Would anyone like this privilege at Disney?


Mr Lightbeer

Original Poster
Anyone staying on-site at Universal gets to walk straight to the front of the line and onto the rides.Would anyone welcome this at WDW,with the amount of resorts at Disney it wouldn't be as good as in Universal,but would still be one hell of a perk especially during peak-season.

Personally I think it sucks,next they'll be saying you can slap a few peasants as you cruise past them to the front of the line and they'll just have to accept it as they're only staying at a 30$ a night Travellodge,but that's just the way I think, what do y'all think?:confused:


I agree with the current Fast Pass system because of the fact that everyone is entitled to use it. I don't think it would be a good idea to institute the same program as Universal. Everyone in the park has paid to be there, just because you have the means to stay on site doesn't mean you should be able to walk right past everyone else to get on line first. Where you stay shouldn't have anything to do with where your spot in line is. Everyone should be treated the same within the parks...We get some perks for being an on-site guest, which is wonderful, but I think this would be going too far and treat too many others unfairly...


Well-Known Member
I think you only can slap people if you are staying at one of the deluxe resorts @ Universal. If you are staying at a cheaper hotel you are only allowed to prod them slightly.
Seriously though, am sure if you were staying there you would think it was great. I think an early entry deal as they do as WDW would make more sense.


New Member
with the amount of disney resorts this would be shear mayhem! i think the fastpass system is great, and although i've read countless complaints about it - i have yet to experience one myself (i'm knocking on wood now though :)

however, i do catch people from time to time at disney with special 'jump to the front of the line' passes. i could never get a good look at the passes, so i have no clue what they are. does anyone know more abou this?

i heard that they are given to guests sometimes to 'make up for something that really went wrong' but i don't know if that's true or not

i like the idea of slapping people on line however - mainly people who smoke while on-line even though there are young children and no smoking signs everywhere.... i wonder where i'd have to stay to be able to do this... i'll book it today :)


Well-Known Member
I love the privlege

well i guess i'll be one of those peoplke slapping the peasants as i walk by. lol kidding but i am staying at the hardrock next month for 6 night. I thinks it great for universal. u spend the extra bucks so u deserve to getmore. I dont think it would work at disney though. to many hotel with to many people. universal has only 2 so its not that big of a deal for them.


New Member
With so many Disney hotels they can call this perk "Slowpass."
It would defeat the purpose of the Fastpass which provides equal opportunity for the elites and peasants alike....and provides only a limited number of passes per hour to assure your Fastpass stays fast.

With only 2 hotels, Universal can provide this perk without substantially affecting the general flow of guests.

Wonder what the percentage of Disney Hotel guests vs off-property guests there are at any given park on any given day?

As far as slapping a peasant on the back....eeek....I don't want to touch those low lifes....LOL. :) :) :) (just kidding for all those who can't recognize a bad joke)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I've heard that Universal is getting a lot of flack for their system. The more you pay for your ticket and hotel the more lines you can skip. I thought the caste system was ancient history ;-)


Well-Known Member
I think the Universal idea works for their park. For one, they are trying to compete with Disney in having guests stay at their park, so this advantage might make some people decide to stay at Universal instead of the awesome Disney resorts. The Fast pass at Disney is all any park needs.


Remember wdw guests get the perks of e-ride nights and early admin. Just because someone pays for on site hotels shouldn,t penalise those that don't.



RunDisney Addict
I had a friend who ran monorail for a summer down in WDW. We are in a marching band that went out to Cali for the Rose Bowl. We got a day at disney, and he wanted to ride the monorail out there, just for kicks. We sat up front with the driver, and when he found out that my friend drove monorail, we each got one pass to skip any line we wanted to go straight to the front of the line. We picked Rocket Rods (replaced peoplemover in disneyland) because it was very new at the time and the line was over an hour long.

I forget what they look like. I think they are just a card that allow you to go in the exit. You give the card to the cast member at the gate, and they radio the people up front that we were on our way. When we got there, a car was waiting for us.


New Member
My husband and I got one of those go to the front of the line cards. We got it because we were in line for test track and were about to get on when it just started to pour down rain. It was lightning really bad. They thouht that it was going to pass over us quickly, but it got over us and stopped. We didn't want to get out of line(it was before fast pass) nor did we want to walk around Epcot with it lightning that bad. So we just sat and waited for two hours and talked to the cast members. They said they weren't going to be able to open for the rest of the day, because the lighting was too bad and they gave us the go to the front of the line pass so that we could come back and just get right on. It never expired and had the test track car on it.

I think it would be bad to offer jump to the front of the line pass for resort guest. There are just way too many people staying on property. It would be nice if fastpass were offered only to resort guests. I pay the extra to stay in the park. It's not like it's that much. You can stay at the all-star for $77 during value season. You can pay more staying outside the park. I guess if you go to things other than disney it might be better to stay out of the park, but we only go to disney. I like what disney offers now, but it's always nice to have more.

