorporated into HHN in quite a few years. They're definitely favoring USF as their event park.
There's the possibility of an indoor Grinchmas-style show, but it seems like the capacity would be lower (I don't know the exact numbers), and the general theater-like layout probably wouldn't work well for a rowdy, drunken crowd. And there's also the issue of pyro and other effects traditional to the show. It's much better suited for a stadium.
What about the huge animal show theatre?