Would have done it differently

Hi guys. Just back from a 2 week stay. I'm not going to give a blow-by-blow account of our trip, but I would like to tell you about some of the problems we encountered.
I have always been in favor of staying off-property if it means a longer stay. I still believe this can work, but you have to shop carefully for accommodations and shuttle service. We got a great deal on a hotel that advertised 15 minutes from Disney and free shuttle service to the parks. Technically true, but the shuttle stops at several other hotels and the trip can take anywhere from one hour to two hours. Our personal experience with this was a nightmare.
Which leads to this warning: Do not stay at any motel or hotel on W. Irlo Bronson in Kissimmee that uses the Caribbean Island Shuttle service or the Florida Sunrise Shuttle service! (They changed their name mid-trip!) The buses on this line are so decrepit, we actually had to call the Orange County Sheriff once we got to the TTC one morning to report that our bus shook so badly on the trip over that all of us on board feared for our safety. The bus was taken out of service. The Sheriff told us that this shuttle service is the worst out there, but we already knew that. On several occasions the bus was anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour late. Once, when my dh called from his cell phone to find out what the problem was, the manager just said there was a problem, the bus would get there eventually and was not at all apologetic. When dh called back 10 minutes later after the bus had still not arrived, the manager would not even answer the phone! Repeated calls and the phone just rang and rang.
Unbelievably, if you got the 6:00Pm shuttle from the TTC it made an unexplainable stop at AK. None of the hotels on the shuttle route had a scheduled pick-up at Ak, no one was ever waiting at AK for this shuttle since AK closes at 5:00PM, in fact, no one was anywhere to be seen in the parking lot! Still, 6:00 pm shuttle stopped there every time!
On another occasion, on the way back from the parks one night, the bus was so jammed that people were sitting on the front steps and had to get off and on to allow people to exit! To make matters worse, the driver was notified that he had left a stroller in the parking lane at Epcot and we had to return to get it, making for a 2 hour plus trip back to the hotel that night. This shuttle service is unbelievably unreliable and even dangerous. Avoid it at all costs!

Now the hotel. We stayed at the Sleep Inn on W. Irlo Bronson. (It also changed its named mid-trip to the Ambiance!) Our first room was very small, with only 3 drawers to store clothing. On the morning of the hurricane, rain came through the front wall and soaked the carpeting, our luggage and the clothing that we had to stack on shelves due to lack of drawer space. We were told later that day that we would have to change rooms. Now we know that hurricanes are an unavoidable occurance, but management was unbelievably unhelpful. We were told to change rooms, were offered no help whatsoever while doing so, and haggled for a little retribution. We finally got them to agree to lift the $10.00 fee for storing our luggage on the day of check-out since we weren't leaving till the evening. We asked for this after telling them we had to wash clothing as a result of the water seepage. They agreed after much rudeness such as "Just how much clothing do you have?" When I replied that it wasn't the amount of clothing so much as the amount of time it took to dry it, I was told that maybe it wouldn't take so long to dry if I didn't overload the machine. To which I replied that when only one dryer is working, one has to put more clothing in than normal to save on cost and to allow others to use the one machine. Unbelievable aggravation for $10.00!!!
We spoke to a young couple from Canada who were on their honeymoon and also had to change rooms due to unclean conditions unrelated to the storm. They told us that management was very unaccommodating and didn't care at all that this was their honyemoon.
One morning while waiting for the shuttle, which was, of course, late, we witnessed a scene in the lobby when the Sheriff came to take a report of a theft from one of the rooms. Once again, management was very uncaring.
DH was accused of making his own scene in the lobby while waiting for the once again 40-minutre late shuttle. He complained to management about the terrible service. They told him that there were "circumstances" and that we could check out if we didn't like it! What happened to hospitality?! We can hardly believe the coldness of the management of this hotel.

The horrible transportation cut into our trip so much, that we seriously feel that we will budget future trips to stay on property, even if it means a shorter stay. Learn from our mistakes and, if you are staying off-site, rent a car or make sure your hotel has its own shuttle.

