Would you go Solo to WDW or do you need someone it share with?


I've been solo several times. But to get the right perspective of my answer, you should know that my daughter and her husband have worked at WDW for many years so my entrance was by write-in. When you don't have 60 bucks riding on the turnstyle you may do things a little different.

Like the time I took my daughter to work, she came around to check me in, and then I spent the whole day taking pictures of the WDW Railroad. Didn't ride a single attraction (except, of course, the WDW RR and a couple trips on the TTA to get that great shot above the train as it goes under you!). I ate when I was hungry from where ever I was. And I did not overeat. At least considering i probably ran around the park six times I didn't.

One time, which conincided with my birthday, I did nothing but visit Characters, especially those with a Photpass photographer. I especially enjoyed visiting the Princesses who treated me very royally when they saw my Happy Birthday button!

So enjoy the solo experience. It is nothing to try to avoid. But also know the whole time you will be thinking, "I wish ***** was here to see this!". Let it pass, enjoy the moment, and look for the next kiosk selling turkey legs!


New Member
i doubt i would want to. i'd either need A. my girlfriend or B. my family. heck, really i just need at least ONE person close to me to go. I think it sorta loses the magic to do it by myself. Unless i wanna nerd out with some fellow disney geeks haha.


I had a taste of doing the MK solo back in 2000. The only bad thing was coming out of Alien and listening to the other people around me talking about it. But other than that it was fun not having to worry about which ride my ex and daugther were not going to like or not go on while I wanted to ride it.

In the past few years, I've become comfortable doing lots of things alone so I can't wait to go there and experience the entire place solo.


New Member
tigsmom said:
I would jump at the chance to go on a solo trip... doing what I want, when I want... yeah....I could see me doing that. :D

Exactly my thoughts!!! I LOVE doing things by myself. Eating wouldn't even be a problem for me. One day, I'm going to go to WDW by myself. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I love to be with my family when they go but I enjoy it just a bit more when I go up by myself. When it is just me, I can do the things I like to do, which is to explore the whole place. I tend to spend more time going from resort to resort exploring them and seeing all the neat things they have. And when I go to the parks alone, I also explore things, noticing things I have never noticed before. I especially love doing this a Christmas time. Of course, nothing beats a day spent with family at WDW.


Well-Known Member
When I got discharged from the Air Force I become a civilian again from MacDill AF base in Tampa.I got my discharge papers and last check and before going to home to-SW fla I decided to blow my entire check on going to WDW alone by myself.It was soooooo freakin cool!!!!! I was always a Disney Freak but everytime I went with family or my fiance(now wife) and I loved every minute of doing anything I wanted.One day I spent half of a day just hanging around Main Street-lurking about every nook and cranny-taking my sweet time shopping and looking and talking to CMS about Disney.
The other day I went to Epcot and hung around World Showcase and started in Canada ended up in Mexico drinking one or two beers from each country.
Of course maybe I should have had someone with me then to hold me up. up-lol.

What was cool is that most people are really cool towards single travelers at WDW. I was in line for SSE and was talking to a retired Air force pilot and his family and told him I just got out of AF and he envited me to eat dinner with his family at Empress Lily(now Fultons)


Well-Known Member
i went for 3 weeks by myself and loved every minute of it -thats including the flight, customs, the ride to the disney resort hotel, the whole entire holiday.

i had so much fun it truely was one of the best times ive ever had at WDW.

it was upto me whatever time i got up at in the morning and where i went where the best and coz i didnt have anyone with me i decided where i was to go and i didnt have anyone making my decisions or telling me what to do no one to argue with.

there are so many perks of going by yourself:
-making your own decisions
-deciding what you want to do and where you want to go
-what park to go to
-what time you get up at
-not having any lag behinds
-what disney resort to go to

people make more of a fuss of you when your by yourself.

best 3 weeks of my life -no family.ideal:)


Well-Known Member
I have done both and while going with someone and spending time with someone is one of the best things in the world.....NOTHING beats the ability to go "hummmm I want to go to AK RIGHT NOW" and not have to worry about anyone. I have spent 2 trips with at least part of my trip alone and it was great!!!!!



Active Member
I would love to go to WDW by myself, but I think DH would kill me if I did!! :lol:

That being said, whenever I go to WDW, I always think about the people who didn't come along... So I'm not sure how I would handle being by myself. Would I be able to forget about it and enjoy myself, or would I constantly be thinking (the way many of you have pointed out) "Boy, I wish so-and-so was here to see this!!"


Active Member
Some of my best memories have been when I would break off from my parents/siblings and wander alone. Being marrried this is no longer an option but when it happens, WDW is great solo or in groups.


New Member
Original Poster
It takes a unique person to be comfortable enough with themself in public... and fortunately Im that person. Ive eaten in restaurants 100's of times, but have not gone to a movie by myself. I do have a wife and 2 wonderful boys that love Disney, but I know that it's a nice feeling to be able to roam free in the parks with ony your conscience as your guide.

I almost went to EPCOT on Thursday, but it didnt work out. Next time!


Well-Known Member
It just depends on the type of person you are.

For me, it's heaven. Pure and wonderful. I love traveling to WDW with others for different reasons, but a solo trip is just insanely fun for me because I've got my childhood fantasy at my fingertips and whim.

Then again, if you are someone that can't even go to the movies alone, then you might not enjoy it. I've traveled for business and school alone so often that I literally don't even give a thought to walking into anywhere alone. If I want to be social, chances are I'll find someone to be so with, and if not...I have no problem sitting at a table eating a full-course meal with only my water glass as company, LOL.

What I like most about touring WDW alone is the selfish need to re-ride the same things over and over. Like, sitting on the TTA for 5 or 6 revolutions around the track if I feel like it. Or, deciding on a moments notice to catch transport to another park because I want a change of scenery.

Touring WDW with others certainly is it's own massive enjoyment, and touring solo isn't for everyone. For me, there is so much to see and do at WDW I'll enjoy it either way; each has it's own unique benefits.

Great post! That pretty much sums up my standpoint.

That being said...I go to WDW alone extremely often. Normally for a day or 1/2 day at a time by myself.


Well-Known Member
I did a few days of WDW by myself a few years ago and I will never do it again. Disney is for sharing and being with family/friends. For some people doing WDW solo is a great thing, it wasn't for me :)


Well-Known Member
As much as I would love to visit WDW anytime I wanted (not having to coordinate with others), I think it would be extremely awkward for me. Too shy to strike up conversations with strangers.

tink rules

New Member
Ok.. Pass holders....

Do you think you are more likely to go solo as well as with others????

I'd take the chance if I could...


I just recently went to WDW solo and it was great!! I got a job with a company that does trade show technology and they had one in Disney World at the Coronado Springs. I had to work most of the days from about 8-3 or 4 but then I spent every spare minute I had in the parks. It was one of the best times I've ever had at WDW for all of the reasons everyone else here has stated. Plus my g/f and I go every January, and since it's a year between things there are always a bunch of rides and shows that we MUST see. Since I had just been to WDW 4 months earlier I was able to skip a bunch of the usual things and try new things. It was so much fun, and people at Disney were great, I found plenty of nice people to talk to and just had a good time. You should definitely try it, at least once.

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