Would you do a solo trip?


Well-Known Member
Not for me! My fiancé and I love experiencing it together and I can't imagine going without him or going so far away from home by myself. Im afraid to go food shopping alone due to being brainwashed by CSI kidnap/murder stories. Plus I'm too wimpy and get lonely too quickly :)


Well-Known Member
I did one solo trip many years ago. It was AMAZING. I spent about half of the day just hanging around Main Street USA. This was when the Walt Disney Story was there and I just enjoyed taking my sweet time just looking and exploring every nook and cranny around Main Street. Usually, everyone is in such a rush to walk past the area to get to the attractions but this time I just enjoyed the sights, smells, and sounds of Main Street USA..

Genie of the Lamp

Well-Known Member
I just can't ever see myself going to WDW by myself. I would need my friends or family their to make my WDW time magical. Plus it's nice to go with other people so you can hear and focus on their reactions to the things/scenery around them. Plus it helps you not think about the negatives about WDW when your with your "average guest" IQ friends and family. So yeah I'm a people person.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I've done both WDW and DLP solo. I love it much more than I care to admit. :oops:

I must say it has a lot to do with simply being a Disney nerd. I enjoy spending an entire afternoon going back and forth between the shops in DHS just to check the ceilings. Also, when alone I get to just sit and be moved by the majestic beauty of WS all day long. When you are together you enjoy each others company. When you are alone, you enjoy WDW's company. It is easier to get totally immersed by it, to get swept away.

The one thing that I don't like is TS, which I don't do alone. So QS it is.


Well-Known Member
Your wife doesn't matter! This is Disney!!!

Sarcasm, of course, but solo trips would be very fun for me. While I've never done one, I'd love to do what I want. I'd love to ride TTA as many times as I want without others getting annoyed by it. I'd love staying in the parks until closing without people wanting to go back to the room. I'd love to take it slow and enjoy the detail and magic without constantly rushing from attractions to attraction. A solo trip would allow me to step back and smell the roses while I normally don't get that much of a chance to do so. I wouldn't be afraid of it. Even if it doesn't match up to your other trips, you should have a great time still.
I did just that a couple weeks ago. It was during the Wishes show. I just asked if I could ride again and went 4 trips around. Very relaxing and I could see Wishes a lot of the time. Did you know that on one part of it, you are approaching Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress? Tee Hee!

I've also done the same thing on SSE. Never got out, just rode around, but, only three times on that one.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that on one part of it, you are approaching Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress? Tee Hee!

With the new narration I never know when I'm approaching Mickey's Star Traders! :(

Quick story, we sometimes get ice cream at Auntie Gravity's and sit a the tables between there and Mickey's Star Traders and we probably heard that line probably 30 times once while sitting there. It's become a joke every time we walk past the place! :D


Well-Known Member
I did one solo trip many years ago. It was AMAZING. I spent about half of the day just hanging around Main Street USA. This was when the Walt Disney Story was there and I just enjoyed taking my sweet time just looking and exploring every nook and cranny around Main Street. Usually, everyone is in such a rush to walk past the area to get to the attractions but this time I just enjoyed the sights, smells, and sounds of Main Street USA..

I'm the same way. For example, when we went to the Pink Palace (Memphis history museum), my wife and kids rushed through the exhibits. I like to take my time and read all of the plaques, and imagine what life was like for whatever it is I'm looking at.


Well-Known Member
I've done both WDW and DLP solo. I love it much more than I care to admit. :oops:

I must say it has a lot to do with simply being a Disney nerd. I enjoy spending an entire afternoon going back and forth between the shops in DHS just to check the ceilings. Also, when alone I get to just sit and be moved by the majestic beauty of WS all day long. When you are together you enjoy each others company. When you are alone, you enjoy WDW's company. It is easier to get totally immersed by it, to get swept away.

The one thing that I don't like is TS, which I don't do alone. So QS it is.

I am with you. I am not only a huge Disney Geek but a retail consultant, so I could spend all day in the shops. Love spending time in WS shops as well as Main Street USA. I like looking at the fixtures, props, and other things that would clasify me as being a huge nerd.


I went solo in September and it was wonderful. Rode Expedition Everest 7 times in a row. I also was able to eat whenever/wherever I wanted to which is an activity that always causes brawls during family trips there. Another cool thing was just how much quicker I got through Everything on my to do list. Even at the Most leisurely pace ever I was still done very early which gave me loads of time to relax inside the parks and people watch. I hope to go solo again in the future but that doesn't mean I won't love my family trip in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
If I had the opportunity, I would totally try a few days alone. Not only could I eat in a few places we haven't done b/c of family preferences...I might actually get to set up my tripod and really experiment with my camera. And if I wanted to...I could ride Space Mountain over and over and over and over... ;) Seriously, I always dream that DH will have a corporate conference there where I can tag along and at least have 9am-noon to myself in the parks each day.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to go alone. I'm flying to Nashville for work in March and I was immediately trying to figure out how I could get to WDW for a day or 2 before or after my work commitments for a solo trip. While I love going as a family and even went with my wife before we were married, I was so stoked about possibly doing a solo trip. Ends up the 10 hr drive from there simply wouldn't allow me enough time at the parks to make it worthwhile...maybe some day I'll be close enough to do it.

Midnight Mouse

New Member
I've gone alone a couple of times now. My DH and I don't have any children and he is not quite the Disney Fan that I am.:eek: So he only comes with when he feels there is "something new" to see or six years, whichever comes first. While being there is different without him, and I do miss him while there and wish he were there to enjoy it with me, I still have a good time, just a different type of good time. He encourages me to go, because he knows how much I enjoy WDW. I enjoy going at my own pace, going on the rides that I would like (muliple times, since once is enough for my DH. "Why go again?, We just got off that ride. What else is there to do?"), eating at restaurants that we might otherwise pass up, poking into those little hideways that most people fly past going from one ride/attraction to another. This way when he FINALLY decides he is coming with me, I can show him His "something new". So you should consider going by yourself, if for no other reason but to "discover" something new to show your wife when you go together again.:D

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Most of my trips to WDW have been solo trips, and while it's more fun to experience the World with a friend, alone is nice too. You can kick loose and do whatever you want when you want. If I start to get lonely, I'll go watch one of the shows, like Mickey's Philharmagic. There's nothing like seeing that with a large crowd and sharing the Disney magic. We're all one big family at times like those...


Well-Known Member
i am planning my first solo "mini trip" in April. I have a conference in Clearwater, how can you be that close and not pop over for at least a day? (I do have an annual pass after all)
I admit to a little trepidation about feeling strange and/or thinking how much more fun it would be with the kids and grandkids.
Guess I will find out what a solo trip is like, but i do plan to do the things we as a family couldn't pick up while there last time. I was NOT queueing up for BOG with three kids 3 and under, for two hours, just to eat. I think everyone in line that day owes me a big "thank you", but will try it this time. Also TT2 was just opened and the line was two hours, will video it and bring it home for the fam.
will also enjoy quiet time to truly appreciate the surroundings, something you don't do with the grandkids.
Hope you guys are right that i will not feel funny being alone


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well there is a lot of good advice here as I knew there would be. I have a couple of weeks to decide. It seems the vast majority here are in favor of a solo trip...and I bet it would be wonderful in some aspects. I'll decide as the date gets closer.

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