Now, after all this being said, I would just like to add that all things Disney related on this trip were just as we expected . . .wonderful! I would still call this a good trip because the ten days we spent in the parks were as magical as we hoped them to be. MNSSHP was great and I have a new favorite ride...Soarin'! It is just the coolest! We rode it as often as possible. We met some wonderful people, ate some great food and celebrated our 32nd Anniversary in true Disney style. It was a great trip that could have been even better.

One last thing. Our trip got off to a bad start from a usually reliable source...Mears. Our shuttle from the airport left 20 minutes after our plane landed and got us to our hotel . . . 3 unbelievable hours later! Our driver not only didn't know where he was taking the four parties on our shuttle, he kept asking us if we knew how to get to our hotels! After many stops for directions, and much aggravation, our hotel was finally his last drop-off. After 2 days and several phone calls from dh Mears gave us retribution in a nice ride back to the airport in a Lincoln Towncar. At least they acknowledged their mistakes and righted their wrong.

Well that's it. We learned a lot and, hopefully, we helped other people on this forum to plan better than we did.


New Member
So Sorry

I feel your pain. It sounded just awful and I am sorry you had such a terrible experience.
Happy Anniversary and glad your MAGICAL time in the WORLD was wonderful.


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
The horrible transportation cut into our trip so much, that we seriously feel that we will budget future trips to stay on property, even if it means a shorter stay. Learn from our mistakes and, if you are staying off-site, rent a car or make sure your hotel has its own shuttle.
I'm sorry to read all about your dreadful experiences - that would spoil anybodys holiday. I hope the Disney experience (once you got to the parks) helped to make things better.
Did you consider staying offsite in a villa - we find it cheaper than staying on property (we require more than one bedroom) and with a rental car we are totally flexible and dependant on no-one


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. We stayed off property once, at the Comfort Inn off I-4 when I was six. It was only for a weekend, but my brother ended up with conjunctivitis in his eyes so bad he couldn't open them in the morning, and the chloring was so high in the pool that I couldn't get a brush through my hair and had to cut most of it off. :eek: We didn't go back to Disney for four years because we were saving up to stay on property!

I hope your next trip works out better. I'm glad you still got to enjoy the parks.


New Member
UponaStar....my beautiful friend! I'm so glad you're back safely. I thought about you and hoped you'd have a GREAT time. I'm sorry about the hotel you stayed in:( ...at least you know better for next time and warned others.

I'm glad your time in the parks made your trip Magical.

Love..Your Friend,



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow! I've been away from the computer for awhile and just read all of your responses. You guys are the best! :kiss:

MKT you rock! Thank you for all your input. We have already emailed Choice Hotels from whom we booked, thinking the hotel was still part of the chain. We're still waiting to hear back from them. Thanks for the additional information! :)

Samantha, love you girlfriend! :kiss:

We are just so grateful that Disney came through for us on this trip in particular. It made all the rest of it bearable. If it had been the opposite, if I were reporting that Disney had lost its magic, I would be very, very depressed right now. Instead, I feel like we learned something and I'm just glad to be able to pass it on.

P.S. - Like the new avatar? That's dh eating his favorite treat in front of his favorite attraction.


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
Wow! I've been away from the computer for awhile and just read all of your responses. You guys are the best! :kiss:

MKT you rock! Thank you for all your input. We have already emailed Choice Hotels from whom we booked, thinking the hotel was still part of the chain. We're still waiting to hear back from them. Thanks for the additional information! :)

Samantha, love you girlfriend! :kiss:

We are just so grateful that Disney came through for us on this trip in particular. It made all the rest of it bearable. If it had been the opposite, if I were reporting that Disney had lost its magic, I would be very, very depressed right now. Instead, I feel like we learned something and I'm just glad to be able to pass it on.