I also would love to have a pass to slap those stupid people who smoke in line and any where that's not a smoking section. Come on people have some courtesy to those of us who don't want nasty dirty lungs and want to live a long time. Anyway I'm allergic to it and it makes me physically ill even at just a little smell. I do get a good laugh at the ones who stand right next to the no smoking sign and do it anyway. It's always nice to know who can't read!


Premium Member
The sort of system Universal is running can only work with a very limited number of resort guests. I'm sure it's only temporary while they try to find a way around Disney's patent on Fastpass. Imagine how frustrating that must be for them. Not only do they have to worry about the difficulties of creating that sort of system, but they have to worry that if they get too close to Disney's system they'll get a red flag.

Personally I think Universal's system is absurd. It's like a caste system as Eeyore put it. But since its just a scramble to keep up with the competition and not a devious ploy to trump the competition, I guess I can forgive it.

To answer Mr Lightbeer's original question, I would be horrified if Disney tried to institute Universal's system. It would be a complete disaster. Just look at E-ride nights! They were wonderful at the beginning, but now there are too many resort guests clued in and it's getting so that it's not worth staying up that late. I don't think we have anything to worry about though. I'm sure the Disney execs. are looking at Universal's system and laughing because they know they are one up on them. :p


Well-Known Member
Yes I would not be very happy if Disney Instituted this. It was just a way for Universal to get more people to come there and not Disney. I like disney's fast pass system.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Universal is not Disney. Their system is fine for them, I guess. However, the people I know at Universal do not think it is working well enough to get people to stay there. This system is only included in the 3 hotels on site, all of which is not affordable in the least.

I know our system has it's faults, but for the average guest and for the average family it is a better system. Our fastpass system follows the Disney tradition in the sense that everyone is welcome to use it. Waiting in line is something that can never been eliminated for everyone in the theme parks. Disney has come up with, what I feel, is the most fair way to help out with wait times for families.
Mr Lightbeer said:
Anyone staying on-site at Universal gets to walk straight to the front of the line and onto the rides.Would anyone welcome this at WDW,with the amount of resorts at Disney it wouldn't be as good as in Universal,but would still be one hell of a perk especially during peak-season.

Personally I think it sucks,next they'll be saying you can slap a few peasants as you cruise past them to the front of the line and they'll just have to accept it as they're only staying at a 30$ a night Travellodge,but that's just the way I think, what do y'all think?:confused:
Actually they have this already its called fast pass. same thing except it looks like your someone special at universal you have a back stage looking thingy on

Pixie Duster

New Member
bgraham34 said:
Yes I would not be very happy if Disney Instituted this. It was just a way for Universal to get more people to come there and not Disney. I like disney's fast pass system.

So far it's not working that way for Universal, at least based on what I know. Not trying to dog Universal or anything ( :animwink: ), just saying


Active Member
I agree with most of what everyone has said. Due to the huge number of Disney hotels, it would make the parks a living hell. Universal can get away with it for now, but I still don't like the fact that not everyone has a chance to move to the front. I guess it's a nice thing to try to entice people to stay at their hotels, but during really crowded times I would hate to be waiting in the really long lines while others can cut whenever wherever they want.


Universal actually has 3 "Fast Pass" systems. The resort front of the line, the system like Disney's, where everyone can get a pass for a specific time, and you can buy a front of the line pass for one time use at every attraction that costs like $30 and has a limited availability.


Well-Known Member
I think FastPass should only be available for those staying onsite at a Disney Resort. It would work the exact same way, just only be allowable for those that are at a Disney Resort or some type of a season pass holder.

I know the idea at Disney is that there are no VIPs and no one Guest is better than another, but the Resort and Resort perks in each category are def. set up in a system of making Guests feel less than VIP and equal. Some walk to busses, others get the luxury of monorails.

I'm sure I only say this b/c I am a Disney Resort Guest, but perks should be better I think for price paid, and this is one way to make them better.


New Member
The last time I checked, Universal's hotels were not too affordable for what you got. For me, going to the front of the line would not be enough to get me to stay there (except maybe front of Spider Man ride....LOVED that!!!) I LOVE Disney resorts. You already get so many perks for staying there. 1. They are CLEAN! :king: THere are a lot of places in orlando that are just filthy and are not considered cheap. I've never had that problem anywhere on Disney property. I others have and posted about it, but as for me, I've been very impressed with the cleanliness. 2. Transportation: :sohappy: You never have to get in your car once you reach your hotel (unless you are going to Universal or Sea World). I know some people don't like it and complain about it being slow, but if you consider how much time and trouble you save by just sitting and waiting for the right bus, it is worth it. 3. Extra Magic Hour: :) This way, we get to ride the big rides that usually have a long wait. We rode Test Track 3 times in a row with no wait during the EMH (by the way... last time I was there, we were allowed in at 7:30, not 8. Is this normal or were we just lucky?) This is just like getting to the front of the line.

In short, Disney has it going very well. Great system! I'm sure there are a couple of bugs but is anything without bugs? Considering all Disney has to manage, I think they do very well in all aspects.

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