I can't see it ever being a good value for my family, unless we got it for a substantial discount. We bring cereal, granola bars and Pop Tarts from home and I drink the in-room coffee, so we'd "save" less than $4/day with a club level breakfast. We might nibble on a snack in the afternoon, but we spend all evening in the parks, so the rest of the offerings would be largely wasted on us. I suppose we could try to "save" by using lounge food as a replacement for all of our meals, but we'd be at the mercy of the menu planner as far as what there was to eat each day, and we'd feel like total scrounges doing it. The four of us can have a nice TS lunch and CS dinner for $200 or less already, and we get to choose from a variety of interesting and well-themed restaurants: why would be want to spend that same amount (or more) for the privilege of trying to pound down $200+ worth of Goldfish crackers, tartlets, wings and bruschetta at our resort?
No judgment on anybody who enjoys club level or finds that the convenience is worth it to them -- it just wouldn't work for my family.