P.S. - Like the new avatar? That's dh eating his favorite treat in front of his favorite attraction.
My DH is a big TurkeyLeg fan too, but I'd never get away with taking his picture eating one.

but with a little help from photoshop....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nemo14 said:
My DH is a big TurkeyLeg fan too, but I'd never get away with taking his picture eating one.

but with a little help from photoshop....

If I didn't take pictures of dh eating, I wouldn't have any pictures of him at all! :lol:
How are you Nemo? Love your new hat!


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
If I didn't take pictures of dh eating, I wouldn't have any pictures of him at all! :lol:
How are you Nemo? Love your new hat!
LOL! Actually,come to think of it, that's about the only time my DH sits still when we go to WDW! On the other hand, he has hours of video he shot of me and DD and DS walking around in the parks. Unfortunately most are taken from the rear, not my best pose! I used to threaten him with mooning if he didn't put the darn camera away!

In answer to your question, I'm doing fine. All recuperated from the wedding, and glad you like my hat!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Nemo14 said:
LOL! Actually,come to think of it, that's about the only time my DH sits still when we go to WDW! On the other hand, he has hours of video he shot of me and DD and DS walking around in the parks. Unfortunately most are taken from the rear, not my best pose! I used to threaten him with mooning if he didn't put the darn camera away!

In answer to your question, I'm doing fine. All recuperated from the wedding, and glad you like my hat!

I can't believe you said that! I was just looking, through the literally hundreds of pictures dh took during our trip, for one decent one of me. Almost all of them are rear shots! Ouch! I should print them out and put them all over my fridge. Who needs Weight Watchers?


New Member
Your thread id exactly the reason I avoid ANY privately owned hotels. If their isn't a corporate chain of command there is very little to back you. Suddenly Disney's value resorts seem like a value,huh.:D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

We just got a reply to from Choice Hotels International. It was a very short letter from Customer Relations stating that, because they no longer own the hotel, they are not responsible for the quality of our stay. :eek:

I sent off another email stating that apparently they didn't read our first one very well, because in it we stated twice that we booked the hotel through Choice Hotels, that Choice Hotels never informed us that the hotel was changing hands, and that throughout the first week of our stay the hotel was still called Sleep Inn. We did not know that the hotel was in different hands until we saw a new sign outside! Our receipt, which we received on the last day of our stay has the Sleep Inn logo on it! I stated in the email that, since we stayed in a Sleep Inn hotel and Choice Hotels owned Sleep Inn hotels, they better reassess the situation and take responsibility.

I'm very upset by the response. How could they say they are not responsible! I can't wait to see what the next response will be! I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for caring! :(


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I wouldn't put up with that. If you paid for the room with a credit card, I'd just dispute the charge at this point...

that or, I'd call them up and won't settle for anything less than a resolution on the phone.


Well-Known Member
Live and learn

My advice:
Call KingdomKonsultants (a sponsor of this site) to book your trip at a Disney Value resort next time. All will be taken care of and you'll be happy. I don't work for them; rather they worked for us and we had the best time because of it.
Just in time, you'll get so much more out of staying on-site as well as the immersion in Disney, even if it means boarding busses.
We had such a great time, the only thing better would have been a monorail resort. I'm not made of money yet, but I'm working on it.


Well-Known Member
Holy Cow, Uponastar, I'm so sorry to hear all the junk you had to put up with! DH and I won't even consider staying off-site for a couple of reasons, but mainly it's the Magic. (And the bus service for when we get tore up at Epcot :D ) I'm so glad that you still managed to enjoy your anniversary! Congrats!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you, everyone, for your support. :kiss:

