Would you go Solo to WDW or do you need someone it share with?


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'd want to go for a week or more by myself, but I'd certainly jump at the chance to go for a day or 2 without any responsibilities!


Active Member
The last time I went, I arrived a day and a half before the other people I was travelling with. Although I enjoyed the time there by myself, it felt odd especially at mealtimes.

I was refreshing not having to agree to what park to visit or pool to swim at though. But overall, I don't think I'd plan to go alone for an extended period of time.


Active Member
I'm goin solo for a few hours in 2 weeks. The wife has a bridal shower near there so i'll just drop her off and then hit up the parks by my self. Will be a good time to hunt for Hidden Mickeys :) That and not having to listen to "it's to hot out" from the wife ;)


Active Member
While I love going to the parks with family and friends I would absolutely jump at the opportunity to go by myself for a few days. I usually end up going solo atleast for a few hours each trip, and a few days by myself would be welcome.


New Member
This will sound horribly selfish but I would love to go alone for a day to enjoy the food. My son is allergic to nuts so I can't really order certain deserts around him. I would love to be able to get whatever I want without worrying about him and without feeling guilty about eating peanut butter in front of him. I saw an ice cream sundae picture somewhere with peanut butter in it that looks amazing! I know...take away my "good Mom" license! LOL.


Active Member
When I went on vacation back in March...my brother and I hit up Epcot one day, and had all of the rides we wanted to do done (sans Mission Space...closed the first half of the day) by 1pm. He decided to go back to Vistana, where we were staying, and I stayed around Epcot on my own because I am obsessed with Illuminations. I really enjoyed walking around alone. I was able to take in the atmosphere more, sit and relax with a box of popcorn and watch Off Kilter without worrying about if he wanted to do something else, or anything. Hanging around the park those 8 extra hours flew by. It was just nice to do things at my pace, and ride things (sometimes 2 or 3 more times in the case of SSE) again and again that I wanted to.

I also went to PI alone and made friends. It was cool.

So I would say if you have the opportunity to go do a park solo, after going it with others, go for it.


New Member
Original Poster
I like the idea of a few hours... maybe during magic hours at one of the parks when the rest of the family is pooped!


New Member
Don't think I could do it all alone... I mean I could go down for like an internship program alone, but I'd have to make friends real fast...

It just wouldn't be the same otherwise


New Member
I am a happily married mother of two wonderful kids. That being said, my biggest fantasy in life is going on a solo trip to WDW. It sounds fabulous!
I go by myself all the time. I kinda like it but kinda dont. By myself i go at my pace and do what i want to... but with people I usually have a better time


New Member
Did Solo once...

When I was just out of college, I planned my first "real vacation" to DisneyWorld as a soloist. At the time, I was a loner, but I couldn't imagine going to DisneyWorld alone anymore.

In my experience, I think solo travel can have it's advantages. You only need to appease one person's taste. Single rider line is available, and often, you can volunteer to fill in dead space on rides. So if you want to see everything, solo isn't so bad.

One thing that I did back in my bachelor days was look for single female travellers to dine with (just for company). It isn't as hard as you'd imagine to ask another solo traveller to join you for dinner! Met some interesting people, 2 checks, no harm. (and years later, I've got a story to tell)

Go solo? Sure, why not?



Active Member
While I do enjoy solo time I do not think I could do it at WDW. I think I'd go crazy standing in line without someone to talk to. However put me on a beach with a good book....


I've been many times on business trips, and it's great to set out on your own, go where you want, and take it all in in peace and quiet.

One night I rode Space Mountain, hopped the monorail to Epcot, hit Spaceship Earth & Test Track, Walked to MGM and hit Rock'n'rollercoaster. I never could have done that with the wife and kids in tow.


Well-Known Member
When I did the college program I would go to the parks by myself sometime. I would love to actually take a vacation on my own. Animal Kingdom was the best for me by myself. I took my sweet time wandering around all of the animal exhibits, saw Festival of the Lion King for my first time, and went on some of my favorite rides. It was great.


New Member
I enjoy going with my husband and family, I don't think it would be the same going alone. Though I do joke with my husband that if he ever didn't want to go one year that I would have no problem going alone if I had to.:lol:


New Member
I've gone with people probably about 20 or so times - many times were with someone experiencing WDW for their first time.. lots of fun and very memorable. I've gone alone probably about 15 times - and those were the best times for me because I did exactly what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. My next trip is going to be in September - and ironically I had a very hard time finding a time where NO one was able to go - in terms of friends and family... of course the week where no one could go turned out to be the only week I can go ;) Finding a table is much easier at a busy place when you're alone - and if you aren't a social person, you could always read something -- though I've found that all types of people start conversations with me (whether I'm alone or not :lol:) I find it to be the best type of vacation - though extremely busy since I try to pack a lot into a week there.. its like a total personal immersion into another realm.


New Member
I'll have to be selfish as well and say I truly enjoy the Parks solo much more than I do with others. For me, a trip to Disney World doesn't happen all that often, so when I do get to go, I want to hit every attraction...even the ones I'm not that fond of. I also want to video tape everything, as good attractions seem to be killed off far too often now.
I just returned from a trip to Disney World yesterday. It was the longest I'd ever been there (7 days) and yet I only accomplished about 3/4 of what I did with 5 days in 2000. The reason: I went with some friends and their kids. The kids were more about whining, pin trading, and wanting to eat. After four days of accomplishing very little (and trying to ignore the non-stop fits and fighting of the two girls), I finally began breaking off from them to let them do what they wanted to do, and allow me to do what I wanted to do. I still didn't get to a number of things I wanted to go on, but the last half of the trip was by far more memorable to me than the time I spent with the group. Maybe part of it is that I know I've always been more of a loner than a group person. Also, I don't like trying to tape something and having to constantly listen to "Ooh, look at that!" being shouted into the microphone of the camcorder. Another part of it is that I am a go-go-go type of person at a Disney Park. That is a vacation for me, not lounging on a beach, not browsing through shops. Very few others I know feel the same way, so it just makes sense that I go it alone. My wife knows this about me, and tends not to go with me to Disneyland when she knows I'm on some kind of mission.
If you do better in groups, that's great. You're a stronger person than I. But there are those of us who function better alone. While I do like to see other people's reactions to attractions I know and love, I tend to enjoy myself more at the Parks when I'm solo. But then, I'm weird.


New Member
I just couldn't imagine going to WDW without my wife.....okay...okay....I know....but she and I are SUCH WDW FREAKS!!!! We have SO much fun together there, that I truly would not want to experience it without her being there to share it with.....We got engaged in front of Cinderella Castle, honeymooned at WDW and go EVERY year!!! We're both thrill ride fanatics (and we enjoy the tamer rides as well)....okay guys...let me have it....I hear you all out there......"hen-pecked"....."WUS!!!!"....well...I ADORE my wife, and I don't care who knows it!!!!! Nope....wouldn't want to go without her!!!! :lol:

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