It got worse. :( We decided not to wait for a response to our email and called Choice Hotels directly. They told us that they never owned Sleep Inn. They said they are just a reservation center for the hotels on their website and that the hotels are independently owned and operated. They said we should deal directly with the manager of the hotel. We already know that would be a waste of time. At this point, we have pretty much decided that we don't want to fight this battle. I just really want to say how important this forum has become to me because it gives me an opportunity to have a voice I would not otherwise have. So, once again, I would like everyone to learn from our big mistake:
1) Do not stay at an independently owned hotel. Even if it appears that the hotel is part of a chain, check it out thoroughly and be sure the chain is dependable and will be responsible for the service of the hotel. Do your homework before booking. Believe me, I thought we had checked this out thoroughly, and look at the mess we wound up in.
2) If you must stay off-site, rent a car or make sure the hotel has its own shuttle service, that only services the one hotel. Never, ever under any circumstances stay at a hotel that uses the Caribbean Island or Florida Sunrise shuttle services. Never! Ever!
3) Stay on-site if at all possible. In the future we will budget to do so, even if it means shorter trips. This goes against what I previously believed to be true: That a cheaper, off-site hotel means we can have a longer stay. Take our word for it, it's not worth it. On-site, even at value hotels, is so convenient it just doesn't make sense to do it any other way. From now on, we'll count on the Disney magic to make sure we have a nice room, pleasant service and reliable transportation.

Ahhh, I feel much better now! I really do! I feel that by putting this information out there, I've done some good. I don't want to scare anyone, I just want people to make sure they are getting what they expect. Maybe one of you, right now, is rechecking what they thought was the perfect plan. If I stopped someone from making our mistakes, I'm happy!

Thanks again to everyone who has responded to my report.
You guys are the best! :)



Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
Thank you, everyone, for your support. :kiss:

It got worse. :( We decided not to wait for a response to our email and called Choice Hotels directly. They told us that they never owned Sleep Inn. They said they are just a reservation center for the hotels on their website and that the hotels are independently owned and operated. They said we should deal directly with the manager of the hotel. We already know that would be a waste of time. At this point, we have pretty much decided that we don't want to fight this battle. I just really want to say how important this forum has become to me because it gives me an opportunity to have a voice I would not otherwise have. So, once again, I would like everyone to learn from our big mistake:
1) Do not stay at an independently owned hotel. Even if it appears that the hotel is part of a chain, check it out thoroughly and be sure the chain is dependable and will be responsible for the service of the hotel. Do your homework before booking. Believe me, I thought we had checked this out thoroughly, and look at the mess we wound up in.
2) If you must stay off-site, rent a car or make sure the hotel has its own shuttle service, that only services the one hotel. Never, ever under any circumstances stay at a hotel that uses the Caribbean Island or Florida Sunrise shuttle services. Never! Ever!
3) Stay on-site if at all possible. In the future we will budget to do so, even if it means shorter trips. This goes against what I previously believed to be true: That a cheaper, off-site hotel means we can have a longer stay. Take our word for it, it's not worth it. On-site, even at value hotels, is so convenient it just doesn't make sense to do it any other way. From now on, we'll count on the Disney magic to make sure we have a nice room, pleasant service and reliable transportation.

Ahhh, I feel much better now! I really do! I feel that by putting this information out there, I've done some good. I don't want to scare anyone, I just want people to make sure they are getting what they expect. Maybe one of you, right now, is rechecking what they thought was the perfect plan. If I stopped someone from making our mistakes, I'm happy!

Thanks again to everyone who has responded to my report.
You guys are the best! :)


Dot, I'm sorry you had a horrible time, but at least you learned something and now you can impart that wisdom to other unsuspecting souls. :) Thank you for the warnings!

Scott M

New Member
Sorry to here of your experiences staying off sight. Things like that can put a damper on your whole vacation. I'm happy for you that the Disney aspect of the trip lived up to it's usual expectations, which certainly seemed to make the less desirable aspects more tolerable.

It's for this reason that we always stay on Disney property. It costs more (quite a bit, at times), but it is clearly worth it.

We certainly can not afford to go on multiple vacations a year. So when we do, we make sure that we do not give ourselves the chance to be slighted out of any experience. We've found that as good as Disney is in the entertainment and amusement park business, that's how good they are in the hotel and restaurant business.

We believe that if we're going to spend the money to go to WDW, we'll spend the extra money to stay at a Disney resort and eat at Disney restaurants. It rounds off the whole experience and doesn't allow an opportunity for problems to arise.


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